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joined Oct 21, 2013

Also I don't get why people think the anime's ending was shit. I loved the ending, and the ending that people were hoping for sucks. People were hoping that haru actually dies and tokaku goes into depression. What the hell kind of ending is that ??

In the anime:
Suddenly Haru pulls out a knife and charges Tokaku and then gets stabbed and 'dies' and then suddenly scene transition.

It was shit because it was all disjointed, rushed and without any real exposition, not because everyone needs to suffer.

joined Nov 7, 2015

Speak for yourself. I definitely wanted more suffering. I'm fine with the main two surviving, but everybody else too? Pfft. That was pretty weak even in a certain Sunrise series, and those characters were likable (as opposed to being, y'know, assassins).

joined Nov 7, 2015

Well, I'm not really typical of the fandom. I took the series at its word, as a serious battle-royale scenario. I've felt like a sucker since I found out the actual creators don't take it that seriously at all.

I mean, they make doujins of their own series. They ship all the roommate pairs, but not in the actual story, just in covers and such -- I mean, what even is the reasoning for that? I had no idea those ships existed just from reading the manga itself, so when I checked out the fandom my first thought was industrial-strength yuri goggles... but no, apparently these characters actually are meant to be shipped, just without any actual effort on the writer's part short of rooming them together. (Suzu and Kouko barely talk!)

Probably the biggest thing I've felt like a sucker over is Chitaru and Hitsugi. In the series, their story is compelling (if cliched), with a really good coda in the anime that shows how it won't be easy from here. But then they're glued to each other in the OVA and doujins! Hell, forget consistency or taking things seriously, how is that version of them even interesting?

Don't get me wrong. I've been sold on this series since I saw the volume 1 cover. But what a godforsaken unholy mess it is. It's trying to be four or five things at once (at a rate of four or five pages a month) and no two of those things work right at the same time.

last edited at Sep 10, 2016 7:04PM

joined Jun 11, 2016

Well someone completely spoiled the next chapter, A thai translation of chapter 46 was released and then someone translated it completely right here

last edited at Jul 12, 2016 7:39PM

joined Jun 11, 2016

This story just keeps getting more and more dramatic.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Does this series goes behind the anime series

last edited at Jul 15, 2016 11:31PM

joined Jun 11, 2016

Does this series goes behind the anime series

Be more specific please.

joined Jul 15, 2016

By that I mean that does the manga go beyond the anime like after the end of the anime

joined Jun 11, 2016

I don't know,Only time will tell.

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 1:19PM

joined Jun 25, 2016

Fuck this i love banba.... Its so sad and even if she is a character out of a manga i feel bad for her.... Yeah she's my favorite

joined Nov 6, 2013

So, uh, this chapter was a bit heavy.

joined Apr 23, 2016

Hng, yeah that was a bit heavy, yay though, "Next time, the members of class Black make a reappearance?!"

joined Sep 21, 2014

Oh hey, more AnR! That's always a good thing, even if this chapter hit me right in the feels.

Also, it looks like Seven Seas just published the fourth volume a few days ago. The "official" translation isn't the absolute best, but I still buy the volumes anyway. I can't pass up on owning actual copies of one of my favourite series though.

I GOT IT TODAY, *hi5s* (it was published 2 weeks ago tho)
Idk if the translation is good or not tbh, i cant tell, but I love it, + the extra art and colour pages ❤
But oh fuck this chapter tho. I really liked it, it was good

last edited at Aug 4, 2016 12:55AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

I GOT IT TODAY, *hi5s* (it was published 2 weeks ago tho)

Oh, I didn't know that. I just go by whatever says since it's the cheapest place for me to buy manga. I have to wait weeks for my stuff to actually get delivered though.

Idk why it listed AnR 4 as August 1st. It was released on July 19th :O

joined Aug 4, 2016

I simply could not stop crying....Mi gahd. D': x3
You better still be kicking like in the anime Haru-chan! My hearrrrrrt.....

joined May 19, 2016

and hereby we have come to the mainstream conclusion, where the manga is far better than the anime

joined Apr 25, 2015

So manga decided to keep the crappy ending? -_-

Well here hoping re-appearance of the rest of the class will be more impactful here.

joined Sep 21, 2014

It makes the tragic aspect of the plot less meaningful when it turns out legit everyone lives (especially because it was ambiguous and you were lead to believe they hadnt survived), but on the other hand I know I wouldn't be able to handle it ;____; Tfw you low key are attached to everyone (on different degrees ofc)
When I was binging the anime and thought Chitaru and Hitsugi died, I legit felt pretty shocked and sad, I actually stopped watching for a good half hour to go whine to my brother about it before resuming.
The ending made me go "oh, oh okay they're fine" and then "oh my god tho they're alive". I understand that it was anti climatic in a sense, but I couldn't help but feel so relieved

joined Nov 2, 2013

I agree I like the manga way more than the anime. Even if they still pull a "everyone lives after all" ending I can't even complain because the characters were written better here... and there's more yuri. Like seriously Tokaku and Haru had NO chemistry in the anime, they didn't even talk when Tokaku "killed" Haru. The drama in this scene is way more emotionally gripping here.

last edited at Aug 5, 2016 11:18PM

joined Jan 21, 2014

Ooh, yay~ Glad Haru's entreatment worked. Tokaku was half-channeling Arnice (Nights of Azure) there. Looks like the ending would be a happy one but somehow I teared up painfully....

joined Apr 15, 2011

ummmm..... i haven't seen the anime, so are you all saying that everyone lives?!?!?!?

joined Sep 21, 2014

ummmm..... i haven't seen the anime, so are you all saying that everyone lives?!?!?!?

o-oh shit
Well the last page does say that the rest of the cast will make a reappearance, so I'm hopeful?

joined Nov 7, 2015

Has it ever been officially stated whether Haru really does have Queen Bee powers, and if so, whether she ever used them? I think the anime left that a mystery; it'll be interesting to see if the manga does too.

joined Jul 16, 2013

If she was going to kill herself if she was being manipulated, than wouldn't it have been better to just believe she wasn't or just accept that she was fine with being used if it meant protecting her versus shooting your friend and then yourself?
Because this seems stupid.

joined Jun 11, 2016

It looks interesting, but I think It's one of those stories that take years to update.

You don't don't know the half of it

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