I know that. Said Brazilian cringes when they see words with little to no vowel, because even if they can pronounce separate sounds, they have problem reading them when they are joined in way natural to our language. What I meant is that even if the way stuff is written looks hard at first glance (ie. trząść) it doesn't mean it is necessary hard to read once you know what sounds those letters represent. Just saying that if particular language has a particularly hard and inconvenient way to write stuff down (again depending from whose perspective you look at it) that doesn't automatically that said language is hard to pronounce per se. Take a look at japanese for example. By all means the use of hiragana/katakana/kanji would make anyone thinking this language is impossible to learn, but in fact they have a very basic set of sounds and their grammatical structures etc are very easy and intuitive to use. So once you know how to read their stuff, it is very easy to learn.
Sure, the way that you "write stuff down" doesn't necessarily mean that it's easy or hard. Many people find Russian alphabet to be really hard, but it's easy once you get to basics. It's the grand picture that matters: the joined vowels, multiple ways of spelling the same word etc. that makes the language hard. It's much easier to learn how to read correct French/Spanish for your average non-Slav European. Plus, the easy of pronouncing a word doesn't say anything (pun not intended) about how easy it is to actually speak the language. It's cool and all if you can read texts in a foreign language quickly, but speaking is a whole different ball game.
I meant unified way to spell for everyone as in entire world, all countries, ethnic groups and people in general. We don't that is why every language has it's own way to represent sounds like our special letters. And we have this, which as I said nobody uses on daily basis.
Well, IPA is just a phonetic alphabet, but I do agree about the fact that no one bothers with it in here. Things were different in old Polish, since you used to pronounce "ó" as long "o", instead of "u" like you do now.
Well, we did have Esperanto :P Didn't become quite the thing that everyone thought it would.
I don't think anything they do is acceptable at any level. They are not fit for anything related to government a country. They are self-centered assholes that only thinks about money. Majority of people are just to dumb to finally do something about them and stop voting on those same people that already had power and failed to do anything with it over and over again, just because they promise new things that we know they won't ever fulfill cos they never did in the past.
Bashing our politicians was not my point, since it doesn't bring anything new or relevant to the discussion. I was talking about the situation in Europe overall, bringing that quote since it sums up my problem with politicians overall - notice how I said "politicians", and not "Polish politicians" in the OP. This has nothing to do with a country or a specific political spectrum.
I'm also not fully agreeing on calling all of our politicians and labelling them as "self-centered assholes". That's just a dumb vilification that won't convince the people, neither the bad apples of the bunch. A political party are not just the ministers, presidents and PMs, but also ordinary parliament members that genuinely want to make a change.