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joined Feb 15, 2016

I know that. Said Brazilian cringes when they see words with little to no vowel, because even if they can pronounce separate sounds, they have problem reading them when they are joined in way natural to our language. What I meant is that even if the way stuff is written looks hard at first glance (ie. trząść) it doesn't mean it is necessary hard to read once you know what sounds those letters represent. Just saying that if particular language has a particularly hard and inconvenient way to write stuff down (again depending from whose perspective you look at it) that doesn't automatically that said language is hard to pronounce per se. Take a look at japanese for example. By all means the use of hiragana/katakana/kanji would make anyone thinking this language is impossible to learn, but in fact they have a very basic set of sounds and their grammatical structures etc are very easy and intuitive to use. So once you know how to read their stuff, it is very easy to learn.

Sure, the way that you "write stuff down" doesn't necessarily mean that it's easy or hard. Many people find Russian alphabet to be really hard, but it's easy once you get to basics. It's the grand picture that matters: the joined vowels, multiple ways of spelling the same word etc. that makes the language hard. It's much easier to learn how to read correct French/Spanish for your average non-Slav European. Plus, the easy of pronouncing a word doesn't say anything (pun not intended) about how easy it is to actually speak the language. It's cool and all if you can read texts in a foreign language quickly, but speaking is a whole different ball game.

I meant unified way to spell for everyone as in entire world, all countries, ethnic groups and people in general. We don't that is why every language has it's own way to represent sounds like our special letters. And we have this, which as I said nobody uses on daily basis.

Well, IPA is just a phonetic alphabet, but I do agree about the fact that no one bothers with it in here. Things were different in old Polish, since you used to pronounce "ó" as long "o", instead of "u" like you do now.

Well, we did have Esperanto :P Didn't become quite the thing that everyone thought it would.

I don't think anything they do is acceptable at any level. They are not fit for anything related to government a country. They are self-centered assholes that only thinks about money. Majority of people are just to dumb to finally do something about them and stop voting on those same people that already had power and failed to do anything with it over and over again, just because they promise new things that we know they won't ever fulfill cos they never did in the past.

Bashing our politicians was not my point, since it doesn't bring anything new or relevant to the discussion. I was talking about the situation in Europe overall, bringing that quote since it sums up my problem with politicians overall - notice how I said "politicians", and not "Polish politicians" in the OP. This has nothing to do with a country or a specific political spectrum.

I'm also not fully agreeing on calling all of our politicians and labelling them as "self-centered assholes". That's just a dumb vilification that won't convince the people, neither the bad apples of the bunch. A political party are not just the ministers, presidents and PMs, but also ordinary parliament members that genuinely want to make a change.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Anon99 posted:

Oh... that's a tough one... I'd say... Chocolate Cake... but I'm not sure ;)

@ Rina

I think religion is never the problem. It's always the people.
To be more precise: Fanatics are.

Not necessary. Sure there are moments when it is people's fault for taking religion too seriously, but they tend to have some elements that are allowing for stuff like that to happen. Islam is the best example. No matter what you say, there are dogmas build in it that you have to follow if you want to be part of the religion, like considering women worse than men, being gay is deadly sin and you have to follow exact path god choose for you. Even if you are not fanatic, you are raised in environment that teaches you those ideas as something obvious and when you are confronted with ideas of western world, that are direct opposition and clashes with what you believe in, if you want it or not, it will affect your actions. Saying that religion, especially Islam is not at fault at all, is really being ignorant of the truth.

Galich posted:

Bashing our politicians was not my point, since it doesn't bring anything new or relevant to the discussion.

I just more thought it didn't really fit with the whole agenda thing, since I don't think it was said with any intention more than being incompetent at their job. I think giving someone like Trump as example who actually used the attack in Pulse as way to further his agenda against banning Muslims from America would be a much better fit.

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 12:32PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Well, but you can find that in almost every religion.
All of the big ones at least.
In reverse this would mean that no one who really believes could live our „western“ lifestyle...

The problem is not the people believing those things you mentioned, for example.
A problem only occurs the moment you get out on the street and say that what I believe is right and everyone else is wrong. So you need to change. 'cause if you don't I will force you to.
That is the problem. And only fanatics do that.

I really don't see religion as the problem. It's the interpretation of the people that causes problems.

joined Feb 15, 2016

Agreed with Anon here. If you were influenced into Islam extremism, you could've been influenced into extremist of any other religion. It;s just the quality of indoctrination and the right personality of a target. There's been cases of both Christian and Jewish terrorism in the 20th century. Sure, Islam doesn't clash very well with the western civilization, but anyone with a braincell and an open mind will not lynch someone just because their religion has said so. You'd find plenty of nasty examples from other religions, it's just that Christian extremists are much lower profile.

Even if you removed all of religions, there would still be wars, there would still be a clash of civilizations.

I'm not as much up-to-date with American politics as with the Polish one, which was why I've picked that example. There's plenty of better Trump-ologists that could find way better example than my best one.

Doesn't change the fact that 1. Our government is incompetent, 2. It's not too keen on fighting intolerance.

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 12:43PM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Anon99 posted:

A problem only occurs the moment you get out on the street and say that what I believe is right and everyone else is wrong. So you need to change. 'cause if you don't I will force you to.

From what I know that is exactly what their religion tells them to do.

Galich posted:

Sure, Islam doesn't clash very well with the western civilization, but anyone with a braincell and an open mind will not lynch someone just because their religion has said so.

Apparently that is exactly what is happening at the daily basis there. You either follow the religion or die, or die because someone was following religion and it made it possible for them to kill you.

Anyway, I'm not going any further into this as I'm not knowledge enough to defend my point. As I mentioned before most of religions has some controversial stuff. Christianity is best example with their homophobia. And yes, it happen rarely cos they gave up on taking everything into the bible 100% seriously long time ago and only cheery pick what they like. Doesn't stop some christian from still being homophobic though. As far as I know Islam is different case cos they do take it 100% seriously and if you don't then at best you are excluded from community (at worst they kill you). That is not just their religion. That is their culture.

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 12:57PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

All that said, time for a less divisive topic:

Chocolate cake inferior. Brownies superior.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nezchan why this hate ;_;

joined Feb 15, 2016

Officially cutting the religion talk in here as well, since it doesn't go anywhere.

@ChocolateCakeLover Heretic. Rina is right, it's all about that Black Forest Cake.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I like chocolate cakes. Triple chocolate, chocolate mousse, etc.

I also like brownies. I like it when they are nice and warm and melt in your mouth as opposed to being hard and crunchy.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hey, I haven't even gotten into why Oreos are crap and people who add them to cheesecake and truffles need to be punished for their crimes.

The brownies > cake thing, that's just natural law. How things are in the world. Although cupcakes do provide a loophole.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Specifically red velvet cupcakes.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ur nut allowed to like more than one cake D:<

Galich U wunna fite I'll annex you, Ulm v Austria

I missed a chance to go atheist rage all over the place D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

Hey, I haven't even gotten into why Oreos are crap and people who add them to cheesecake and truffles need to be punished for their crimes.

The brownies > cake thing, that's just natural law. How things are in the world. Although cupcakes do provide a loophole.

Incorrect opinion unless supported by a cup of coffee.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I like Double Stuf Oreos.

joined Feb 15, 2016

Damn it ChocolateCakeLover, I've tried to bury the hatchet and get along V: Seems like diplomacy is futile, ULM world order is a go. We will fight.

joined Feb 4, 2015

What, no fair, Ulm strongest nation, Austria is nothing to them D:

And what do you mean unless supported by a cup of coffee, git tea master race scrub.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oreos are bland frosting mostly made up of shortening, sandwiched between two dry, crappy biscuits. Their popularity is mostly down to marketing and nostalgia for when you were given them as a kid and didn't know better.

Ruining a perfectly good cheesecake by adding crushed packing material...I mean Oreos, sorry, is an insult to cheesecake.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What, no fair, Ulm strongest nation, Austria is nothing to them D:

And what do you mean unless supported by a cup of coffee, git tea master race scrub.

Tea + crisp ginger snaps = perfection

joined Feb 3, 2015

oh.. I've missed the serious talk... :(

joined Feb 4, 2015

There there ;_;

joined Jan 31, 2013

Maybe that's a good thing.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty You're at the heart of the most serious talk.

@Nezchan I like Oreos, never had them before, since my country was behind the iron curtain before, and they've been introduced to us less than a year ago.

@CokeAddict I don't need no Ulms, no Austrias, nothing. I'm self sufficent. Also, your opinion is based upon a wrong assumption that anything is better without coffee.

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 1:30PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Uh... Nezchan is a cake fanatic o_O
Watch out people! She'll punish us all!!!!
Run for your life! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ・_・)┘

The German language distinguishes between „Torte“ and „Kuchen“. In English it all just seems to be the same... cake.

As far as „Torte“ goes:
Black Forest cake is my favorite.

In terms of „Kuchen“ it's cheesecake, of course ^^

@ Blackkitty

Don't worry, you didn't miss much ;)

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 1:42PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

hah, I would be very happy to be punished to eat the velvet cupcakes xD

joined Jun 22, 2016

I'm not really one to argue about cake...
As long as it's not heavily coffee flavored or drenched in alcohol I like 'em all...

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