I just read all of the suggestions again and I really like Rinas best. That whole shadow thing... Sounds kinda impressive! ^^b
Time control would be nice as well though... I would immediately use that to win the lottery (^_-)v
@ Z Long
Your secret motives are beginning to show...
Admit it! You plan to enslave the whole world one day! (☉__☉”)
Hail Empress Long! m(_ _)m
@ Blackkitty
That must be because he always had those dark circles around his eyes ^^ Just like me! ;P
The moment you fall in love for the first time I'm pretty sure you'll notice. Maybe not immediately but soon enough... There's just no way to miss that ^^
Awww... and I wouldn't call you dumb. I don't like the sound of that at all! I've met some really dumb people in my life – trust me, you don't sound like one! (ˆ⌣ˆ)
But I really wish I could hear some nice little voices inside my head... ;) Would make life more fun, don't you think...?
@ Galich
If that average poster were me it would look like this:

With a whole lot emotions on top! (◦’ںˉ◦)
@ ChocolateCakeLove
^__^ But that was the only thing I had on me that moment to carry all of those cherries ;)
Oh, and it was still clean and unused, of course ^^