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joined Mar 2, 2016


or just anything that requires thinking

Doesn't drawing take thinking though? o.o

Talking about Fay or Azai though, is anyone still in contact with them somewhere? Lin told me on Saturday they haven't shown up for literal weeks. I hope they're doing okay and aren't drowning in work. >.<

Aha well yeah.. but a different kind of thinking xD
And yeah theyre just busy though.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I'm on holidays ahahah ^-^'''
Well I'll be working soon though!
And I used to write stories but I don't anymore. I plan to draw one for the summer but I have too many ideas and don't know which one to go with... any advice? XD

joined May 21, 2016


or just anything that requires thinking

Doesn't drawing take thinking though? o.o

Drawing takes a very transient semi asbent-minded kind of thinking for me. A...very passive kind of thinking.

joined Mar 2, 2016


or just anything that requires thinking

Doesn't drawing take thinking though? o.o

Drawing takes a very transient semi asbent-minded kind of thinking for me. A...very passive kind of thinking.

Yeaah, this. I usually just zone out and let my arm do the trick haha

joined Jul 27, 2015

Hows Lin doing, brow?

Not very good. :/ Things she had buried in her mind for years are suddenly digging out of their graves and it's not just one or two of those demons. She told me it's like she's going through this weird phase where for some reason, her entire past is suddenly coming back to haunt her. The story with her best friend, her messed up relationships, all the times people hated her, the Claire sitch, the train crash, everything. She's dealing with a lot, but she's dealing with it at least. That's a good thing. Her being a psychologist helps as well. She knows what she needs to do and she has her ex and her brother to confide in while I'm not there, so I'm sure she'll pull through. Lin's a trooper. ^^ She'll be ok.

Drawing takes a very transient semi asbent-minded kind of thinking for me. A...very passive kind of thinking.

Yeaah, this. I usually just zone out and let my arm do the trick haha

Huh. Art is weird. e.o XD

joined Jul 27, 2015


Good to see you! How're you doin? What are you gonna work as after vaycay? o.o

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hey guys!

I've been a bit busy with school. I'll have a short break next week, but Im struggling to get through this one xD

joined Dec 9, 2014

Sorry for writing here only for this but I'm too busy for following both threads xD Thought it would be better to say it here instead of official thread.
I don't know where I'll be, my friend also comes and not sure where she wants to stay.
Have fun in your vacation :D

joined Jul 27, 2015

waves at Azai Don't overwork yourself, sheesh. >.<


sighs She's been through shit she doesn't deserve, but somehow she made it through. I'm confident she got this. Once I'm back home, I'll put my new energy into making her life go uphill for a change. Man, I have so many plans! XD

Oh, getting back into kickboxing is deffo on the list! My younger siblings got a little too cocky towards me these past few months, so it's time I put 'em back in their place. Also: VOLLEYBALL! Damn. Been way too long! DX

joined Jul 27, 2015

Other than that, I just wanna go back to a normal life, do things kinda everyone does, but I always missed cause the risk was too high. I wanna go back to my job and normal working hours, spend more time around friends, do more fun stuff with Lin. I wanna travel and see places without worrying about the availability of a heart doc there. I just wanna be out there, y'know. I wanna actually live again. is pumped

last edited at Jun 7, 2016 8:38AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Just caught up with the WDTFS chapters I missed. Did ya'll know there's a Citrus group on FB called "Goddamnit Mei!"? Yeah, someone needs ta make one for Sumin. -.-

joined Jul 27, 2015

Ahaha take it easy, brow..

Easy? No fucking way man! I been takin it easy for almost 3 years now. Time to get my ass back out there! :D But before everything: gym time. I'm way too bony. -.-

U must be good with volleyball that u missed it.. i m suck at volleyball. Better watch it. Female Volleyball players are sexy... xD

Not to brag...Or actually, fuck it. I'mma brag now: I was one of the best volleyball players in my highschool back then.
Due to years of kickboxing training beforehand, I had mad strong legs. I had the overall best footwork in my team. I was the highest jumper, fastest runner and quickly became one of the top scorers. X3 I had an average score of 7 points each game. The coach was actually almost stunned to tears when I said I had to retire. So yeah. I rocked, yo.

now u can carry me on yr back for hours xD

No freakin way. You got Mvl for that. XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Ahaha really? Well athletic body is all cool too..

And it's sexy as hell. X3 Back then, before my heart decided to go full retard on me, I had pretty high standards when it came to the look of my lover. XD I didn't even consider anybody, who wasn't in a sports club or at least didn't do any kind of sports in their spare time. Hitting the gym on a regular basis didn't even count as a sport to me. Boys I expected to be stronger than me. If they weren't, there was no way they'd get out of the friendzone. XD I'm not as strict anymore. I have other priorities now. But generally, one thing hasn't changed: I just can't date someone, who isn't physically fit. Doesn't work. XD

Woww.. u were the team ace then... Cool.. Two thumbs up!!! well, u bragged in the end. Lol..

One of the aces. The club was big enough to form 2 complete teams with, subs included. I was one of the 5 top notch players. Our captain was the shining star though. She scored less hit points than me, but she had an incredible average set score of 95% (Uh. I don't know if these are the correct terms used in English since I just freely translated them, but just to explain: hit points are the points you score when you're the one on the offense, meaning the one who hits the ball over the net. Setting is what you call the last pass played in the team, meaning when you pass the ball to another player so they may hit it over the net. The hit score of a player greatly depends on the setting beforehand. So when you have a high average set score, it means you're indirectly responsible for the overall hit score of the team. An average set score of 95% basically means that almost every single ball this player has set has lead to a point scored for the team.)

....Talking about it like that just got me pumped. I'mma go grab Kat and drag her to the court for a few rounds, lol. Later!

last edited at Jun 7, 2016 12:21PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Sorry for writing here only for this but I'm too busy for following both threads xD Thought it would be better to say it here instead of official thread.
I don't know where I'll be, my friend also comes and not sure where she wants to stay.
Have fun in your vacation :D

Well, okay, haha, just tell me if you have some free time :) I'm gonna be working but it will be 4 hours so I will probably be free most days. I'm proooobably going to go to the pride too but you said you don't really follow that stuff so I don't know XD. Well! I don't mind meeting your friend either anyway if she doesn't mind I mean and if you don't mean and um yeah! ^-^'''

joined Jul 27, 2015

So Macy and Fay is gonna be the new couple? Thumbs up Ya got my blessing. XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

The Faycy ship will set sail in a few. Passengers should board soon! X'D

joined Mar 8, 2014

The Faycy ship will set sail in a few. Passengers should board soon! X'D

what? ^-^; we're not playing that... you sure are fast to ship people XD
^ MacySan this is why I wrote to you in Greek the first time XD. Jk, I don't mind, it's funny :P

last edited at Jun 7, 2016 5:47PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

The Faycy ship will set sail in a few. Passengers should board soon! X'D

what? ^-^; we're not playing that... you sure are fast to ship people XD
^ MacySan this is why I wrote to you in Greek the first time XD. Jk, I don't mind, it's funny :P

I see...then we write in greek next time! :D Su won't be able to understand it hehe

joined Jul 27, 2015

you sure are fast to ship people XD

I shipped Ratana Satis and Alextasha after I saw a convo of them in the Lily Love discussion thread, so...yeah. XD But seriously, Fay. You ask to meet with another girl and hint at the pride parade. That's pretty much the lesbian equivalent of wanting to casually meet with a guy and mentioning you're single for "no apparent reason." You are so hitting on her! Admit it! XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

you sure are fast to ship people XD

I shipped Ratana Satis and Alextasha after I saw a convo of them in the Lily Love discussion thread, so...yeah. XD But seriously, Fay. You ask to meet with another girl and hint at the pride parade. That's pretty much the lesbian equivalent of wanting to casually meet with a guy and mentioning you're single for "no apparent reason." You are so hitting on her! Admit it! XD

'-' is it...? I kinda accidentally asked a guy out once... He was messaging me on facebook all the time and I told him "we're talking a lot on facebook I think we should meet some time!" I just meant that I wanted to talk to him in person because it seemed kind of weird to me to talk on facebook all the time... but then we ended up in a pub instead of the school cafeteria.. >.>
And no, there's a pride in here in some weeks so um! If we both go we could meet, that's the point ><. I think you went a bit overboard with the comparison; for guys it's enough to even tell them "hi" and they think you're hitting on them XD Jk, but it that really the equivalent...? I didn't think saying something about pride parades was considered innuendo... '-'
I'm not hitting on her >< I don't hit on people I haven't even seen! unless it's a joke.
MacySan Su is going to google translate it and make up an even crazier story XD

last edited at Jun 8, 2016 5:13AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well. Things here have been busy during the week with work and this past weekend my best buddy came for a visit (not my ex, my other closest friend), so I haven't had much energy or time for Dynasty. Kanojo and I have seen a lot of our family and friends lately which is nice since we love them, but some times it's nice to just have some time to ourselves ^^;... Kanojo got tickets to see Hamilton this weekend so we're going to do a little 2 day 1 night trip to New York, which I'm looking forward to :) I'm sure she had to commit some sort of crime to get those tickets... they're supposed to be impossible to get.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Hahaha I never take someone being friendly as hitting on me xD It's like, they can't be nice if there are no other motivations behind lol. But Su was def joking xD

Guys do that a lot though. (Some) think that if u look or try to be nice you must like them lol. I

joined Jul 27, 2015

I'm not hitting on her >< I don't hit on people I haven't even seen! unless it's a joke.

Man, ya sure are cruel. First you wanna hit on her during pride and now you say it'd just be a joke. Never woulda thought you can be this wicked! o.o Such shock! Wow! But poor MacySan. Her heart will be broken for sure.

last edited at Jun 8, 2016 7:29AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I know, haha. If I was hitting on someone I'd ask them to try my drink and insist that it's amazing xD (apparently).
no comments =.=

joined Sep 15, 2015


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