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joined May 20, 2016

Is this yuri enough?

Well, to me it was more than expected.
To anyone who might be in doubt about it, I'll just put these massive spoilers here:

9/10 because I really wanted it to be longer.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is this yuri enough?

Well, to me it was more than expected.
To anyone who might be in doubt about it, I'll just put these massive spoilers here:

9/10 because I really wanted it to be longer.

The dark-haired girl looks remarkably like Touya from Hikaru No Go, which makes those screenshots kind of surreal.

joined May 20, 2016

I kinda like her, but not that much I think? At least not in the beginning.
The other girls, tho, I just fell in love with most of them.

It was worthy my money.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I just finished up all routes. I strongly agree with chris09, that I wish it had been longer.

The only gripe I have, is that both the main story, and the route endings, came to an end a bit too abruptly. I believe the game would have benefited greatly from route-specific epilogues. Even still, it was a very, very enjoyable experience.

I would give it a solid 8/10, held back a bit the feeling of being cut short, but still strong because of amazing writing, and overall very strong relationships/routes.

Personally, I got sooo misty eyed throughout both Jessie's and Becky's routes. So heartwrenching, and ultimately beautiful. Lily/10, would cry again.

Ermengarde's route was also very well written IMO, with the growing feelings wonderfully presented.

I really liked the direction Lavinia's route was heading, but it needed more time to reach full potential. Still very enjoyable though.

Mariette's route was pretty good, although I had hoped to hear more about her life and about her as a person, not just as a maid. An actual romantic development would also have been nice. ....She is so very pretty....

Lotties route was cute and all, but as someone who's not overly fond of children, I found it to be the least interesting.

joined Apr 5, 2013

This is a little wonderful gem.
The art is just lovely, nice background, cute sprites, funny chibis, and beautiful CG. Seriously, I love the CG in this game.
The gameplay is easy and nice, I'm thankful of not having to suffer like in LLTQ or Black Closet... at least not for the gameplay.
And the story and characters are wonderfuly done.

I pretty much agree with Ropponmatsu.

But I think that Becky's route is my favorite.
Of course Jessie and Ermengarde routes are wonderful too.
And Lavinia... is complicated.
I still need to finish Lottie and Mariette routes.

Really hope that sells well, and than Hanako will deliver some kind of epilogues. That would be lovely. I really want more.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Just started it last night, the artfatastic, I love the character designs. I'm pretty sure I saw the movie version of the original. But she had an Indian servant I think.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I rather remember the old anime that got several reruns on TV here : Princess Sarah

Quite a sad story, where Minchin and Lavinia are downright horrible to Sarah once she's lost her father. But of course, all is well that ends well.

joined Apr 5, 2013

Just started it last night, the artfatastic, I love the character designs. I'm pretty sure I saw the movie version of the original. But she had an Indian servant I think.

I can't be sure, because I haven't read it, but the ones that did it, says that the game is closer to the original book than the other adaptations.
In particular I found pretty amusing that they say that the Ermengarde bits are actually pretty gay in the books.

By the way, I'm ready to get the last two remaining routes, Lottie and Mariette. Tonight I left just before the second half with both events cleared (And Becky's too, because Becky). But then... blackout.
Hopefuly this night I will fare better.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I liked the game so much, I played through all routes in two sittings.... ;x

There's no such thing as too much yuri in one day. x)

joined Feb 11, 2014

Done the Jessie and Lavaria's route so far. Really loved Jessie's one, but have a thing for readhead, so... :3

Lavaria's was interesting, though it kinda felt "lacking" in the end, contrary to Jessie's. Next, think I'll go for Beckie, then probably try Marriette and Ermengarde. Lottie... I dunno, she's a bit too annoying for my taste... :/

joined Feb 17, 2016

I really enjoyed this, especially the crazy push/pull tsundere antics of Lavinia, and the flawed, flighty, yet sympathetic Jessie.

And that proposal at the end of Becky's route might be the best thing I've ever seen!

Most of it's low-key. It has a similar flavour to Marimite but the yuri's more blatant. Jessie's explicitly gay, rather than Sara-sexual, and says as much.

My ears pricked up at the scheduling music during the second act. It really heightened the sense of drama. Once that theme kicked in, I had to play straight through to the end.

I can imagine revisiting this one. I can't say that about every VN.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Jessie (because redhead) and Becky are my favourites so far, even though I haven't got to any of the enfs yet. Lavinia I like too, cause I can totally see the tsundere coming. xD And Lottie is super annoying... and I'm not a loli fan.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I enjoy lolis in yuri to a certain extent, but Lottie feels much more like a "child", rather than a "loli" to me, although I believe that is intentional.

Her route is also non-romantic, without any subtext.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Oh good, that would be creepy.

joined Oct 3, 2014

I read the book many years ago in middle school and have very fond memories of it, especially of Sara herself. This game brought me close to tears too many times to count, although I have quite the opposite of rose-tinted glasses for Lavinia.

I'm so glad someone re-imagined gay girls into one of my favorite childhood stories.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I think I forgot what a horrible person Minchin was. Ugh.

I ended up on the becky-route. Lavinia's route seemed to have timed out on me... and Jessie's events I couldn't get enough tokens or whatever to play but two of them...

Becky's route was was really sweet though! And the picture for their ending was so pretty and Becky's blushy-face was adorable! I cried.

I'll try for Jessie's next time.

I wonder if Lavinia turns into a bitch everytime you don't pick her, or just if her event times out..

joined Jan 11, 2015

Lavinia is... Lavinia, lol. I enjoyed her route, but it ended just as it started getting good. :<

Yes, Minchin is an awful bitch. The guardian being an awful person seems to be a theme in many stories from that time, where children are the main characters.

last edited at May 31, 2016 3:45AM

joined Apr 5, 2013

Finally completed all the routes the other night.
And my favorites didn't really changed with the addition of Mariette and Lottie routes. Still between Jessie, Becky and Ermengarde.

If you push me enough I will say that Becky is my absolute favorite. Not only she's adorable, but her route is full of both heartwarming and heart-wrenching moments.
Just love the lesbian epiphany of Sara, when she realize that she loves Becky in a romantically way.
And I agree that the ending CG is just lovely!!

But Jessie's route is very close. And the CG are just as beautiful, if not more. And you can't help but feel sorry for Jessie. You can feel her despair as the Damocles sword is hanging over her head and the doors closes slamming her face one after another.

And Ermengarde... sweet Ermengarde. She can be slow, but she tries. And her feelings for Sara are so strong and precious.

Gah, I love all the routes, that's it. =3

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I dislike the nuying events mechanic, it's too random, and doesn't seem tomake a difference in the story.

joined Feb 11, 2014

I agree that the "gameplay" is pretty weak and feels like it's just there to say "look, there's some gameplay, it's not just click away the story !". The randomisation is actually a bit too much and as you can't know what you'll need beforehand, it's hard to plan properly at first, then you pretty much take whatever will gives you most chance to max out the stats.

It's even more annoying in the second half of the game as it feels like you have very little room for missing an event. My first playthrough, I managed to get them all in a row, but it really was all thanks to luck more than actual planning. Unlike Magical Diaries, Long Live the Queen or Black Closet, it doesn't feel like there's really an actual meaning to the whole planning and stats.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Just savescum it like I did... Ufufu

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Chantelune posted:

I agree that the "gameplay" is pretty weak and feels like it's just there to say "look, there's some gameplay, it's not just click away the story !". The randomisation is actually a bit too much and as you can't know what you'll need beforehand, it's hard to plan properly at first, then you pretty much take whatever will gives you most chance to max out the stats.

It's even more annoying in the second half of the game as it feels like you have very little room for missing an event. My first playthrough, I managed to get them all in a row, but it really was all thanks to luck more than actual planning. Unlike Magical Diaries, Long Live the Queen or Black Closet, it doesn't feel like there's really an actual meaning to the whole planning and stats.

My thoughts exactly and was surprised nobody commented how bad gameplay is until now. Unlike LLTQ and other similar system where stats you maxed are permanent and there are other things influencing it, you can't really plan anything since you have 3 random outcomes and unless event is announced in advance, you don't know what to max so you are force to max everything. It feel especially bad when you actually try to get some stat and RNG just screws you anyway. Maxing vigor is especially a huge pain. Instead of planning what event you want or managing your stats wisely, you just feel like game randomly tells you which events you can and can't take part in.

Ropponmatsu posted:

Just savescum it like I did... Ufufu

Pretty much what I did. At first I felt like I'm cheating but I get it over soon realizing just how plainly bad this system is.

last edited at May 31, 2016 10:58AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Just savescum it like I did... Ufufu

I did, but just hammer it in for me. A gameplay that forces you to savescum just to go where you want because there's no planning ahead and you have to just rely on luck is a bad one in my opinion. Even knowing what stats you'll need in advance isn't really helping as for some stats, you have to keep doing the same thing over the week and even then, you might end up getting nothing you need or not enough.

Fixed gain instead of the random one would already be a huge improvement and let you at least plan ahead a bit more.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I suppose I didn't really think about it, since I'm a terrible savescummer in general, lol.

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