Pito wasn't satisfied with the one that was on Dynasty (by Baekhap) or the poorly edited one on twitter?
Cus iirc, the one you submitted, besides image resolution, wasn't very different from the one that was originally uploaded.
Sorry to pop your bubble. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say the "poorly edited one in twitter" but this version uploaded here was approved and praised by Pito for having more accurate translations and a 'cleaner' output typesetting wise. Also, it definitely was not this one, uploaded now. Also this one had an extra page that wasn't in the original.
The one that was on Dynasty wasn't the one that Pito disapproved of on twitter. The one in your link was poorly edited and had a different translation than the one that was originally submitted on Dynasty, which had a pretty similar translation to yours and sounded smoother, wording-wise. I just checked with Firelily and I was correct, what you found and criticized was a 2nd version, unrelated to the one on Dynasty (we know yours is the currently uploaded one, we totally noticed), that you could have easily noticed. (Twitter version had the words over the text bubbles): Baekhap, Twitter
If Baekhap had found the same images you had used, I don't see how yours is that better tbh, but it's okay, Firelily doesn't mind that a new version was uploaded for the image resolution and that extra page, and that alright by me as well, but one thing doesn't sit right.
We're not sure how to approach them, because if we told them Pito didn't like their TL people might just view us as 'antagonizing them' so we just did what we can.
What I don't understand however, is why you didn't approach Baekhap. So like, you didn't want to upset them over a translation Pito disapproved of, one they weren't actually responsible for, so by "do what you can", you just decided to just do it anyways and deal with the "formalities" after it was uploaded? That sounds like a lazy excuse.
That you have better image resolution and a translation that the author approves of, that I get, but first of all, the one the author criticized was not the one on the reader, and second of all, you went behind another group's back.
It's like you think that by putting more emphasis on how the author gave their 'ok', that you can just gloss over how you didn't contact the original uploader because "yours was better anyway".
That, I have a problem with.
last edited at Apr 26, 2016 12:08PM