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joined Nov 20, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

Hi.. hi.. Kittokatto
Finally u show yr butt again...
Hows yr day?

It was awful xD

it was awful, but u are still able to smile..
Hahahha... it means its really awful..

Well..I don't want all my luck to just go away if I start frowningor something xD

tell me, how could you even relate frowning to luck? this is the first time i hear it

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 1:40AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

mvl89 is a bully......

If you dont explain anything, i promise i will stop coming to this thread..

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 1:53AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Okayy... i get it...

joined Jan 13, 2016

mvl89 is a bully......

If you dont explain anything, i promise i will stop coming to this thread..

Huh? Who is a bully? I thought you hate me now so i was planning to leave this thread forever. That is all. I couldn't stand if you actually hate me. I tried to delete all my traces in this thread but couldn't finish them all. How did this happen? No idea from me.
I blame this on the non English text.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 2:41AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

My mind is still too fuzzy to understand what the shit you guys are going on about. yawns
G'morning, fellas. Lin says hi as well. ^^

joined Mar 2, 2016

Rainy and Mvl wtf is going on guys lol..

And good morning Sulin XD thats my new nickname for you cause Im too lazy to write both your names hahah.

joined Jul 27, 2015

Rainy and Mvl wtf is going on guys lol..

I'd like to know that as well XD

And good morning Sulin XD thats my new nickname for you cause Im too lazy to write both your names hahah.

Sorry to disappoint you, but that nickname ain't new. XD It's been around for a while. Our friends gave it to us. And now they usually refer to us as Panda, because when you google "Sulin" or "Su and Lin", apparently you get lots of pictures of a panda. XD

Anyway. Neeewwppyyy!!! :D jump-tackle hugs you Lol. Felt like it. XD Someone ever told you you're crazy talented? I mean seriously. Wish I could draw like that. o.o

joined Sep 15, 2015

Let's make this thread alive again lol

joined Jul 27, 2015

starts performing CPR on thread C'mon, now! Don't you give up on me! BREATHE!
XD Morning, Kittokatto ... that nickname just doesn't get old, lol.

joined Nov 20, 2015

mvl89 is a bully......

If you dont explain anything, i promise i will stop coming to this thread..

Huh? Who is a bully? I thought you hate me now so i was planning to leave this thread forever. That is all. I couldn't stand if you actually hate me. I tried to delete all my traces in this thread but couldn't finish them all. How did this happen? No idea from me.
I blame this on the non English text.

No, the problem is not with the non English.
The prob is me. I m running of ways to have yr attention...

If i ever hv prob, thats yr "good byes"... i took it as a joke these times and never take it serious.. Till today... you deleted yr posts.. again.. I know its yr right. But, i thought that you said youll never do that again at the first time you deleted your posts?

U are a funny and very kind person, mvl. I dont know with others, but apparently i dont think i will ever come to hate you... trust me...

joined Sep 15, 2015

starts performing CPR on thread C'mon, now! Don't you give up on me! BREATHE!
XD Morning, Kittokatto ... that nickname just doesn't get old, lol.

Hahahaha. I haven't been much in the thread lately. Been busy and all. But hey !! I'm just glad you're back !!

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hello.... everyone.... xD

Running to the gank, stumbled, running again... /high five/ :D
Sorry for making this thread a bit .... i dont know how to express it...

Rainy cant make a steady pace without mvl..

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 3:47AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Are you and Mvl actually fighting though? Or just being your usual random selves? o.o

joined Jan 13, 2016

mvl89 is a bully......

If you dont explain anything, i promise i will stop coming to this thread..

Huh? Who is a bully? I thought you hate me now so i was planning to leave this thread forever. That is all. I couldn't stand if you actually hate me. I tried to delete all my traces in this thread but couldn't finish them all. How did this happen? No idea from me.
I blame this on the non English text.

No, the problem is not with the non English.
The prob is me. I m running of ways to have yr attention...

If i ever hv prob, thats yr "good byes"... i took it as a joke these times and never take it serious.. Till today... you deleted yr posts.. again.. I know its yr right. But, i thought that you said youll never do that again at the first time you deleted your posts?

U are a funny and very kind person, mvl. I dont know with others, but apparently i dont think i will ever come to hate you... trust me...

You will always have my attention. I told you now i'm pretty much listen to whatever you say. I did really mean about leaving this thread though. I don't know how to handle people and i'm getting too old to be here hahaha. I actually meant what i said about running off to marry some random guy i would see on the street in that one message to you even though you didn't take it seriously. Yesterday i posted about going to delete my posts. Dofu saw it before i deleted it.
As for leaving this thread i am still considering. But i hope you will continue to be here.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 3:58AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Are you and Mvl actually fighting though? Or just being your usual random selves? o.o

Hahahhaha no fighting... xD
I dont want to miss any fun and any random rambling here, esp with mvl...

joined Nov 20, 2015

mvl89 is a bully......

If you dont explain anything, i promise i will stop coming to this thread..

Huh? Who is a bully? I thought you hate me now so i was planning to leave this thread forever. That is all. I couldn't stand if you actually hate me. I tried to delete all my traces in this thread but couldn't finish them all. How did this happen? No idea from me.
I blame this on the non English text.

No, the problem is not with the non English.
The prob is me. I m running of ways to have yr attention...

If i ever hv prob, thats yr "good byes"... i took it as a joke these times and never take it serious.. Till today... you deleted yr posts.. again.. I know its yr right. But, i thought that you said youll never do that again at the first time you deleted your posts?

U are a funny and very kind person, mvl. I dont know with others, but apparently i dont think i will ever come to hate you... trust me...

You will always have my attention. I told you now i'm pretty much listen to whatever you say. I did really mean about leaving this thread though. I don't know how to handle people and i'm getting too old to be here hahaha. I actually meant what i said about running off to marry some random guy i would see on the street in that one message to you even though you didn't take it seriously. Yesterday i posted about going to delete my posts. Dofu saw it before i deleted it.
As for leaving this thread i am still considering. But i hope you will continue to be here.

So, this is bc of me? I m sorry for being blunt and cant read the mood... am i that complicated to handle? C mon... we dont need to be young to be here...

And, no.. this thread will miss 2 persons.. i dont expect any less of yr presence, unless you busy... so, dont go... pls..pls..pls..

joined Apr 3, 2016

I don't know how to handle people and i'm getting too old to be here

Come on now, that's an excuse and not even a good one. Nobody is going to think bad of you if you actually do decide to leave, although I do agree with Rainy that I wouldn't want to see that happen. But if you're going to go, at least don't leave us with BS like that. There's more behind this, isn't there? It's alright if you don't want to talk, but don't lie like that, please. It doesn't really make it better.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Wth happened here? o__O
mvl89, don't leave us like that! (>.<)

Side note: wish me lots of coffee break today ;D

joined Jan 4, 2016

Yesterday was like this for me.. Work, work,work, and then I kinda don't remember. I made out with a gorgeous British girl who I'm just trying to be friends with, smh and then I left my phone at her place #idiot ugh I don't know how I'm going to get out of this one kids. =( #teamshameless
Ugh I'm so mad at my self.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 6:25AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

May the coffee gods be with you.

Sheesh...Good luck getting out of this mess. But if you made out, which kinda means to me that you're into each other, why just be friends? Not looking for a relationship right now or what's up?


Lin and me need your opinion on something.

Could you guys give us your quick gut decision on which of these cars you'd rather like to take a ride in? No need to give reasons if you don't want to. ^^

Candidate A

Candidate B

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:22AM

joined Feb 5, 2015


Wow that's a tough situation to get out of. May the force be with you.


Candidate A!!


Don't leave phantom partner D:

joined Jan 13, 2016


Wow that's a tough situation to get out of. May the force be with you.


Candidate A!!


Don't leave phantom partner D:

Haha now you show up. You left your wandering phantom partner all confused here and went off to your adventure by yourself.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:48AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Haha now you show up. You left your wandering partner all confused here and went off to your adventure by yourself.

Didn't go wandering anywhere, just had some connection problems here. Should we go wandering now?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha now you show up. You left your wandering partner all confused here and went off to your adventure by yourself.

Didn't go wandering anywhere, just had some connection problems here. Should we go wandering now?

Yes. I think it is a good idea to wander off to somewhere nice to have some fresh air. What do you think is a good place to wander off to?

Guess what? Last Friday when i was wandering through these skyways near my work i finally found one sexy pair of butts with nice legs as well. Hahaha.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 7:55AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Hello.... everyone.... xD

Running to the gank, stumbled, running again... /high five/ :D
Sorry for making this thread a bit .... i dont know how to express it...

Rainy cant make a steady pace without mvl..

you have some incomprehensible drama going on ^-^'''''''''''' you both are so dramatic, you need to chill XD

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