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joined Jul 27, 2015

Are we really that cute? I mean, c'mon. We're just doing normal stuff. XD You're really the first one to think we're "super cute." Our friends all think we're just your average silly couple. ^^;

I'm going to have this stuck in my head for days now. X'D

joined Feb 13, 2016

I. Just. Want. To. Burn. All. These. Papers.

breathes deeply. 5 days. I just need to put up with this s*** for 5 days.

joined Jul 27, 2015


When nothing else helps, try punching a wall. It probably won't serve as an outlet to release some pent up stress, but you'll surely double over in pain, which will at least distract you with some different thoughts. Like "Ow" and "this fucking hurts" and "fucking hell, I'm a moron" and maybe also "I think I just broke my knuckles." ^^

Don't take my advice. It's bad.

joined Mar 8, 2014


When nothing else helps, try punching a wall. It probably won't serve as an outlet to release some pent up stress, but you'll surely double over in pain, which will at least distract you with some different thoughts. Like "Ow" and "this fucking hurts" and "fucking hell, I'm a moron" and maybe also "I think I just broke my knuckles." ^^

Don't take my advice. It's bad.

I did that once >.>

joined Feb 13, 2016


When nothing else helps, try punching a wall. It probably won't serve as an outlet to release some pent up stress, but you'll surely double over in pain, which will at least distract you with some different thoughts. Like "Ow" and "this fucking hurts" and "fucking hell, I'm a moron" and maybe also "I think I just broke my knuckles." ^^

Don't take my advice. It's bad.

... to be honest, I used to do that. Really.

But I quit after I hurt my hand pretty bad. o_O

rarely I still do it, but I need to be very very stressed; and yep "fucking hell, I'm a moron" is what immediately comes to my mind

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 3:32PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Maybe not subtle, but awesome method imo. XD

Lol or just shamelessly pushy.

Told my girlfriend that I'll propose to her when I'm good and ready, but she doesn't like that because she wants to be the one that does it. I don't understand women. Is Lin fussy about that kind of thing -_-?

She isn't. ^^ But from what you told us about your kanojo until now, Lin seems to pretty much be the exact opposite of her, so I guess the 2 can't really be compared.

Lol well by that comparison, you and I have pretty different sensibilities also.

I'm kind of on your side with this one though. I don't see either why it would matter who proposes to whom. Maybe she has something really special and elaborate planned and doesn't want this to get ruined? Or she just wants to use this opportunity to remind you who's wearing the pants in the relationship. XD shrugs I really don't know.

Her explanation was basically that it's something she's wanted to do for a long time ("what's a long time?" "14 months" "you've wanted to get married for over a year now?" "yes" "why didn't you drop a hint?" "I did but I didn't want to scare you away since you're the skittish type" "......") so she still wants to do it once it's something I want. It's not like I don't ask, it's just a lot of the time the answers lead to baffling discoveries or even more questions...

I know I'm gonna be the one to propose to Lin one of these days, cause we sort of humoruously settled on that after realizing I was the one to initiate our first kiss, first time sex and moving in together, so to keep my alpha-top rep up, I might as well be the one to round that final base as well. XD But I wouldn't mind if she actually surprises me with a proposal one of these days.

Lol that's a lot of initiating things for one little top :P

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol or just shamelessly pushy.

#TeamShameless? XD

Lol well by that comparison, you and I have pretty different sensibilities also. think if we're going for people, who are the complete opposite of each other, we're probably polar opposites as well? o.o

Her explanation was basically that it's something she's wanted to do for a long time ("what's a long time?" "14 months" "you've wanted to get married for over a year now?" "yes" "why didn't you drop a hint?" "I did but I didn't want to scare you away since you're the skittish type" "......") so she still wants to do it once it's something I want. It's not like I don't ask, it's just a lot of the time the answers lead to baffling discoveries or even more questions...

Wait, so you never actually talked about the topic before? Like, when she started having the first thoughts, she just kept them all to herself without even asking you for your view? And when you say "the answers lead to baffling discoveries or even more questions..." Uh...just gonna be blunt now: you guys don't really talk with each other, do ya? o.0

Lol that's a lot of initiating things for one little top :P

May I remind you that I'm 181cm tall? My body can easily contain all that top-spirit. ;D

joined Jul 27, 2015

But I quit after I hurt my hand pretty bad. o_O

rarely I still do it, but I need to be very very stressed; and yep "fucking hell, I'm a moron" is what immediately comes to my mind

There was one time when I was a teen when someone threatened me and I was forced to punch them. I punched them in the jaw and regretted it few minutes afterward when my knuckles were red and swollen and I could barely move my fingers for a week. And that was from a punch to a bone, which was covered by a soft layer of skin and a bit of muscle. If you can punch solid concrete walls without immediately fucking crushing your hand and learning your lesson to never, ever do it again, you're either related to Wolverine or just plain hardcore. Dayum girl...

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 6:21PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

But I quit after I hurt my hand pretty bad. o_O

rarely I still do it, but I need to be very very stressed; and yep "fucking hell, I'm a moron" is what immediately comes to my mind

There was one time when I was a teen when someone threatened me and I was forced to punch them. I punched them in the jaw and regretted it few minutes afterward when my knuckles were red and swollen and I could barely move my fingers for a week. And that was from a punch to a bone, which was covered by a soft layer of skin and a bit of muscle. If you can punch solid concrete walls without immediately fucking crushing your hand and learning your lesson to never, ever do it again, you're either related to Wolverine or just plain hardcore. Dayum girl...

haha you obviously wouldn't punch it with all your strength! XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

If you can punch solid concrete walls without immediately fucking crushing your hand and learning your lesson to never, ever do it again, you're either related to Wolverine or just plain hardcore. Dayum girl...

Yeah, I learned my lesson, since I'm not related to Wolverine xD. Usually I bottle up a lot of things and I never get hysterical. Rarely I just lose it when I'm alone, but I try to control myself so I won't hurt my hand like that ever again.

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 7:36PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

If you can punch solid concrete walls without immediately fucking crushing your hand and learning your lesson to never, ever do it again, you're either related to Wolverine or just plain hardcore. Dayum girl...

Yeah, I learned my lesson, since I'm not related to Wolverine xD. Usually I bottle up a lot of things and I never get hysterical. Rarely I just lose it when I'm alone, but I try to control myself so I won't hurt my hand like that ever again.

yeah I also lose it when I'm alone XD... I'm pretty good at seeming calm and like I have it altogether when I'm in public. Like today for example I was shouting at my computer for a good 15 minutes because it kept lagging, literally.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol or just shamelessly pushy.

#TeamShameless? XD

Indeed lol think if we're going for people, who are the complete opposite of each other, we're probably polar opposites as well? o.o

Not saying complete opposites but likely very different. I studied mathematics so when you use a word like opposite I take it more literally than I think you're using it haha

Wait, so you never actually talked about the topic before? Like, when she started having the first thoughts, she just kept them all to herself without even asking you for your view? And when you say "the answers lead to baffling discoveries or even more questions..." Uh...just gonna be blunt now: you guys don't really talk with each other, do ya? o.0

I am not a great person or girlfriend lol. I'm prone to bouts of selfishness and generally prioritize making a life of contentment for myself. Until I met kanojo, even with my first love, I wanted life to be a certain way and I was never thinking too much about the long term with them. I've put more thought and energy into being good to kanojo than I ever have been with someone before, because I love her and I want her to be happy. All that said and even if she doesn't like it when I'm self-deprecating, she understands that she's special to me and that I wasn't really prepared for how well things worked out between us.

We talk a lot which is why new things are discovered xD Even after years with someone you still learn stuff that will take you by surprise. We've talked in length about wanting to spend our lives together and kids and things along those lines, and that's why she thought I would say yes before. That and we were pretty much living together already. The more I talk about it the more it just sounds like I'm still being chicken shit when it comes to commitment, not her being nutty lol, which has led me to a string of guilty sentiments the past couple months. Since we got back together she doesn't hang anything over my head about saying no to the engagement, so I think she's more over what I did than I am.

We've been through some tough times but until recent history we never had a rough patch that had to do with our own relationship. So yeah maybe that makes it sound like we don't communicate, but we're still talking about the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Lesbians are more prone to not shutting up than not talking lol...

Lol that's a lot of initiating things for one little top :P

May I remind you that I'm 181cm tall? My body can easily contain all that top-spirit. ;D

Lol #TeamToppityTop #TeamShameless

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah, I learned my lesson, since I'm not related to Wolverine xD. Usually I bottle up a lot of things and I never get hysterical. Rarely I just lose it when I'm alone, but I try to control myself so I won't hurt my hand like that ever again.

You're a doctor and a pervy understudy, you should take good care of your hands...

joined Nov 20, 2015

Tofu & Su

Lol #TeamToppityTop #TeamShameless

LMAO.. Doesnt matter in which team you are, imho, this is what happens.. xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yeah, I learned my lesson, since I'm not related to Wolverine xD. Usually I bottle up a lot of things and I never get hysterical. Rarely I just lose it when I'm alone, but I try to control myself so I won't hurt my hand like that ever again.

You're a doctor and a pervy understudy, you should take good care of your hands...

My advice, go to a gym. Find a sand bag or whatever similar, wear the gloves, and punch and kick... drain yr power n emotion there...

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm not angry at you. Just frustrated that i wasn't able to make you cry and beg for mercy. It was like a turtle trying to win a race with a rabbit or a kitten trying to win a battle with a leopard.
Tonight i'm going to ask god to reverse our roles. If he cannot reverse then give the turle a pair of wings to be able to fly.
Or ask god to make me smarter than you so i can win all the battles against you. You are one tough woman.
Koj ua rau kuv vwm tas.

tab sis kuv yog ib tug yooj yim tus neeg

joined Sep 15, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm not angry at you. Just frustrated that i wasn't able to make you cry and beg for mercy. It was like a turtle trying to win a race with a rabbit or a kitten trying to win a battle with a leopard.
Tonight i'm going to ask god to reverse our roles. If he cannot reverse then give the turle a pair of wings to be able to fly.
Or ask god to make me smarter than you so i can win all the battles against you. You are one tough woman.
Koj ua rau kuv vwm tas.

tab sis kuv yog ib tug yooj yim tus neeg

Haha yooj yim tau li cas ma. Koj ua rau kuv tsis to taub koj kiag.

yog koj to taub kuv zoo , nws yog zoo

joined Nov 20, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

Hi.. hi.. Kittokatto
Finally u show yr butt again...
Hows yr day?

joined Sep 15, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

Hi.. hi.. Kittokatto
Finally u show yr butt again...
Hows yr day?

It was awful xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm not angry at you. Just frustrated that i wasn't able to make you cry and beg for mercy. It was like a turtle trying to win a race with a rabbit or a kitten trying to win a battle with a leopard.
Tonight i'm going to ask god to reverse our roles. If he cannot reverse then give the turle a pair of wings to be able to fly.
Or ask god to make me smarter than you so i can win all the battles against you. You are one tough woman.
Koj ua rau kuv vwm tas.

tab sis kuv yog ib tug yooj yim tus neeg

Haha yooj yim tau li cas ma. Koj ua rau kuv tsis to taub koj kiag.

yog koj to taub kuv zoo , nws yog zoo

Es koj pheej tsis qhia kuv kom kuv to taub koj li ne. Qhia kuv seb koj xav txog dab tsi es kuv thiaj to taub koj hais dab tsi.

tsis muaj, kuv txhais hais tias nws yog zoo dua yog tias koj to taub kuv zoo tshaj kuv tus kheej

joined Nov 20, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

Hi.. hi.. Kittokatto
Finally u show yr butt again...
Hows yr day?

It was awful xD

it was awful, but u are still able to smile..
Hahahha... it means its really awful..

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm not angry at you. Just frustrated that i wasn't able to make you cry and beg for mercy. It was like a turtle trying to win a race with a rabbit or a kitten trying to win a battle with a leopard.
Tonight i'm going to ask god to reverse our roles. If he cannot reverse then give the turle a pair of wings to be able to fly.
Or ask god to make me smarter than you so i can win all the battles against you. You are one tough woman.
Koj ua rau kuv vwm tas.

tab sis kuv yog ib tug yooj yim tus neeg

Haha yooj yim tau li cas ma. Koj ua rau kuv tsis to taub koj kiag.

yog koj to taub kuv zoo , nws yog zoo

Es koj pheej tsis qhia kuv kom kuv to taub koj li ne. Qhia kuv seb koj xav txog dab tsi es kuv thiaj to taub koj hais dab tsi.

tsis muaj, kuv txhais hais tias nws yog zoo dua yog tias koj to taub kuv zoo tshaj kuv tus kheej

Koj twb tsis qhia txog koj tus kheej li es kuv yuav to taub koj zoo tshaj koj to taub koj tus kheej na.
Kuv xav tias koj zoo ntxim hlub, sexy, smart, thiab yog ib tus neeg txawj hais lus heev.

Ah yah ya yah ya...kuv tsis paub xav li cas tas lawm. Cia kuv muab koj pav nrog kuv es thiab li yuav paub koj zoo xwb os. Hahaha.

kuv twb tsis paub dab tsi qhia rau koj .. nug kuv ..

joined Sep 15, 2015

Wtf is happening in this thread xD

Hi.. hi.. Kittokatto
Finally u show yr butt again...
Hows yr day?

It was awful xD

it was awful, but u are still able to smile..
Hahahha... it means its really awful..

Well..I don't want all my luck to just go away if I start frowningor something xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Rainy koj yog ib tus neeg ua rau kuv zoo siab heev li. Kuv xav ua rau koj zoo siab thiab tab sis yog koj tsis muaj dab tsi hais rau kuv ces li no xwb. Ua tsaug rau koj li friendship koj muab rau kuv. Goodbye...

mvl89, ib yam hais txog kuv , kuv ntxub complexity. kuv puas siab puas ntsws uas muaj hnub nyoog yog 15.

yau dua nws, kuv quaj txhua hnub vim hais tias ntawm koj. laus tshaj nws, kuv yuav tsis xav paub txog koj ntxiv lawm.

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