
ForumNews iOS Reader App - Testers wanted!

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

I just got a shiny new iPad and it's awesome. Sadly our reader kind of sucks on tablets (and lesser extent phones), but in my defense I developed it before they became popular. Harawa made a nice app for Android, but I am an Apple person (my first laptop was a PowerBook G4). So I decided to develop an app for the Dynasty Reader. So far its been going quite well, but I need testers. Both for suggestions on what they would like to see in the app, and any bugs/issues they come across.

I have a decent version currently working, though far from finished, it provides a nice reading experience already. So if you have an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch running iOS version 5 or newer and want to test it, hit me up with a PM or reply to this post.

I am unsure that when I am finished if I am going to try to get it on the App Store (or if it would even get accepted). But if nothing else I will continue Ad Hoc distribution where I can distribute it to up to 100 separate devices.

Here are some screen shots if you are curious, http://imgur.com/a/e8jA3 btw.

joined Oct 15, 2011

I'd love to test it!

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I'd love to test it. But the reader already works really well for iPods and iphones, I do not have a tablet so I don't know about them. But an improved reader for the iPhone looks nice, those screenshots look awesome.

Edit: on an unrelated note, the chatbox is broken so that it expands indefinitely when vewing the front page on iPod or iPhone, which causes it to crash.

last edited at Mar 20, 2012 1:14AM

joined Aug 23, 2011

I'd be happy to test it out. It can get frustrating having to use landscape on my iPhone when I can't read the smaller text.

joined Mar 20, 2012

Hello I have an iPad and I would love to test out the app. I usually view the reader in portrait to avoid having to scroll along the page.

joined Sep 22, 2011

I've got both an iPhone 4S and an iPad 3rd gen. I'm game to try it on both. If you have some testing details or corner cases you'd like us to test, please pass those along too.

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Thanks for the interest so far. To everyone interested I sent you a PM about it. Basically I need the UDID of the device(s) you want to use the app on. Here is a nice page explaining what it is and where to find it http://www.innerfence.com/howto/find-iphone-unique-device-identifier-udid

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

If you are using banshee (Linux/GNU open source version of iTunes) simply right click the device on the devices tab to the left of the program, go down to properties, and look for the property: serial number, copy that and use it.

last edited at Mar 20, 2012 8:26AM

joined Jul 14, 2011

I would love to test it too! If you are looking for more testers still. The broswer version of the reader is not that bad, but it can get quite annoying sometimes, so it would be amazing to count with an app for it, so I'm excited about this :D. I have an iPad2 and an iTouch 3G.

joined Mar 21, 2012

I would love to test too! I was just thinking of learning Objective-C to make one, so I'm glad to see that wont be necessarily. May I ask, will it be packaged as a .deb or as a .ipa?

EDIT: There's no way of running it on anything lower than 5.x?

last edited at Mar 21, 2012 9:19AM

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Nope, they added some really nice APIs in iOS 5.0 that I am using. So would take a lot of work to rewrite the application to not use those.

joined Mar 21, 2012

Well then, looks like I'm going to have to update (despite my grievances of iOS 5). Will the source code be available when it's finished?

last edited at Mar 22, 2012 6:53AM

joined Oct 11, 2010

I have both an iphone and an ipad. I would love to test it out for you.~ That is if you're stilling looking for testers~ ;D

joined May 13, 2011

I'd love to try it out :D

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

I decided to make an icon, but I am pretty bad at graphic design. How is this?

(There is no way I created that book graphic, it was a stock icon I found)

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Also I am thinking about what I want to do next, since it currently has a pretty good base atm. On my list are the following.

* Downloading chapters to be able to read them without an Internet connection.[/*]
* Improve display for browsing for chapters. Stuff like adding covers, showing tags (possibly filtering some tags), etc.[/*]
* Support for Reading List[/*]

One thing I was think about was combining offline reading + reading list. So items that are on your To Read list would automatically get downloaded.

If you have anymore suggestions or feature requests let me know.

joined May 8, 2011

I would like to test it

joined Mar 19, 2012

i like to test it toooooo! <3 :)

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Suggestion for the site: Make the "Add to reading/read list" be on the series page rather than on the chapter pages. It makes more sense that way and it would be less annoying.

joined Oct 15, 2011

Adding the download and offline list would be great! Being able to read Yuri manga without the internet connection is like heaven!

joined Mar 25, 2012

I would love to try it out. I have an iPhone and an iPad I can use to test, if needed.

I'm an iPhone user with ios 5.1, and I would loved to test your app. I love dynasty scan !! Yuri for life !!

joined Mar 27, 2012

If you still need testing, I am definitely interested.

joined Mar 28, 2012

Oh god if you still need people to test your app I'm totally down for it. I have an iTouch and an iPad.

joined Jun 1, 2011

Those are great ideas! I think that instead of tapping on the side of the screen to go to the next page, it would be easier if you could flip the pages for easier viewing experience. I wouldn't mind being a tester as well. I tend to use my ipad more when im in this website.

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