Forum › Posts by Spice002

Kase-san discussion 18 Apr 03:28
joined Mar 21, 2012

Has Kase's height ever been explicitly stated? I keep thinking she's "tall" in a western sense but then I remember this is Japan.

I prefer to measure Kase's height in yamadas.

How many Yamadas is Kase?

Maybe 1.325 Ymd's?

Graphite discussion 16 Jun 22:56
joined Mar 21, 2012

Is it just me, or are the pages out of order?

joined Mar 21, 2012

Well then, looks like I'm going to have to update (despite my grievances of iOS 5). Will the source code be available when it's finished?

last edited at Mar 22, 2012 6:53AM

joined Mar 21, 2012

I would love to test too! I was just thinking of learning Objective-C to make one, so I'm glad to see that wont be necessarily. May I ask, will it be packaged as a .deb or as a .ipa?

EDIT: There's no way of running it on anything lower than 5.x?

last edited at Mar 21, 2012 9:19AM