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joined Mar 8, 2014

Even if I'm TeamPink I don't like how this's just getting too complicated and messy and some peoople will get dissapointed in the end for sure

Thank you for the translation Newp > That "you still have feelings for Baek Seju" killed me and I think Nami was totally trying to help with that...
Relieved after both Sumin and Nami say they're not right for each other, phew~ I actually think they tried to do it but it didn't work or something. That's why they say they weren't a good match. Phew, phew, phew... I mean even if they technically sort of did it they were drunk and both felt like it was stupid so I won't cringe anymore. I think they both have cringed enough for me... Okay, sorry Nami, don't hate you ;_;
I think Nami is gonna tell Sungji something... remember how Sungji mentioned she talked to Nami about Sumin? I doubt it was coincidental.
Oh gosh, shouldn't this be in wdtfs thread this if off-off-topic... aaaanywaayyy
What else? I can't argue against Sumin having feelings for Seju... but I don't know... are they enough? who is more important? Seju or Sungji? Is she missing the person or is she missing the feeling? Did she think she might return to Seju some day (like actually be with her again) and now feels like she lost that opportunity and gets mad. Anyway, she sounds really selfish. She has a girlfriend and it's unacceptable. Sungji should learn about this and go slap Sumin's face. I think Sumin might start getting Seju ideas but at some point she will realize Sungji is the one and it will strike her and she will go back to get just to find her in the arms of Nami. Ha, ha, ha. Or something like that, Sungji will strike I'm sure of that. I'm honestly disgusted at how selfish Sumin was in this chapter... What she told Seju was also pretty uncalled for. Seju cheated only once and never really slept with anyone else and Sumin wants to speak on top of that... anyway if I have to give her some credit the fact that Nami is her friend might make it a bit disturbing to know she slept with Seju... but, she's unacceptable.
I am sorry to announce to you that I will be temporarily withdrawing from TeamBlonde. (I'm not gonna be TeamPink though!). Sumin has disappointed me, I'm not sure she deserves to be with Sungji. She better make it up for me to go back TeamBlonde.
You know what... I think it's time to change the teams... haven't you noticed? It's not about TeamPink vs TeamBlonde anymore, it's about TeamBlack vs TeamBlue... and who gets the girls. Will it be a draw? or will it not? jk jk... but honestly, I'm gonna go Sungji x Nami if this keeps going on. Seriously, Nami is pretty caring and she doesn't like lying and she's pretty clear about things. Sumin can be honest for simple things but she hides a lot important stuff. If Sumin does something stupid like this again I'm voting for TeamBlue on full.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Alright guys I'm off to the doctor to get an ultrasound on my kidneys, lets hope everything still looks good! ^.^

omg, good luck!!!!!!!!!!

joined Mar 8, 2014

Thanks a lot, Newp!
Someone needs to bitch slap Sumin.

Don't you wanna see Sungji mad? Like very mad

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:39PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

It doesn't really matter how we see things, the point is that love make us act in ways we would not normally act, for good and bad, all that I said is not necessarely bad traits, it all depends on what the person does, love making us dumb, crazy, blind or fool can be a good thing too.

I was trying to drop the subject because I don't see love as something that acts upon people. You're saying love makes people do this, that, and the other, as if love itself were a person. I'd say people, depending on their disposition, will probably behave in xyz manner, when they're in love. Behaving in a way that differs from one's norm isn't necessarily dumb. People who are dumb, insecure, inexperienced, or whatever, are more likely to get themselves into situations that are bad for all parties. The idea that you're of sound mind in all aspects of your life except for one particular thing is just not realistic and something only depicted in literature and other media.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:40PM

joined May 11, 2012

I get what you mean, but it's not that unrealistic as it seens, yeah it doesn't happen as much as fiction tries to show up, but it's a fact that love changes your brain chemistry, so just because you're sound of mind that doesn't mean love can't change the way you act, obviously we'll rarely notice that in real life cause we don't know all that happens with someone else life, but it can happen.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Thanks a lot, Newp!
Someone needs to bitch slap Sumin.

Don't you wanna see Sungji mad? Like very mad

After this chapter? Oh yes I do. Especially if Sumin starts acting like a jerk towards Sungji like she did after she ran into the red hair.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:43PM

joined May 11, 2012

Plot twist, in the end real endgame pairings will be Sumin and Nammi single but moving with their lifes, and Seju x Sungji, like, seriously, now that we see more and more how bad Sumin can be, it's more obvious that Seju is the one destined for Sungji~~, we need to decide on this ship name.

joined Feb 8, 2016

it doesn't happen as much as fiction tries to show up, but it's a fact that love changes your brain chemistry, so just because you're sound of mind that doesn't mean love can't change the way you act,

Again, changing the way you act doesn't make you crazy, dumb, or any of the other stuff you've listed. It just means that you've acted differently than what you'd otherwise expect.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:48PM

joined May 11, 2012

But it can make you become one of those things, some people don't change just the way they act when they're in love, but how they are, love can change people a lot sometimes, the same way other strong emotions can change people, sometimes it goes beyond just acting different than normal.

joined Sep 15, 2015

There's a difference between loving a person and getting obsessed with them !!

joined Feb 8, 2016

But it can make you become one of those things, some people don't change just the way they act when they're in love, but how they are, love can change people a lot sometimes, the same way other strong emotions can change people, sometimes it goes beyond just acting different than normal.

And this is why I tried to leave it as we just see things differently. Because you're saying that the potential for certain things to happen is the same thing as fact.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Now that I think of it Sungji might be the one to actually seek out Nami for explanations.
Anyway... enough wdtfs.... I need to go back to my projects ;_; see youuu
but seriously I'm really looking forward to the slap Sumin's gonna get from Sungji! because I do believe she's gonna get it!

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:55PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Later guys, I'm out too.

joined May 11, 2012

I didn't say anything about getting obsessed if that's what you meant.

But if it's a fact that there's the potential to happen than that's already enough, because it will happen with someone.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Yeah I dont even feel like discussing this chapter.

It was like a huge blow to the face :( It was such a pain translating todays chapter cause the whole time I was just like '=___= da heo Sumin??'.
The Sumin I liked so much shows just how selfish and completely unreasonable she can be and then also shows hints of team pink being a possibility again. One disappointment after the other.
Ugh Sumin doesnt deserve Sungji anymore...

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 1:05PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I didn't say anything about getting obsessed if that's what you meant.

I didn't quote anybody tho ?? Why you reacting Thiaguinho ?? Lol. What I posted is just something out of my own opinion. XD

joined May 11, 2012

It's Team Rose Pink for Seju x Sumin, and I kind of doubt it'll happen after the way Seju reacted, she seens to maybe finally be think on give up on Sumin.

joined May 11, 2012

Cause it sounded like it was for me, so I decided to reply just to not leave you ignored in case it was really for me. xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

It's Team Rose Pink for Seju x Sumin, and I kind of doubt it'll happen after the way Seju reacted, she seens to maybe finally be think on give up on Sumin.

I really could care less about the 'proper' team names tbh. Im going to stick with Blonde for Sungjix Sumin and Pink for Seju x Sumin.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 1:04PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Later guys, I'm out too.

Peace out Dofu :)

joined Sep 15, 2015

Cause it sounded like it was for me, so I decided to reply just to not leave you ignored in case it was really for me. xD

Lol. I won't even care if everybody ignored it since it wasn't really pointed to somebody.
And like dofudofu said, just let it go. We all see things differently. There's no need to discuss this any further.

joined Feb 8, 2016

But if it's a fact that there's the potential to happen than that's already enough, because it will happen with someone.

We're pretty much talking in circles and it's exasperating. I meant that you were previously speaking as if it's a fact that love spreads stupid to all people, which it does not. I think that kind of rhetoric encourages people to blame love or whatever they're feeling for their actions, as if they didn't have any choice. I've had two truly great loves in my life and one of them was a mess of my own doing from start to finish. It wasn't because I was in love, it was because I was an idiot. I'm saying that when people fail hard, it is of their own doing due to their shortcomings, and that's okay because people learn from failure. Likewise, when people succeed, it's also of their own doing and a sign of a healthy mindset.

And geez do I really have to go now.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 1:13PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

But if it's a fact that there's the potential to happen than that's already enough, because it will happen with someone.

We're pretty much talking in circles and it's exasperating. I meant that you were previously speaking as if it's a fact that love spreads stupid to all people, which it is not. I think that kind of rhetoric encourages people to blame love or whatever they're feeling for their actions, as if they didn't have any choice. I've had two truly great loves in my life and one of them was a mess of my own doing from start to finish. It wasn't because I was in love, it was because I was an idiot. I'm saying that when people fail hard, it is of their own doing due to their shortcomings, and that's okay because people learn from failure. Likewise, when people succeed, it's also of their own doing and a sign of a healthy mindset.

And geez do I really have to go now.

Have a good day ahead of you dofudofu

joined May 11, 2012

Eeeh, I don't mind going in circles, as for blaming things on love, I don't believe in that, in the end it's always the person fault, it doesn't matter the emotion, if you let them control you it's still your fault for not being in control of yourself, not sure if this is a proper reply, long time without sleeping, so not really thinking properly, sorry if I didn't adress something. : /

Well, I was not sure that's why I replied, so I prefer to reply just to be safe, it's not cool to ignore people, some of my posts here were ignored before, I didn't pay that much attention cause I knew people probably didn't see cause the thread moves too fast sometimes.

As for letting it go, girl (or you was a guy?), I'm the type who can discuss for hours about anything if I have enough to say about it, even if it doesn't go nowhere, I like to discuss things just for the sake of the discussion. xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Well, I was not sure that's why I replied, so I prefer to reply just to be safe, it's not cool to ignore people, some of my posts here were ignored before, I didn't pay that much attention cause I knew people probably didn't see cause the thread moves too fast sometimes.

As for letting it go, girl (or you was a guy?), I'm the type who can discuss for hours about anything if I have enough to say about it, even if it doesn't go nowhere, I like to discuss things just for the sake of the discussion. xD

Have you ever heard the saying "beating a dead horse"? I think it's time to just let that whole thing drop and move on. There is no use in running around in circles it's just going to create frustration in the thread.

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