Forum › WDTFS fans - off topic

joined Mar 17, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

joined Feb 13, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

But then she met Team Pink charismatic-oh-so-hot Striker and decided to join in xD
Llama, now that both teams will suffer, the cookies are a tiebreaker

Hang on there are so many cookies being thrown around, are they my cookies?? Or someone elses?? XD and I felt really bad for Seju when she was talking to that person on the phone, they were being so mean to her!! :(

Seju is used to that family. The worst blow in this chapter came from Sumin, when she accused Seju of disappointing her all the time (considering Seju disappointed her once and never got a second chance to make up).

joined Feb 13, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

Girls, get a room.

joined Sep 15, 2015


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

I'm gonna admit I thought of that too ;)

joined Sep 15, 2015


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

Girls, get a room.

Wanna join us ?? XD

joined Mar 17, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

But then she met Team Pink charismatic-oh-so-hot Striker and decided to join in xD
Llama, now that both teams will suffer, the cookies are a tiebreaker

Hang on there are so many cookies being thrown around, are they my cookies?? Or someone elses?? XD and I felt really bad for Seju when she was talking to that person on the phone, they were being so mean to her!! :(

Seju is used to that family. The worst blow in this chapter came from Sumin, when she accused Seju of disappointing her all the time (considering Seju disappointed her once and never got a second chance to make up).

Yeah that one hurt too, she just really got the short end of the stick in this chapter well except it looks like Sungji is the one that might end up getting the short end of the stick soon..

joined Feb 13, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

Girls, get a room.

Wanna join us ?? XD

I thought you would never invite me.
ヽ( °◇°)ノ

joined Mar 17, 2016


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

Girls, get a room.

Wanna join us ?? XD

I thought you would never invite me.
ヽ( °◇°)ノ

Hahaha looks like the party bus is coming a little early

joined Sep 15, 2015


Yeah I'm thinking she will get hurt, it will be oh so sad but I can just see it happening :(

Don't. You were once one of the TeamBlonde. No don't oh my god. I'm gonna ass out

You are gonna ass out?? Is this part of the massage you promised o.O
And I don't want Sungji to get hurt but I just see it happening >.<


Damn it. I meant PASS OUT XD
Why did I have to fail now ?? Typos and all xD

Hahahaha this is turning into a very interesting massage XD

Well, the massage sounds good. I'm not gonna Pass the chance to do just that xD

this is really turning to a sharp curve

Hahaha well you know it won't end at just a massage ;)

Girls, get a room.

Wanna join us ?? XD

I thought you would never invite me.
ヽ( °◇°)ノ

Why would we ever leave you out of the fun ?? ;)

joined Sep 15, 2015

I really love this off-topic thread xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

joined Mar 17, 2016

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

I know this one is so much better, I'm so glad we made it XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

I know this one is so much better, I'm so glad we made it XD

This is HOME
And we might just freak out all those new people in the official thread. I mean freak out bc we are so random and we don't talk much about WDTFS anymore unless it's a Wednesday xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

I just wrote a super serious long paragraph about my theory >.>
s-sorry... >.> I'm off-off-topic again...
This chapter definitely didn't make my dad though... I haven't been invested in a story this much since a very long time actually! oh gosh... I hope the ending is not the same level cringy as Usagi Drop >.>
also is this in California?
I really like it :D, let's go here with our party bus!!!!

joined Feb 13, 2016

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

I know this one is so much better, I'm so glad we made it XD

This is HOME
And we might just freak out all those new people in the official thread. I mean freak out bc we are so random and we don't talk much about WDTFS anymore unless it's a Wednesday xD

Definitely we would freak them out with our dragons burning down Italian names, while mailman delivers kisses in a morning that never ends. Note that this happened in less than 24h.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 3:58PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 4:00PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

I know this one is so much better, I'm so glad we made it XD

This is HOME
And we might just freak out all those new people in the official thread. I mean freak out bc we are so random and we don't talk much about WDTFS anymore unless it's a Wednesday xD

Right?? Lol I think we would really freak some people out XD that is probably why they don't join us in this thread haha

joined Mar 17, 2016

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

Nothing... I didn't see anything.. O.O

joined Feb 13, 2016

I just wrote a super serious long paragraph about my theory >.>
s-sorry... >.> I'm off-off-topic again...
This chapter definitely didn't make my dad though... I haven't been invested in a story this much since a very long time actually! oh gosh... I hope the ending is not the same level cringy as Usagi Drop >.>
also is [this in California?]
I really like it :D, let's go here with our party bus!!!!

I think that's LA, Fay. And yeah, I want to go there and find places to longboard!
I still find too amusing that you are using walls of text.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 4:02PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

I didn't see anything !!! >.<

joined Feb 13, 2016

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

I didn't see anything !!! >.<

Join us in a foursome, Newp.

joined Sep 15, 2015

I really love this off-topic thread xD

Right?! I'm bored with that other one. Discussions are too serious there. I want to stay home.

I know this one is so much better, I'm so glad we made it XD

This is HOME
And we might just freak out all those new people in the official thread. I mean freak out bc we are so random and we don't talk much about WDTFS anymore unless it's a Wednesday xD

Definitely we would freak them out with our dragons burning down Italian names, while mailman delivers kisses in a morning that never ends. Note that this happened in less than 24h.

Right?? Lol I think we would really freak some people out XD that is probably why they don't join us in this thread haha

Don't forget we all have different moods every now and then. Also we talk about lewd topics XD
We are just soo random xD

joined Feb 5, 2015

This chapter definitely didn't make my dad though... I haven't been invested in a story this much since a very long time actually! oh gosh... I hope the ending is not the same level cringy as Usagi Drop >.>

o_O...what made your dad?...Hahahaha Usagi Drop, I dropped that after I find out what's about to happen

joined Sep 15, 2015

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

I didn't see anything !!! >.<

Join us in a foursome, Newp.

She's territorial. She won't let me join the other party -_-

joined Mar 2, 2016

What is this about butt massages I see Kitkat D:< explain yourself!

I didn't see anything !!! >.<

:( .. A-are you lying to me..?

What foursome? Who?! This is the first time I'm hearing of this.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 4:06PM

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