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joined Apr 3, 2016

What about Angelina?

Aaaaand there it is! xD Llama takes home the prize. ^_^ ... Even though I have no idea what the prize is. xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

MacySan and Faylicia
Forgot to say before, but seens like you two had a pretty big jerk in your lifes, kind of hard to keep track of all talks in the thread, sorry not saying something before, I was going to say more, but I kind of forgot about it...

Mine was a hell and lasted for 2 years. Never doing the same mistake again, also this is why I don't care if the person has a reason to act like a jerk or not. Sometimes this is a big trap if you start empathising with them and thinking they act like that because there is something bothering them.

Well, mine was a bit more than a year but with breaks in between because the jerk cut communication with me in the beginning -.- I don't even know why I... gosh, I sure was stupid and lonely...

joined Mar 17, 2016

What about Angelina?

Aaaaand there it is! xD Llama takes home the prize. ^_^ ... Even though I have no idea what the prize is. xD

Yay!!! I'm honestly surprised I guessed that XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

I don't think we need to forget this is a healing story, just because things are bad that doesn't mean they won't be healed, that's the basic plot that before things get better they will first get a lot worse, but by the end everything will be fine.

how do you know? maybe by now TeamGaji has changed their mind! I'm joking, I don't know, I included healing versions in my scenarios

joined Feb 8, 2016

What about Angelina?

Aaaaand there it is! xD Llama takes home the prize. ^_^ ... Even though I have no idea what the prize is. xD

Yay!!! I'm honestly surprised I guessed that XD

Lol clapclap

joined Nov 20, 2015

And how comes it is near to Rosalin? :D

joined May 11, 2012

Why you endured that? Because you loved that girl? Like, love makes us dumb, we endure a lot of shit because we love someone, you being lonely just helped that you would endure all that hoping that it would get better.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I think it does matter if they have a reason to act like a jerk, I think the problem is that just because some have a reason a lot of people just endure it instead of doing something to help them change or something like that, it's okay to empathise with people, the problem is when people basically suck up all the shit they do because they pity them, that always end up bad.

No, some people don't care about others' help. They are just jealous/selfish people that take advantage of others' empathy. If someone doesn't personally ask for your help and shows signs they want to actually change and work for it, it's not a good idea to try to change them or help them.
Narcissistic personallities don't want to change. They want to make people suffer. There is a reason why they became like this in the first place, but it doesn't matter.

joined May 11, 2012

Well, I admit that they might give up on the healing story part, I think it's still soon to say that, cause Seju didn't change that much besides her breakdown, Sumin and Sungji is kind of bad now, but all that can easily be fixed with few chapters, so I think everything will turn out fine.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Love doesn't make people dumb. They're like that to begin with or not. It just opens up a lot of opportunities to do dumb things.

joined Apr 3, 2016

And how comes it is near to Rosalin? :D

It got you on the path that the "lin" is one of the last syllables of the name. xD

Anyway, great timing too, Llama. I'm going to log off for today. Still need to take out Jacky, clean the bathroom, do some paperwork...and squeeze dinner somewhere in between there. xD I'll see you tomorrow. :-)

joined Mar 2, 2016

IM DONEEEEEEEEEEE. And I burnt my grilled cheese.. T__T.

Here you guys go~

Sumin: "So refreshing~!"
Nami: " 'Perhaps...' "
" 'Surely it's not true....' "
"I get goosebumps at the sight of this. They all know and are still like this. "
Sumin: "It's none of my concern whether you come out or not."
"Our co-workers think that you and I are dating so deal with that instead."
Nami: "Does our shortie hate me that much?"
Sumin: "I told you not to call me Shortie."
Nami: "But I like our Shortie quite a bit?"
"You were pretty cute when you and Baek Seju were dating in uniforms."
"More than now. About. 36 times."
Sumin: "You're not my type."
Nami: "Same here."
Sumin: "Huu..."
Nami: "Anyway I lost all my jobs."
"Isn't it funny?" "It's not like I hid it all this time or anything but they're suddenly being strange about it."
"Well, I guess it's nice now that I have a lot of time on my hands."
Sumin: "What're you saying. The reason you got fired is because you lost popularity.
Nami: "...."
"Shortie why do you look down on people like thiss."
Sumin: "Stop calling me Shortie!"
Nami: "Look at you getting all red after drinking just that."
"You're a red Shortie, red Shortie!"
Sumin: "Ah stop it!"
"Stop it!"
"Sto- ...!"
Sumin: "......"
[ We were a bad match more than we thought.]
Nami: "Uhmm."
"This isn't right."

Seju: "I'm on my way to meet with the family."
"There are no more articles coming out so it'll quiet down soon. Don't worry about it."
Prob some rando bitchass family member: "I heard it all. Does your Father know?"
Seju: "He knows."
Bitchass family member: "Ugh, tch."
"If your Father passes away just know that he died of stress because of you."
Seju: "Please don't say that."
Fam: "Who are you to tell me what to do or say!"
"You worthless bitch."

Seju: "Sumi- ~ "
Sumin: "Did you sleep with Nami?"
Sumin: "Are you crazy? How could you even dare to sleep with her?"
Seju: "What's wrong with sleeping together."
Sumin: "She's my friend!"
Seju: "That's why."
Sumin: "You like it?"
Sumin: "Do you like it because you did it with another person."
Sumin: "I mean, you liked doing it with other people to begin with right? I temporarily forgot.

'Even if you wait years like this for her she's not going to acknowledge you.'

Seju: "I didn't sleep with her."
Sumin: "Nami told me everything!"
Seju: "Why are you getting so mad."
Sumin: "All you do is disappoint me all the time!"
Seju: "I guess hurting me doesn't matter to you anymore."
"Even though the hurt you gave me amounts to more than any suffering I ever had to endure."
"I was here for 10 years."
"Father is about to pass away."
"I don't even exist to you anymore."
Sumin: "..."
Seju: "I'm a person too, Sumin-ah."
Nami on the phone: "We really slept together~ "
"President Baek on the bed! Me on the couch!"
Sumin: "Do you wanna die? Why would you say a lie like that?"
Nami: "I never lied~ I just told you a little less."
Sumin: "Are you guys playing around with me? Is this fun right now?"
Nami: "Yup. It's so fun."
Sumin: "Nami!"
Nami: "Why are you getting mad at President Baek?"
"This whole time it was me who bothered her when I was bored."
"It's obvious that it was me who dragged her to the hotel and held on to her so why is it President Baek that you are getting mad at."
Sumin: "...... that's..."
"Putting you aside, Baek Seju shouldn't have shown such careless behaviour in such a location."
"There were the eyes of co-workers, and it's obvious what she will hear from her family members..."
Nami: "Such excuses."
Sumin: "Wha- "
Nami: "If not you, is President Baek a person who would sleep with someone because she likes them?"
"By the way why didn't you come ask me first."
"Ask what is this crap is after becoming friends, asking if it's some sort of threat, you should've gotten mad at me."
Sumin: "Thats..."
Nami: "Ah~ I'm busy right now and Im tired of beating around the bush so I'll just tell you."
"You still have feelings for Baek Seju."

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:11PM

joined May 11, 2012

Well, I guess I forgot to say, but it depends on the person, I do think that a lot you could do something about it, but you're right that some people just don't want help and either don't care about other people suffering or like when they suffer cause they feel good, it's complicated... : x

Love makes us dumb, crazy, blind, fools, it doesn't matter how the person was, love can turn then into someone that does a bunch of stupid choices, love can screw your brain chemistry, I didn't try to say that happens with everyone, just like love can be the best thing in your life, it can also be the worst thing in your life if you fell in loe with the wrong person and it's fucking up with your brain chemistry, love can be something really irrational, so it doesn't matter if you was already dumb or not, it all depends if you're still capable of thinking properly or if you let your emotions control you.

joined Nov 20, 2015

And how comes it is near to Rosalin? :D

It got you on the path that the "lin" is one of the last syllables of the name. xD

Anyway, great timing too, Llama. I'm going to log off for today. Still need to take out Jacky, clean the bathroom, do some paperwork...and squeeze dinner somewhere in between there. xD I'll see you tomorrow. :-)

After reading this, i suddenly feel sleepy...i am satisfied...

Llama, you re so great!!! XD gonna ask Kittokatto to massage u..


joined May 11, 2012

Well, so I guess Sumin really still loves Seju? Team Blonde might have problems~~

joined Dec 9, 2014

Even if I'm TeamPink I don't like how this's just getting too complicated and messy and some peoople will get dissapointed in the end for sure

joined Feb 5, 2015

What about Angelina?

Aaaaand there it is! xD Llama takes home the prize. ^_^ ... Even though I have no idea what the prize is. xD

Haha congrats Llama
What a coincidence, I was just listening to this song titled Angelina
It's a beautiful song :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Thanks for the translation Newp and sorry about your grilled cheese >.< although that sounds really good right now so I might make one XD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Thanks Newp :* Go make a new, unburnt grilled cheese now :)

Sumin: "......"
[ We were a bad match more than we thought.]
Nami: "Uhmm."
"This isn't right."

Well, at least I wasn't wrong about them being totally incompatible in bed lol.

Everything else is more compelling than I thought it would be.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Thanks a lot, Newp!
Someone needs to bitch slap Sumin.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:16PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Love makes us dumb, crazy, blind, fools, it doesn't matter how the person was, love can turn then into someone that does a bunch of stupid choices, love can screw your brain chemistry, I didn't try to say that happens with everyone, just like love can be the best thing in your life, it can also be the worst thing in your life if you fell in loe with the wrong person and it's fucking up with your brain chemistry, love can be something really irrational, so it doesn't matter if you was already dumb or not, it all depends if you're still capable of thinking properly or if you let your emotions control you.

This just isn't how I see things. It's mostly semantics though, since in general the end result is the same. Also most people have low emotional intelligence in the first place.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:18PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I did not love her but I did have feelings for her.
Well, trying to help is definitely better than not doing anything. I actually did try to help her a bit. Suggested things that we could to together in the future and stuff... I tried to support her and stuff but in the end when I told her that I wanted to support her she told me I couldn't do anything and that I wouldn't strip for her... -.- I really tried hard to understand her even though a lot of things were questionable. I just tried to be nice and talk to her and distract her a bit from the "fake-online-life" she was living. She mentioned that I was a reminder that real life was out there... But she didn't want my help and even if she did she was planning to change like after a bunch of years. I don't even know what she wanted to change in the first place... a career? change her face? I don't know, honestly. But if she could show some basic humanity I decided that it was not worth it at all. I honestly always endured it because I would explain to her and she would be act kind of apologetic afterwards so I thought she was just grumpy whatever... Actually, tbh, she probably was, because she proved it with her "little revenge". It definitely didn't show indifference. But honestly after she shot me down that time and said all those mean things; even without being overly angry I realized she was a selfish jerk and she probably didn't even know what she wanted herself or how to change and she just got angry instead of looking that it was the consequences of her actions that lead to it (like a little kid basically). I honestly, don't know if she is ever going to change or if she even hopes to or feels bad at all about this but I don't care because I never had the time to wait for her to be a decent human being.
Like my friend's ex. He cheated on her (kissing only apparently) and then broke up with her because he wanted to have sex with many girls (after one year btw! he definitely lead her on). Anyway, he still calls her and bothers her and asks if she's with anyone; lies about having broken up with his current girlfriend; blah blah blah (and he speaks badly about this gf behind her back). Sometimes my friend says, "he's not gonna change, is he?" and I always tell her that her might but even if he does and he regrets everything she doesn't have the luxury to wait until he does, because he's showing 0 signs of change so she would basically have little guarantee and she's have no idea how much time he'd take to change. I believe that when someone shows sings of changing it's worth to try it out and see if they actually do change (not get in a relationship with them though; just like kind of be available for them? not exactly a relationship but you get it). That's why I kept talking to this girl; because she showed signs she was indeed changing but then when she that I realized it wasn't enough of a change and that I wouldn't endure that sort of disgusting attitude. Besides, she wasn't even changing regarding her wanting to live in the real world and not online so it's not like I could wait and of course she wasn't expecting me to but as long as I stayed attached to her how would I even move on?!

joined Mar 17, 2016

Alright guys I'm off to the doctor to get an ultrasound on my kidneys, lets hope everything still looks good! ^.^

joined May 11, 2012

It doesn't really matter how we see things, the point is that love make us act in ways we would not normally act, for good and bad, all that I said is not necessarely bad traits, it all depends on what the person does, love making us dumb, crazy, blind or fool can be a good thing too.

Well, it don't need to be love itself, just a really strong sttraction for that person, the problem with wanting to help someone, is not just if they want help or not, but that sometimes we're just not capable of helping them, so we either lose months or years trying to help them and maybe get no result, or move on with our lifes, unfortunately we can't help someone we like if in the process we're going to become screwed too, it can be hard but sometimes we need to focus on our life, cause while trying to help someone we can end up ruining our lifes instead.

and as for your friend ex-boyfriend, that type rarely changes because of someone, a lot of times they change either because they're too old to continue with that life, or because they did find someone they loved, fucked it up, lost that chance, so they finally opened their eyes to all the shit they did.

joined May 11, 2012

Good luck. o7

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