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joined Mar 14, 2016

Faust, I have never known any person or pet with the name. FYI, I'm really not living in a well. :D

I wasn't implying that haha, I get that there are names one doesn't hear in their surroundings or whatever
Thinking about it more tho, you've never heard of Oliver Twist?

Faust, I've never heard of that either. How bad I've lived my life? :D

Plot twist: Seju's mum is alive, and she is Sungji's mum. XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Plot twist: Seju's mum is alive, and she is Sungji's mum. XD

Oh gosh that would really be crazy XD I can just see that plot twist hahaha

joined Feb 13, 2016

Wow, that was a good discussion about the tattoo. And special thanks to Thiaguinho-sama.

I didn't remember Sumin had said the name of that flower. I can't believe I let that pass and didn't look for the meaning of it.

And it really makes sense the winter/spring transition theory. It's just kind of sad to think she has been stuck in a winter for ten years. Because I think spring has come with Sungji. Not that Sungji herself represents the new beginning, but she's the one that will stir Sumin's life.

Though I would like the meaning behind the flower to be the one that Martian mentioned "it's never too late to make amends" hehe.

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 10:36AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I was joking about Seju, of course she needs to be shown. She doesn't get as much 'screen time' as Sumin and Sungji but I think she might play an active role now. I think she might tell Sungji everything.
Okay so I don't really think the tattoo matters so much. If it means infidelity I think Sumin might have gotten it because of that. But the 'it's never too late to make amends" fits pretty well with the story.
And tbh... when was it that Sumin's true colors were revealed? when she answered Seju's phone call and she was with that brunette? Other than that... Sumin was definitely kind of a jerk to the lawyer. I'm not sure what happened but apparently she was a bit indifferent. But the redhead was a jerk to her and she just went and got married. Obviously Sumin wouldn't be okay with it. And Sumin can be a bit cold some times but she always tried to fix it and apologize.
But yeah... seeing that side of Sumin and then stop blaming Seju is a bit hypocritical. Seju's cheating can be justified and if Sumin didn't want to forgive her she didn't have to try to punish her on top of everything. She should have at least understood the circumstances. I think Sumin should apologize to Seju too and move on, Seju already apologized. Cheating was wrong and Sumin couldn't tolerate it but she did her share of mean things after that so it's not like she had the right to expect an 'ideal girl'. Nevertheless she met Sungji and she tried to be ideal for her and I think that will entail apologizing to Seju especially once she realizes that Seju hasn't been joking with the flirting as well.

joined Dec 9, 2014

especially once she realizes that Seju hasn't been joking with the flirting as well.

She already knows that though. She knows Seju is still in love with her.

But now that made me wonder, if Seju didn't cheat, would they still be together? They give me the vibe that they would sooner or later break up over something. Because Sumin tends to be passive agressive sometimes, after her parents' death. But even if her parents didn't die, I think there is still a chance that Sumin would start to act like that with Seju. All of this is hypothetical of course, but when Sumin was dating Seju, they were young, and maybe some parts of herself didn't show up yet.
But after a time she might start developing them regardless. Just a thought.
So after maturing through Seju, she is now more ready for someone like Sungji?

joined Mar 8, 2014

Does she really know Seju is still in love with her? Does she actually believe it? I think Sumin stopped believing Seju loved her after cheating on her. And I think definitely she doesn't believe it now, after ten years. I think Sumin just conviniently thinks Seju just likes her and wants to have fun. I say conveniently because I think she is just avoiding looking into it or considering Seju might still love her because it doesn't suit her. I think that much is true.
I think Sumin and Seju might have still broken up, yes. But I think Sumin is more cold rather than passive aggressive. I don't think she was being passive aggressive and trying to blame Seju for her parent's death. I just think she felt confused and guilty and was internally blaming Seju but knew it was wrong so she wouldn't voice it. Afterwards she really realized how wrong it was but it was too late... And I think Seju is not very patient in general because she is insecure. Sungji can also be a bit insecure but it is normal regarding Sumin's behavior sometimes. However Seju's insecurity might be even worse than Sungji's. The problem is that instead of showing it with words, like Sungji does, she gets very impatient and does crazy things (like sleeping with the bartender). She doesn't really show as much patience towards Sumin's short temper and that makes Sumin even more angry. I think that's why they don't go as well together. On the other hand Sungji is more patient and that gives Sumin some time to reconsider her behavior and apologize. She might still ask her things or talk to her or even cry but she won't try to "fight" with her.

joined Dec 9, 2014

The problem is that instead of showing it with words, like Sungji does, she gets very impatient and does crazy things (like sleeping with the bartender). She doesn't really show as much patience towards Sumin's short temper and that makes Sumin even more angry. I think that's why they don't go as well together.

I have to dissagree with Seju being impatient. I'd say she is actually quite patient regarding Sumin. She has been waiting around for Sumin for 10 years, even watching her getting new lovers, she still waits for Sumin to come back.
Her reaction after Sumin's parents death is not impatience, it's the wrong way to confront her. She thought she had to push Sumin outside her shell and get her back with her life. This, and also how Gaji has said that Seju couldn't feel how deeply scared Sumin was by her parents' death, because Seju is not close to her parents. So it was the wrong way, plus Seju was acting out of fear of losing Sumin too.

Also it's pretty obvious Seju is still in love with Sumin. I think Sumin knows it, but brushes it off because she doesn't care, and she just wants no attachment with what Seju gives her. On top of that, Seju has said to her, that if it isn't for her, she doesn't want to marry anyone else. Can't get more obvious than this lol

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 1:31PM

joined Aug 31, 2014


i'd prefer if Sumin tells Sungji herself. plus i see Seju as the passive type (in more ways than one lol) so it wouldn't be fitting for her to be the one to tell Sungji. she could've done that when they first encountered each other at the end of the first arc but she didn't.


i agree with you. Sumin definitely knows Seju still loves her but she is indifferent about it because she doesn't want to be involved with Seju romantically again. plus like Nami said, Seju acts like a passive puppy waiting for Sumin's relationships to fail so that she will come back to Seju's bed so naturally Sumin will take her for granted. i don't think she has fully forgiven Seju yet though and her relationship with Sungji will probably change that, hopefully for the better.

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 1:56PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

especially once she realizes that Seju hasn't been joking with the flirting as well.

She already knows that though. She knows Seju is still in love with her.

But now that made me wonder, if Seju didn't cheat, would they still be together? They give me the vibe that they would sooner or later break up over something. Because Sumin tends to be passive agressive sometimes, after her parents' death. But even if her parents didn't die, I think there is still a chance that Sumin would start to act like that with Seju. All of this is hypothetical of course, but when Sumin was dating Seju, they were young, and maybe some parts of herself didn't show up yet.
But after a time she might start developing them regardless. Just a thought.
So after maturing through Seju, she is now more ready for someone like Sungji?

I'm not sure if they would still be together or not, I really think it could go either way. I do think it took Sumin longer to develop feelings for Seju, but I think Seju was able to develop those feelings rather quickly.
But Seju is always telling Sumin that she still loves her isn't she?
So before Sumin caught Seju cheating she said that Seju was the only family she had left is that correct? But now is she only staying with her because she doesn't want to lose the only person she has left?

I guess I shouldn't really say "staying with her" because they aren't exactly together. But Sumin keeps going back to Seju

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 1:59PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

To be honest I think that Sumin still has (or had) some feelings for Seju, this is why she kept on coming back to her. This is why I couldn't help but still ship them lol.

Someone wrote above that team Gaji came up with Seju's character later? That means they mostl likely intended for Sumin and Sungji to be end game. Not that we can't already see it, but this is anothr proof.
Although without Seju, the story would be really different

joined Mar 17, 2016

To be honest I think that Sumin still has (or had) some feelings for Seju, this is why she kept on coming back to her. This is why I couldn't help but still ship them lol.

Someone wrote above that team Gaji came up with Seju's character later? That means they mostl likely intended for Sumin and Sungji to be end game. Not that we can't already see it, but this is anothr proof.
Although without Seju, the story would be really different

Yeah I can't imagine the story without Seju haha, I'm very glad that Team Gaji decided to add her in because I honestly think she's a great character.

joined Feb 5, 2015

I too think that Sumin still has feelings for Seju, because what's logical to do when you hate someone with a passion and don't want to see them again, and even wish them to be dead, is to stay away from them as far as you can hoping that you will never cross paths again, ever. But Sumin keeps coming back to Seju, she even slept with her. Some would argue that Seju's controlling Sumin with her manipulative ways so that she'll keep coming back to her. But Seju never asked Sumin to come back to her after they broke up, it's Sumin who came back on her own (even before she got that tattoo). Until there's an explanation from team Gaji on why and how Sumin came back to Seju, I will say Sumin still feels something for Seju, whatever it is.

Someone wrote above that team Gaji came up with Seju's character later? That means they mostl likely intended for Sumin and Sungji to be end game. Not that we can't already see it, but this is anothr proof.
Although without Seju, the story would be really different

Without Seju this story would be less interesting. It'll only be your typical age-gap love story, a young girl falls in love with an older woman.

joined Aug 31, 2014

Someone wrote above that team Gaji came up with Seju's character later?

it was me :D it was in an interview that Team Gaji did for webtoonguide.

That means they mostl likely intended for Sumin and Sungji to be end game. Not that we can't already see it, but this is anothr proof.

well it was intended that way 100% early development, without Seju, that's for sure. now that she's also a part of the story that option is a tiny bit less likely but i still think it'll be that way in the end, unless of course, if Team Gaji is packing some surprises for us. namely,

that's the story summary on Lezhin's EN page. notice the "a shocking plot twist" part there? i wonder if it's only to hype up the story (since it is one of the most, if not THE most, popular Korean webtoon on the site) or it's all planned out by Team Gaji themselves already....

Although without Seju, the story would be really different

yeah it'll probably be a Korean version of Their Story but with a more aloof Sunjing (Sumin) and a more straightforward Qiutong (Sungji) in an office instead of a school setting.

Seju adds more drama and imo, makes the story more interesting.

joined Mar 8, 2014

When I said impatient I meant exactly that. That she is not very 'tolerating' of Sumin's nerves. That's why she had to cheat on her to escape from all this. Not exactly that she doesn't wait.
And her wanting to marry Sumin sounded a bit like half-joking. Sumin knew Seju might have been serious but brushes it off. But I wouldn't say she knows it. After all Seju is always laughing and sounding flirty. She even mentioned Sungji was her type and likely says things like that so I think Sumin doesn't really see it. Also Seju hasn't seriously confronted her in a long time. Sumin realizes Seju has feelings for her but not to the extent she does I think.
I think Seju might break down and tell Sungji everything. Not because that makes sense. Just because that's an interesting way to move the story I think. And yeah Sumin definitely had feelings for Seju I think, well... I think she didn't exactly love the current Seju but kept thinking of the past Seju before she cheated on her and she kept indulging in that... unconsciously? I would say it is likely she was using Seju because it was convenient since she felt like Seju deserved to be used after what she had done to her but then if that was true she wouldn't keep remembering her past with her so much... or maybe she doesn't and we just randomly see those flashbacks? But tbh I don't think Sumin is that selfish, I think she just wanted to be with Seju because unconsciously still had some feelings and not that she had this secret plan of using her. That would be a bit too much... too... evil.

joined Mar 20, 2016

yo that's sick thanks

joined Mar 8, 2014

what? does? that... mean? O_O

joined Mar 17, 2016

Wait..? What is sick?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

joined Mar 17, 2016

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

Well yeah I knew that XD lol I meant what in particular was being called sick haha

joined Sep 15, 2015

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

Well yeah I knew that XD lol I meant what in particular was being called sick haha

I was wondering the same thing. (0.0)?

joined Mar 8, 2014

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

Well yeah I knew that XD lol I meant what in particular was being called sick haha

I was wondering the same thing. (0.0)?

Same! also isn't it possible he meant disturbing?

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 10:26PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

Well yeah I knew that XD lol I meant what in particular was being called sick haha

I was wondering the same thing. (0.0)?

Same! also isn't it possible he meant disturbing?

Yeah I wasn't sure if it was the good sick or the bad sick haha, we may never know.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Same! also isn't it possible he meant disturbing?

Yeah I wasn't sure if it was the good sick or the bad sick haha, we may never know.

Yeah, it's kinda hard to tell what he really meant. Even somethings like "That's the shit." That's crazy", You look crazy, today" turn out to be compliments. haha

joined Mar 8, 2014

Same! also isn't it possible he meant disturbing?

Yeah I wasn't sure if it was the good sick or the bad sick haha, we may never know.

Yeah, it's kinda hard to tell what he really meant. Even somethings like "That's the shit." That's crazy", You look crazy, today" turn out to be compliments. haha

that was so random... I think this person is teasing(trolling) us...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wait..? What is sick?

Sick == slang meaning "cool" and "awesome"

Well yeah I knew that XD lol I meant what in particular was being called sick haha

I was wondering the same thing. (0.0)?

Same! also isn't it possible he meant disturbing?

No, not in that formulation. It isn't possible at all. Also the fact that they said thanks pretty much underlines and bolds the fact that it's a compliment.

Seriously, if you know the slang, there's nothing ambiguous about it.

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