Day 5-ish
I've played nothing else ever since I started...I might be more addicted than when I got awakening. Really liking the level design on both routes, I'll do the 3rd one later. "Road taken" is now probably my favorite song of the franchise.
If I had to pick a route based solely on maps I'd mostly likely be Nohr, that said, I've wasted way too much time on the castle features and- Waitamitute What the! Why the fuck did they omit the gayngst on the Femui x Syalla S-support? were they really to lazy to re-write a different conversation for the female?
I mean sure it's still pretty gay and it's still fun to see her around the room and the kissing and all this really the price we had to pay for a better(I haven't confirmed yet) Soleil?
Granted, is just due the localization not bothering to change the script according to the gender of the MC but I love all the yuri moments you can find in Cyber Sleuth.
I remember the 1st DS having the same issue......not that I hate that. Oh and lol the vita version is digital-only! no wonder I only see the ps4 version on stores. I'll get it later.