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joined May 10, 2014

I think they just removed the uh...detail, really bisexual Soleil is the best we can hope at the moment. Honestly, I think the localization team was in a lose-lose situation in general, because either SJWs bitch or the fanbase will bitch.

...most romances in FE are pretty shitty...

Well it's really hard for me to care about het so... I can't give an unbias opinion about this. the pie-emblem meme is funny tho

...bet they don't want to say what else was changed cause people will probably hate it...

I'm in the minority here, but I've been pretty chill about everything since the reveal...then again I'm also in that like 10% who just wants it for the gameplay and funny supports but doesn't complain about the "new stuff". Any comment that implies otherwise is just for the lolz I won't say anything until I play.

Fire Emblem is boring, rip Advance Wars



joined Oct 15, 2013

supposed to be like harvest moon
Yuri routes possible, it seems ^

From what I read, the farming side might not be as good as Harvest Moon's tho, and rather simple.

joined May 10, 2014

Bayo and Kamui are coming out on Feb 3, I haven't gotten any dlc except mew2 yet and it looks like there's a bundle for all fighters maybe now is a good time to- aaaand there's no discount on the price...lol.

Pokemon gen 5 Pairing: Skyla x Elesa Links: pixiv1 pixiv2 pixiv3

joined Oct 15, 2013

A Tetris review...
this escalates...

last edited at Jan 31, 2016 4:25PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I feel like I have to tell the world how annoying it was to play through Warframe Sortie 3 today. The last like 8 minutes were pure stress.

joined May 26, 2011

I only briefly skimmed through this thread to see if anyone had already posted about this game and didn't see anything immediate, but a game my friend pointed out to me (bless his yuri loving soul) called Nights of Azure is coming out at the end of March and features a main yuri couple. I haven't really looked into it (just briefly glanced at the page since I plan on getting it and didn't want any spoilers) but I figured I should mention it here especially of all places. B)

joined Oct 15, 2013

Years of dwelling in the mediocrity that is Firefall, was eagerly awaiting The Division, but it just seems like a bland version of borderlands...

Also tried Defiance... it was shit.

Aghh, why is nobody making good MMORPG/FPS/TPS games? dammit.

joined May 10, 2014

it's official! Bayonetta is broken! not really

I only briefly skimmed through this thread to see if anyone had already posted about this game and didn't see anything immediate, but a game my friend pointed out to me (bless his yuri loving soul) called Nights of Azure is coming out at the end of March and features a main yuri couple. I haven't really looked into it (just briefly glanced at the page since I plan on getting it and didn't want any spoilers) but I figured I should mention it here especially of all places. B)

Yes! we did talk about it a few times, I'm sad because the vita version is not getting localized. Late responses ftw

joined Jan 12, 2014

it's official! Bayonetta is broken! not really

Doesn't matter to me since she's not really what I can play :/ why am I bad with just Bayonetta, Shiek and ZSS ;_;
But I love playing Kamui <3 dunno why it's just so much fun

joined Jan 12, 2014

I heard Fire Emblem Fates WON'T have japanese voice in the western release. To all those people who doubted me: I knew it...
Edit: http://nichegamer.com/2016/02/fire-emblem-fates-to-only-have-english-audio-in-the-west/ ;_;

last edited at Feb 8, 2016 6:32PM

joined Oct 15, 2013
joined May 10, 2014

So...no more balancing patches for smash...wow! I didn't think we'd reach the last patch without Samus or Zelda getting a really good buff =/

I heard Fire Emblem Fates WON'T have japanese voice in the western release. To all those people who doubted me: I knew it...

Right...well at least from what I've checked(not much) the voices aren't that bad, I can live with them...I think. We can also just hope for a update/patch/dlc or whatever. I just hope NotTharja's dub is better than in awakening or I'm gonna have a baaaad time

Also an Elise Nendoroid is coming out and judging by the preview it's freaking adorable.

joined Dec 4, 2015

I don't know if I can post it here, so if it's too bad I'll remove this post, but I'd like to ask you guys to sign This petition.

Well, this request is directly for anyone that like the "Persona" game series, but if anyone want to sign just to help (or ask to someone that likes Persona) I'd appreciate too (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

You have my gratitude.

I heard Fire Emblem Fates WON'T have japanese voice in the western release. To all those people who doubted me: I knew it...
Edit: http://nichegamer.com/2016/02/fire-emblem-fates-to-only-have-english-audio-in-the-west/ ;_;

Wait... what? Seriously? Here I'm trying to get help to solve one problem and find out I have another one... . . . Well, I Googled it and found a petition for that problem as well , but, the goal of this petition is only 200 signatures, so I don't know if its enough to change their decision... but we can at least try... right? (also, that petition are in spanish, just to mention)
But what do you think? 200 signatures are enough? Should we create another petition? Is there any other solution?

... I think that is it for now.

joined May 10, 2014

On PhotoKatsu! Got a PR Sumire from my first stars(?) recruit and after a bunch of tries 2 SR from regular(?) recruit...fair drop rates? beginners luck? or...wait why am I playing this when I haven't finished Xenoblade?! .............. must...get...all...valentine cards...

200 signatures are enough?

No. I don't think there's much we can do but wait. Maybe if it was a million or so...but most people don't care.

valentine's Links: 1 2 3 extra

last edited at Feb 14, 2016 10:47PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Another great STRAFE trailer

last edited at Feb 19, 2016 11:55AM

joined May 10, 2014

......so...I managed to get a Fates special edition...holy sh*t. The chapters before the split feel like the Shadow Dragon prologue chapters minus chapter 5 which kicked my @ss hard/classic plz
I'll post more stuff later...right now I need some sleep zzzzzzzzz.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Granted, is just due the localization not bothering to change the script according to the gender of the MC but I love all the yuri moments you can find in Cyber Sleuth.

joined May 10, 2014

Day 5-ish

I've played nothing else ever since I started...I might be more addicted than when I got awakening. Really liking the level design on both routes, I'll do the 3rd one later. "Road taken" is now probably my favorite song of the franchise.

If I had to pick a route based solely on maps I'd mostly likely be Nohr, that said, I've wasted way too much time on the castle features and- Waitamitute What the! Why the fuck did they omit the gayngst on the Femui x Syalla S-support? were they really to lazy to re-write a different conversation for the female?

I mean sure it's still pretty gay and it's still fun to see her around the room and the kissing and all but....grrr...is this really the price we had to pay for a better(I haven't confirmed yet) Soleil?

Granted, is just due the localization not bothering to change the script according to the gender of the MC but I love all the yuri moments you can find in Cyber Sleuth.

I remember the 1st DS having the same issue......not that I hate that. Oh and lol the vita version is digital-only! no wonder I only see the ps4 version on stores. I'll get it later.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I remember the 1st DS having the same issue......not that I hate that. Oh and lol the vita version is digital-only! no wonder I only see the ps4 version on stores. I'll get it later.

If you're thinking on getting the vita version, do it during this week so you get the special bundle with DLC and themes included. The bundle is only available during February

joined Oct 15, 2013
joined May 11, 2012

Fire Emblem Honest Trailer, funny how Waifu Wars: No Petting Allowed is fitting since nowadays a lot of people play more for the shipping than for the battles.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Fire Emblem Honest Trailer, funny how Waifu Wars: No Petting Allowed is fitting since nowadays a lot of people play more for the shipping than for the battles.

Going by the ernthusiastic reception, I don't think localization and removing the petting really put off very many people at all.

joined May 11, 2012

Fire Emblem Honest Trailer, funny how Waifu Wars: No Petting Allowed is fitting since nowadays a lot of people play more for the shipping than for the battles.

Going by the ernthusiastic reception, I don't think localization and removing the petting really put off very many people at all.

Guess it's not a surprise, translation is the same as previous games and most people probably don't care about the petting, shame they didn't give option to use japanese voice, there's still that third version of Fates that is a mix of the other two and apparently is the one with the canon ending, so I wonder if any chances of having japanese voice for it, probably won't have as always, I don't think any Fire Emblem had it.

last edited at Feb 27, 2016 11:54AM

joined May 28, 2013

Fire Emblem Honest Trailer, funny how Waifu Wars: No Petting Allowed is fitting since nowadays a lot of people play more for the shipping than for the battles.

Going by the ernthusiastic reception, I don't think localization and removing the petting really put off very many people at all.

It's definitely a hole, though. You can tell there was something there when you invite people to your personal quarters, but you can't do anything. They say a line or two, and... done. It's kind of awkward.

I'm playing Birthright and I am enjoying it. Pretty much a revamped version of Awakening, though some of the characters/storylines are so blatantly ripped straight from Awakening it's kind of frustrating. Mozu for example. Still, I like the combat more, especially how you can start off with characters paired instead of wasting a turn.

last edited at Feb 27, 2016 1:52PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Stardew Valley, a Harvest Moon inspired RPG (i.e. its about farming and town life) indie game made by 1 guy. Has yuri routes (that lead to marriage).

Also has planned multiplayer. Kinda interested on how its gonna be... I've been waiting for a solid Harvest Moon -like experience with multiplayer... but its usually about minigames and stuff (if not underdeveloped/tacked-on)

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