Oh, if only.
Kotori: Hands off my waifu.
BEST couple in the anime. <3
Homu...your Hand...is bleeding.
Kotori, the EliUmi hater. :D
I'm pretty certain this was how I got into FemSlash. How nostalgic.
Somehow that scenario seems strangely familiar...
last edited at Feb 9, 2016 7:06PM
Omg! /////< Ran x Aoi I fvcking love youu t2000!!
Omg finnaly it's here! :D
@drpepperfan how do i do that?
It's okay, there is always time for yuri ntr
Haha if Ayase's looking for some YURI romance, why not try me?.... ;D
To be fair, this happens to guys as well.
lol , an ( A ) for effort , <3 buh ah young mom is alriqhhtt 2 ..
Wasn't there a story similar to this one? I remember there being one, but I'm too lazy to track it down.
The nipples are strategically censored but the rest isn't xD
^Remilia has wrapped her right batwing across Sakuya's back.
last edited at Feb 10, 2016 12:54AM
yes we do ii agree ..
that's smart move to start a pocky day LOL
Uke or Seme ii wounder which one is which ? .. since there both so aggressive yet passive ..
fck ya nudist is annoy'n , ryuko is only 4r satsuki .. well if its makoy then am kewl with that 2
Top right of the site, click your user name. That'll show you Upload Request. It should be easy enough from there.
@Luhood The only one I can think of is this one. There is probably more of those that I don't know of, though.
thats what i do mentally when i see a ship i think should sink :P
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