Forum › And Then, To You (Part B) discussion

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Ah, this is quite sad. Although I'm still slightly confused as to why Yukari can't see Reimu in the afterlife, I can accept that she can't. I do think it's sweet, or bittersweet rather, how Yukari says that she's had countless meetings and partings but Reimu's has stuck with her the most.

So do all of the Hakurei shrine maidens look the same then?

joined Jan 8, 2014

"Applause" sad story, but so well done! And like I said before the art is really good! I wonder what other storys this mnagaka has planned ^_^
Thanks for translating!

joined Jan 13, 2015

Ah, this is quite sad. Although I'm still slightly confused as to why Yukari can't see Reimu in the afterlife, I can accept that she can't. I do think it's sweet, or bittersweet rather, how Yukari says that she's had countless meetings and partings but Reimu's has stuck with her the most.

So do all of the Hakurei shrine maidens look the same then?

Rather than looking the same its the Outfit. Even these hair ornaments are part of the Hakurei Mikos Dress. so unless you actually see her face it is quite possible to think they are the same.

joined Aug 17, 2014

this pop up in my mind...
eternity life is suck...

joined Mar 9, 2013

That was a pleasure to read, sad and bittersweet. The ending though was lovely, a strong and quiet conviction to move on and keep a promise made to someone special.
It's always interesting to see a mangaka's take on a character's death and how it affects and bleeds to the characters who remain. Makes you wonder if you were immortal, how do you think people's lives would impact you? What would be your coping mechanisms if they passed? Pretty interesting to think about.

joined May 14, 2013

I think there's dust in my room, it's time to clean it.


joined Dec 18, 2013

Really bittersweet but an excellent story nonetheless

joined May 25, 2015

That was nice

joined Dec 5, 2015

my feels...they are stabbing me on the inside...

joined Mar 9, 2013

I think there's dust in my room, it's time to clean it.


I bet someone's cutting onions.
Damn onions.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wasn't there another one along the same lines that never got a part 2?

joined Sep 21, 2015

this pop up in my mind...
eternity life is suck...

That's true but it would be great if you were given eternal life but you can die whenever you want... Like, if I can't find the person who I want to LIVE and DIE WITH in my lifetime I could find it if I lived longer, and staying young is great because you can help your lover when she gets older, and when her time comes you can die at her side.

joined Aug 17, 2014

this pop up in my mind...
eternity life is suck...

That's true but it would be great if you were given eternal life but you can die whenever you want... Like, if I can't find the person who I want to LIVE and DIE WITH in my lifetime I could find it if I lived longer, and staying young is great because you can help your lover when she gets older, and when her time comes you can die at her side.

in yukari case is suck

joined Feb 7, 2015

Damn onion cutting ninjas!

joined May 13, 2018

Sad...It seems that any maiden post Reimu will never be able to fill the gap that Reimu's death left in Yukari.

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