Forum › The Series of Life discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Little note here, while Elizabeth Báthory was a prolific mass murderer, there's no evidence that she actually bathed in blood. The first written version of the story was from over 100 years after her death, and contemporary accounts of her actual atrocities don't even mention it. That said, the fictionalized version did inspire a more well-known figure, Count Dracula.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Little note here, while Elizabeth Báthory was a prolific mass murderer, there's no evidence that she actually bathed in blood. The first written version of the story was from over 100 years after her death, and contemporary accounts of her actual atrocities don't even mention it. That said, the fictionalized version did inspire a more well-known figure, Count Dracula.

You're such a nerd, Nezchan.

That's why we all love you!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Such a beatifully drawed masterpiece.

joined May 5, 2015

Marisaa I think u are very light tome :3

joined Jan 22, 2015

Scouring the recesses of DR is so rewarding when I find works like this.

If you haven't read this already I suggest you do so.

joined Jul 29, 2016

What's "DR"?

joined Apr 28, 2016

Dynasty Reader, I assume.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Felt lukewarm about this first time reading, appreciate it a lot more second time around. It's beautiful writing and well put-together; nothing is included that's unnecessary, and everything contributes to that chapter's theme while feeling relatively natural. They feel like things which could all happen in Gensokyo. I like the feeling it gives.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Such an exquisite set of stories. For all the works about Gensokyo being this hub of endless fun and shenanigans, I've always visualized it as a quiet and tranquil place, a product of an age where people lived in tandem with nature, and it was perfectly acceptable to spend an evening staring wordlessly at blooming flowers. Without information highways or bustling crowds or routinized goals, the world seems so much larger, and though Gensokyo is rather tiny as fictional worlds go, one thing I've always loved about Touhou is how vast and diverse it seems. This collection really does justice to that pensive, thoughtful sea of lives, and even the romance is wonderfully subtle and nuanced, built upon shared thoughts and eloquent words rather than mere impulses. It's unique, thought-provoking, and fulfilling in every way.

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

that was a nice read of introspective

joined Jun 24, 2021

cool, i like introspective works like this

joined Mar 23, 2024

zamn thats a very cute and wholesome yukareimu moment

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