Update from ssamba including some (non-FF) art:
2015.07.20. 15:38
여러분 하이헬로우~
진짜 오랜만이네요ㅋ
저 드디어 저번주에 컴퓨터를 바꿨습니다! 냐냐냥!
아주 고급사양은 부담스러워서 그냥 적당히 작업하기 좋을만한 사양으로 샀다능~
예상보다 구입시기가 좀 늦었어요; 갑자기 몸살감기가 오는 바람에;; 며칠 앓느라고...
여름감기는 개도 안 걸린다는데...그만 제가 걸리고 말았네여....
지금은 기력회복 중입니다!
아무튼 새컴 진짜 좋긴 하네요.
뭣보다 소음이 없어!!! 구컴은 10분만 틀어놔도 코끼리 소리가 났었는데!! 기분이 이상해!!
새컴 사서 이거깔고 저거깔고 하는 것도 상당히 진빠지는 일이었어요..
사실 전 물건 새로 사는 걸 별로 안 좋아한답니당...
편하고 익숙한 게 좋아서 투덜대면서도 웬만하면 고장날 때까지 쓰는 편이죠;
새컴에도 얼른 적응해야할텐데...아직 새 운영체제가 영 서먹서먹하네요-_-;
잘되겠죠 뭐~
아. 그리고 이전 포스팅에서 뽐뿌라는 사이트 알려주신 분 정말 감사해요!
거기 열심히 눈팅하면서 컴 구입하는데 많은 도움을 얻었습니다. 땡큐~
그냥 가면 아쉬우니까
초아! (안 닮아서 미안..;_;)
새컴으로 처음 그린 그림입니다! 가볍게 손풀기로ㅋ
몸살 때문에 헤롱댈 때 저에게 큰 위로가 되어줬네요...
이쁘고 노래도 잘함! 빠내빠내버렸어요~
[출처] 우왕!|작성자 쌈바
Translation by taeyeonlikesgirls:
Everyone, hi hello~
it’s been a while
i finally got a new computer last week!
ones with good specs cost too much so i just bought something that i can easily work with~ it took longer for me to purchase than i’d expected;; i had suddenly gotten a flu (+fatigue) so i was sick for few days… (insert korean saying about how not even dogs get sick in the summer but she did)
but now i am recuperating!! but anyways this new computer is p good.
first of all!! not a noise! prev. computer made a loud sound like an elephant 10 minutes after having it turned on!! it made me feel uncomfortable!
so i have been installing many things on my computer and it drained out all of my energy.. tbh i dont like buying new things.. i like to constantly use something i’m used to..so even though i complain about old things, i use it until it gives out and breaks;;
i should really get used to this new one.. but i’m still a little awkward with the new OS -_-;
it’ll all be ok~
ah, and also from the prev post i made, thanks for whoever that let me know of the site called pomppu! i was web surfing and it had given me a lot of help while i was browsing for the new computer! thank you~
if i leave the post here, it’d be a little disappointing, so,,

choa! (sorry it doesn’t look like her ;_;)
this is the first thing i drew with my new computer! just for a light warm-up for my hand lol
she was a great comfort while i was deliriously sick
she’s pretty and sings well!! i fell for her~
From taeyeonlikesgirls's tags for that post:
i dont know if that is choa from aoa? or crayon pop? idk who choa is to begin with so i googled
Blog post:
last edited at Jul 23, 2015 11:22PM