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joined Mar 31, 2013

It mentions her help with the marathon, so this after the chapter five events.

joined Feb 28, 2013

No, I believe all the new chapters are actually prequels. They take place before the confession. I could be wrong. Any YP staffers want to confirm this?

If this one is a prequel, it would be set during chapter 5 since Yamada specifically mentions Kase helping her with the marathon.

joined Mar 31, 2013

This continuing from the alternate ending where they didn't get together (yet) is the only answer that really makes sense, isn't it?

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

She's been regularly training for the marathon with Kase's help. It does not mean that it takes place after chapter 5 since training is not a one time deal.
Also the doujin takes place in February for Valentine's Day but I believe it's spring for chapter 5.

joined Mar 31, 2013

She's been regularly training for the marathon with Kase's help. It does not mean that it takes place after chapter 5 since training is not a one time deal.
Also the doujin takes place in February for Valentine's Day but I believe it's spring for chapter 5.

Yeah, that makes sense too.

Wish the author had just said in the author's note, hah.

last edited at Jun 7, 2013 7:28PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Just to clarify, have there been any stories done with them as an actual couple? Or is all the untranslated/unreleased stuff prequels?

Phyis Moderator
Yuri Project
joined Dec 12, 2012

The next unreleased chapter is a prequel, the chapter after that continues the story after chapter 5.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ah, is good. Prequels are nice, but fluffy happy girl-love is even nicer.

Heck, so long as there's the occasional kiss, I'm a happy yuriholic.

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

If I hear "we're both girls" ONE MORE TIME...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If I hear "we're both girls" ONE MORE TIME...

We're both girls.


joined Feb 8, 2013

and here I was all waiting for something like Kase-san and a DATE :3

joined Jun 5, 2013

While it's possible the new chapter takes place after the alternative ending, I think it's also possible that it takes place before the marathon itself - perhaps in the middle of training for it? It was really cute, regardless.

joined Apr 4, 2012

so it's somewhere between the training and the actual marathon

joined Jun 28, 2013

I like this stories :)))
I read from the author's blog that "obento to kase-san" and "ichigo drop to kase-san" had released...
I hope i can read them soon :)))

joined Feb 8, 2013

Yamada doesnt even know how amazing herself she is
I even downloaded twice

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That's one of the things I like about this series, Yamada actually is pretty awesome and there's a lot for Kase-san to be attracted to. But Yamada doesn't see those things, and believes herself to be plain. It's nice to see Kase-san progressively bring more and more of her out as the story goes on.

joined Feb 28, 2013

The look on Inoue's face, on page 23, just screams "A new challenger has appeared".

last edited at Jul 6, 2013 5:28PM

joined Mar 18, 2013

I wish I had the ability to IGNORE THE GALLOPING CANTALOUPES ATTACHED TO MY CHEST WHENEVER I RUN. Kase-san, you seem to defy the physics of ladies underwear.

I cannot fathom how this is possible without a sports bra. Unless her boobs are actually FUCKING HUGE and page 2 is what they look like with a sports bra on, in which case WHY ARE YOU ON THE TRACK TEAM??? THAT HAS TO HURT EVEN WITH A SPORTS BRA!!!

My mind is blown.

joined May 17, 2013

The faces in this chapter were hilarious. I've never been a big fan of prequels but this was good.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I wish I had the ability to IGNORE THE GALLOPING CANTALOUPES ATTACHED TO MY CHEST WHENEVER I RUN. Kase-san, you seem to defy the physics of ladies underwear.

I cannot fathom how this is possible without a sports bra. Unless her boobs are actually FUCKING HUGE and page 2 is what they look like with a sports bra on, in which case WHY ARE YOU ON THE TRACK TEAM??? THAT HAS TO HURT EVEN WITH A SPORTS BRA!!!

My mind is blown.

Haha dat page 2, I'd like to bury my face in those pretty please.

Also I must say this chapter made me rage so much.

That coach...

How can let herself be bullied by all those "but muh favoritism" coming out from these useless skanks.

No self-respecting coach would swap a superior athlete for a weaker one, that's just wrong.

Also instead of apologizing that other girl should talked to the coach and refused to run.

last edited at Jul 6, 2013 7:17PM

joined Oct 15, 2011


joined Apr 14, 2013

The look on Inoue's face, on page 23, just screams "A new challenger has appeared".

You realize this is a prequel, right?

She would be the first lol. Not the new one.

joined Apr 10, 2013

and here I was all waiting for something like Kase-san and a DATE :3

Assuming that there will be a chapter with a title like that, I will be expecting a nervous (in Yamada and Kase's POV) and hilarious date (to us readers). Yamada will be panicking and Kase will laugh. Yamada will become sad, Kase will comfort her. Hoping much but, I want there to be a kiss..

Like I said, assuming there is a chapter titled A Date and Kase-san.

joined Apr 4, 2012

yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss its here kase-san
made my day

joined Feb 17, 2013

I dont get how anyone could think this came AFTER chapter 5- or ANY chapter- its made very clear its a prequel.

Page one starts with a 'Back in early april' box- and we see kasa meeting (watching) yamada for the first time- she dosnt even know her name. (page 10 - kase says 'whats that girl doing?' - page 11- 'dont i know her? isnt she in the neibouring class?'

The event we see, that kasa watches and picks up her spirits, is the thing that made her aproach and greet yamada in chapter one.

But i do realy like this manga and hope to see more soon:)

I hope it dosnt go all angsty tho- lets keep it fairly short and sweet and to the point :)

last edited at Jul 7, 2013 12:16AM

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