It occurred to me you could read this not as an actual event, but as sexy play between the two of them. Except that Natsuki wouldn't be that good an actor, lol.
BTW, despite what people will tell you on E-Hentai, this is a Mai-Otome doujin, not a Mai-Hime doujin.
The easy way to tell is with Natsuki's last name. In Mai-Hime, it's Kuga. In Otome, it's Kruger.
Lol, I am so used to "Mai-Hime", my brain automatically read it as Kuga here as well. Only after seeing you comment did I went back, and saw it is in fact Kruger.
Shizuru loves Natsuki with her entire being! They are also a favorite couple of mine. I am sure that they live happily together in a wonderful world each fan has built for them with our hearts and imaginations.
Sakura x Tomoyo were the first yuri couple that I loved. Shizuru x Natsuki were the second yuri couple, I am always impressed how beautiful the artwork and stories are about these sweet characters!
Back to enjoy being in their world again. I don’t know why but I feel nostalgia when reading this story no matter how long it has been between readings.