
Forum › A "small" topic for video games

joined May 10, 2014

Please tell me you guys used the music cheat at least once. Oh and by the way here is the soundtrack for some of the old blizzard games(SC1, Diablo 1&2).

I'm ready anytime for smash...just sayin'

Series: Show by Rock!! Pairings: Moa x Chuchu - Retoree x Cyan Link: pixiv1 pixiv2 pixiv3
WARNING Inevitable SB69 spam someone stop me!

I'm also trying to figure out if this one counts as A x Un or just a FunnyBackgroundEvent the boorus have Un tagged as Moa for some reason lol.

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'm ready anytime for smash...just sayin'

I think I'm more ready since I've been ingame waiting for a while already xD
Edit1: We can turn them of any time if you want xD I was just trying out the ones I never use before
Edit2: From now on I'll hate Mr. Saturn...
Edit3: Nyahaha! It appears the time was on my side

edit6: whoa that stage/match up was imposible...i tried

Edit4:You did indeed
Edit5: I really didn't expect it to actually hit. thx
Edit6: Doomed by the bell

edit8: I hate the 3ds stages...also ore club still OP

Edit7: Just as op as the back shield
Edit8: I really hoped that Missfire would hit..
Edit9: That moment when you push down b in the right moment but game sends you through the ground.....
EditX: Don't worry we're still going strong^^
Edit11: Keldeo stays quite a time
Edit12: I really shouldn't bath while playing...
Edit13: Out of bath. Hopefully increases performance (and decreases lag)
EditforTeens: Shouryuken!
Edit15: How about everyone shares all his replays of today later? Also perfect ditto xD seriously I died half of the time because I didn't know who I was!
Edit16: aaah! I forget so often to save replays because I press start ><
Edit17: The wind of change~
Edit18: You need to read the flow~ Anticipate any action taken by the opposition~
Edit19: Well.. running like that works aswell
Edit20: I love custom Ganondorf for...Sword reasons
Editmustbe21: That pixelated horror lag
Edit22: Another object on my hate list: Checkpoint
Edit23: Probably worst possible stage for Luc...
Editmyage: The stiches were angry because you stole my kill Kyonne...
Edit25: It's day of Ditto apparently
Edit26: Killed myself with a bob-omb and Ike who flies out on the other end of the screen gets a kill...huh?
Edit27: If lag was caused from me running to get the charger I apologize. Also PERFECT
Edit28: One shot away from victory ;
Edit29: The moment I saw the stage I knew I would lose

Edit may cry: Kyonne you messed up Donte's hair is black! :/

Don't even joke about that
EditTrue30: Why is it everytime I pick Wendy someone increases launch power
Edit31: I also am out of storage space
Edit32:To think that Kyonne would have the important role to preserve our memories of this fight
Edit33: Soo many hammers o.o
Edit 34: kill steals everywhere
Edit35: How did Falco even get that many kills

Edit Type-0: Didn't even know that thing could bite!

Now you know
Edit 37: Too many Suicides this round
Edit 38: That was...anticlimatic
Edit 39: Sorry I think that's enough for me^^ Let's make the next one the last
Edit Foryt: Guess I'l upload stuff till I fall asleep
Edit Final: Reaching the post limit everyday now I guess

last edited at May 31, 2015 7:16PM

joined May 10, 2014

XD I'll join now you then! I was watching some youtube videos, splatoon motion pro controller add-on? looks ridiculous

edit1: We are playing customs right away...?
edit2: stupid bombs...I knew i was dead...
edit3: don't hit me while I'm charging...RUDE!!!

Edit2: From now on I'll hate Mr. Saturn...

You knew that was going to happen!
edit5: saved by the bell :)
edit6: whoa that stage/match up was imposible...i tried
edit7: I swear that was supposed to be an up-smash GG
edit8: I hate the 3ds stages...also ore club still OP
edit9: add +2 to the that shouldn't have worked count.
editX: somehow I saw that coming.
edit11: and +2 to the times I try to take a warlock punch with the rock smash...it works I swear XD

Shit, you guys still at it? Passed out in the living room and forgot the time

all night probably? also sorry about the sucker punch didn't think you'd taunt
edit13: punching bag +x000 points. also CORNERIAAA
edit14: F**KING BEEEESSS also ditto edit8
edit15: priceless ;)
edit:16 and so the lag claimed 11 victims XD
edit17: you'll never rest me alive!!!
edit18: CHAOS also I pressed A one many times send me that replay!
edit19: I felt like I stepped on the wrong neighborhood - I FORGOT TO SAVE whoops
editXX: Air time: 111 wow...
edit: THE WORLD: what the fuck was that?!
edit:22 landed knee, punch, kick...yep i'm satisfied
edit23: AAAWWW so close...teach me the art of wind sempai.
edit24: ditto the ditto8...
edit25: I seriously love custom charizard...when im not killing myself like a dumbass.

Edit Electrosphere: Kill stealer >[

you're welcome :)
edit26: had to run to get the charger, also aaaaahhhhh 2fast4me
edit27: SALT I hate that stage
edit28: I can't believe you guys didn't notice it was punch out match!!!!
funedit: wow I didn't get destroyed for starting at 60%...you 2 are so nice ;_;
donedit: winner is villager..."wait WHAT?!...um ok...I'll take it"
ZEROedit: I call dibs on SA-X!
superedit: HEY don't hit me in the face after I let you celebrate!
Editoflightandshadow: STOP THAT!
editchronicles: I visioned so hard my head hurts and I see a half naked version of myself...
F-Edit:I-I thought that glitch was patched?!
Edit wily wars: Michael bay presents megaman 2

Killed myself with a bob-omb and Ike who flies out on the other end of the screen gets a kill...huh?

I meant to jump forward then neutral b but my thumbs is to sweaty.
Edit&Knuckles: you're too slow indeed.
Editdays: Go back to kingdom hearts you
FitUedit: Stop wavedashing Kappa <-wrong site

Edit Galaxy: Truly the princess of the invencibility stars...

Better nerf greninja then.
Puffedit: chances of winning -70% so...might as well troll a little XD
Edit brigade: OHK holy shit! I thought Eclipse was the black knight's skill.
edit in zebeth: That damn flag is such a match killer, that stock was a worthy sacrifice.
mother edit: don't steal my KO...hacker...
edit sports resort: ROB is tier 0 today...also the Yankees are calling.
Edit 3d world: is it normal if I scream "MY BABY" every time the Lumas get KOd?
Edit may cry: Kyonne you messed up Donte's hair is black! :/ , also I learned to love Ballon fight =D
Edit and the mystery of the emblem: Errr...does yoshi count as a Manakete? or at least zombie?
Editfoxonly: stupid devilman, everytime I pick MK you guys pick sword users...cool
Editmageddon: even if I lose I still think 2x rate is the next level meta.

Anti-Lucina Edit: God Lucina is so bad!

My victory would like to say otherwise lol.
theeditneverdies: that was kinda painful actually. and whoops picked DR. Mario again.
Residentedit: I'm out of space you guys keep saving replays
worldofedit: ROB de-throned
editofswords: dude I main-ed Rufure for like 2 weeks I know them inside out.
OHNOedit: PLZ send me that replay!!!
Massivepageofedits: add like +10 to the "that shouldn't have worked counter"
Editchu: the lock works so well xd just not in this stage.
Editanotherday: yay bad DI!
Twiliedit: im getting tires, 1st time i get saturn with peach in this game.
Kyonne plz tell me you saved that! Nooooo
Badedit: i forgot to switch items
Cpwdit: aha! This zombie can still land the knees!
777edit: ooooh you got so lucky xD

Edit35: How did Falco even get that many kills

editzone: guys lets all stop cheating already
Ahedit: forgot the bumpers >_<
Mazeofedit: i almost picked dark pit
Finalcountdown: ok see you later then....zzzzzz..... edit: scratch that i can't sleep :D. Forgot to say GG you rock! . 1 more thing Kyonne we need to do a 1v1 ken combo only battleflied one of this days.
Don't mind me I'm blue dr. Mario too....
Epilogue: post limit pls

last edited at May 31, 2015 9:32AM

joined Mar 23, 2013

my life for aiur

What battle calls?
I long for combat!
Khas I serve!
Honor guide me!
For Adun!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Shit, you guys still at it? Passed out in the living room and forgot the time
Edit +: T-thanks SKull Kid
Edit Unsung War: =[
Edit Belkan War: Damn it Falco get it together
Edit Skies of Deception: +300 style points for the finisher
Edit Joint Assault: Saved hard!

Edit15: How about everyone shares all his replays of today later? Also perfect ditto xD seriously I died half of the time because I didn't know who I was!

That's when the thing of touching your character portrait in the touch screen becomes useful

Edit Assault Horizon: What the heck
Edit Electrosphere: Kill stealer >[
Edit Infinity: Just according to keikaku!
Edit Prime: Amazing, we even had the same missile and screw attack
Edit Echoes: 3 Stitch faces? What the fuck?
Edit Pinball: Damn, i was thinking of using Shulk in this one
Edit Path of Radiance: Hhhhhhhheehh
Edit Galaxy: Truly the princess of the invencibility stars...
Edit Shadow Dragon: Bullshit, the timer laster 1 second more!
Edit Shimomura: This fucking match!
Edit Suit Gundam OMNI vs ZAFT II P.L.U.S. +: poor birdman
Anti-Lucina Edit: God Lucina is so bad!
Edit Country: Aw yeah, 9 deaths!
Edit Princess: Ghirahim ain't giving no shit about yo homerun bat
Edit Waker: Way to waste a long waited Sudden Death o_o XD
Edit of The Edit: Been about 30 matches without my stage being picked
Edi-FUCK forgot to save!
Edit Land: Sick Pikmin kill steal
Edit Uprising: Hey nice Daybreak you assembled there, would be a total shame if someone stole your kill
Edit Type-0: Didn't even know that thing could bite!

Could play for some more 42 hours but yeah i think it's okay for now, thanks for the games guys

Will upload what replays i saved, didn't save that much though
Aaand it's uploaded

last edited at May 31, 2015 9:26AM

joined May 10, 2014

WHOA WHAT THE?! By the gods! What is this Animal Crossing+Pokemon Amie doing in MY FE!!!!?!!! Actually I LOVE IT! this will add at least 500 hrs to my game! I can be a true King now wahahaa!...Hope there's cat ear accessories
At ~7:24 is that Severa? I know it says Luna but....

Series: Super Mario bros. Pairing: Peach x Rosalina Link: deviantart

joined Mar 6, 2014

Nice to see they're using Marth's badass design for this and not his shitty one from Awakening despite the guy who's drawing, thank you amiibos! I'll assume the same will be true for Ike

joined Dec 18, 2013

Don't know how many of you like the Batman games but I just HAD to share this new ad for my boy, Red Hood


last edited at Jun 1, 2015 11:03AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

I loved Asylum and City, but i've no idea if my toaster would be enough to run Knight so i'm keeping myself away from it for now, at least until a GOTY Edition surfaces 'cause the pre-order bonus shit is getting out of control

joined Dec 18, 2013

Yeah, there's so much DLC for Knight. I just care for Red Hood though.

Anyways, here's a trailer for Gust's new RPG in pretty low quality


The yuri is strong on this one

joined Nov 29, 2014

Someone probably already mentioned it but Re:Birth 2 is on Steam now.

joined Feb 4, 2015

So, I'm usually reaaaaaaally fussy when it comes to game graphics (oh Victoria 2, I wish but play you so, but the UI is just... ugh. Even CKII barely passes. thank God I don't like WWII except, Goddammit, HOI III looks amazing) but Embric of W... something castle is funny and yuri enough that I don't care. If only I could remember which version I downloaded because if I didn't get the deluxe I'm gonna flip.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah, Wulfhammer is pretty funny. I got every ending except for one that was bugged and there are some really awesome ones in there.
How far are you? Things are gonna get crazy.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yeah, Wulfhammer is pretty funny. I got every ending except for one that was bugged and there are some really awesome ones in there.
How far are you? Things are gonna get crazy.

Not too far, and I'm restarting because I need to download the deluxe version to make sure that's the one I have, lest I drive my face in with a hammer (yes, good for the rest of the world, but bad for my having of a nose) from all the paranoia that it isn't.

I'm also searching out a guide to make sure I do everything. I love rpgs and everything, but I hate them so fucking much because I cannot live with myself if I haven't done everything.

Also, can I romance the elf with the skank tattoo? (Side note; read that as spank, not sure which is funnier.)

joined Jan 17, 2014

I downloaded a guide from Google Drive somewhere after the website went down but that one was a pain in the ass to follow because you had to constantly be somewhere else if you didn't wanted to miss something and I swear even then it was near impossible to 100% everything because of how choppy it was thrown together.

Duchess x Loun OTP

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah, I used that same guide. I copied it into Word and just marked everything I've already done so the color coding made it... doable to navigate. Still quite the pain.

Also, can I romance the elf with the skank tattoo? (Side note; read that as spank, not sure which is funnier.)

You... kinda can. You can marry but not romance her if I remember correctly

Douchess x Alice OTP.

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 11:15PM

joined May 11, 2012

OriginalGengar or Maus, could you post a link for that guide? That Word version if possible, and anyone knows if the sequel to Wulfhammer is still being made?

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 11:27PM

joined Jan 17, 2014

In the developer room she states that she never fell in love with the duchess and calling her a poor subsitute for Embric, thats why

Unrequited Falwythwier crush on Alice OTnotP

Or we can just go with a harem, she has enough

Edit: I am going to work now, if Gengar doesn't I will do it later

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 11:31PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I vote harem.

Hypocrite what? No no no, this is a yuri harem of course that's okay.

(Probably unnecessary, but I feel the way I previously have spoken about harems is unfair, because as long as it doesn't involve het it can work.)

joined Feb 4, 2015


I think that's the guide Thiaguinho.

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 12:12AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah that's the one.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Last mention of Notoriety I can find is a post on the guys deviant art dated August 2014.

Question Dude

Is this game still in development? I recently finished the first game, and would love to know that this is still happening.

Creator Dude

Not in the form illustrated here.
It is still my intention to release Grettel/Cordellia's stories, but I don't know that it will be an extension of the Marquess of Notoriety demo.
In good news, however, I'm in the implementation phase of a game that I hope to release a beta for in 3 months or so. Keep an ear out for Quantum Entanglement.

The demo's a thing but I don't think there will be any more on it?

joined Nov 29, 2014

The demo's a thing but I don't think there will be any more on it?

I think it's pretty much that, at least from what I've heard.

joined Mar 6, 2014
joined Apr 20, 2013

SOMEONE TAKE MY HAND!! http://kotaku.com/the-fallout-4-announcement-has-begun-1708434161?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow

Serenata is DED

Revives and edit:

In the page in HTML

“PA system failure has occured.

Shutdown of the Masterbrain has been authorized and all sensitive materials have been removed for security purposes.

Please attempt re-access. Have a pleasant day.”

Also, this: < script src=”/57601643.institute.js" > < /script >

Serenata is DED again

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 11:17AM

This topic has been locked.