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Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

That credit page just summed up the whole chapter, I love it. I'm probably thinking too far ahead but I can't help but wonder how the characters will handle things like: sex, marriage, or maybe even children. I really can't wait to see where this all goes.

OMG I would love to see them raising kids hahaha

Ye-ess . . . Kind of tough fate to be wishing on the kids though.
I'm imagining their kids talking to other kids . . .
"You mean your mommy doesn't try to kill your other mommy every day? But then, how do you know they love each other?"

joined Sep 13, 2014

That last page though.
"Why did I bring an umbrella?" So that I could stay dry after I make you wet."

joined Jan 30, 2013

Their children will be so badass. And if you can think of a good synonym, tell me.

joined Oct 6, 2014

I feel like this is brilliant satire; taking typical romantic tropes and putting them in the context of violence to show a bit of their absurdity. Throwing your girlfriend out of a second story building, then complaining you're afraid of hurting her with the smex? Brill. Yes, please. Thank you.

So much this. ^^

It drips with the best kind of satire, and what makes it so damn fun is how endearing the two mains are.

Oh, I agree completely! They are super cute!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That credit page just summed up the whole chapter, I love it. I'm probably thinking too far ahead but I can't help but wonder how the characters will handle things like: sex, marriage, or maybe even children. I really can't wait to see where this all goes.

OMG I would love to see them raising kids hahaha

Ye-ess . . . Kind of tough fate to be wishing on the kids though.
I'm imagining their kids talking to other kids . . .
"You mean your mommy doesn't try to kill your other mommy every day? But then, how do you know they love each other?"

You're assuming the kids themselves won't be well-honed killing machines with a tendency to overreact.

joined Jul 8, 2013

I'll never understand why this series is so fucking fantastically perfect.

I. Franceska S.
joined Sep 15, 2014

I need to find a way to permanently implant every panel of this into my memory. This is just so perfect. I want to see more!

joined May 17, 2014

Lol, credits pages are life!

joined Apr 8, 2013

That credit page just summed up the whole chapter, I love it. I'm probably thinking too far ahead but I can't help but wonder how the characters will handle things like: sex, marriage, or maybe even children. I really can't wait to see where this all goes.

OMG I would love to see them raising kids hahaha

Ye-ess . . . Kind of tough fate to be wishing on the kids though.
I'm imagining their kids talking to other kids . . .
"You mean your mommy doesn't try to kill your other mommy every day? But then, how do you know they love each other?"

Setting aside the odd looks they might get when they say they have two mommies, let alone two mommies that show they love each other by going into assassin mode. xD

joined Jun 6, 2014

That credit page just summed up the whole chapter, I love it. I'm probably thinking too far ahead but I can't help but wonder how the characters will handle things like: sex, marriage, or maybe even children. I really can't wait to see where this all goes.

I wonder how many people would decline showing up to their wedding ceremony due to fear of accidental death.

It'd have to be an outdoor wedding. No venue carries that much insurance.

Imagine them saying their vows while trying to kill each other. And not just standard vows...vows that are like 500x more romantic and serious.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Girls like me need a girlfriend like that

Lol I was just thinking the same thing...the brilliance of this manga is that relationships would be just this easy if we all took our anxieties and feelings we hold back to another lvl...

I guess what im really saying is id like to start my assassin training...HAHAHA ;) :D

joined Mar 13, 2014

lmao, this manga never disappoints. Straight up win.

joined Aug 8, 2013

That freakin credit page!!

joined Oct 15, 2013

Domestic violence would not apply to these two.

Domestic love.

joined Jan 19, 2015

bravo! it never gets boring with these two. such a nostalgic feeling...

joined Apr 9, 2014

aw they are so cute tho

joined Jan 20, 2015

Just seeing these two makes me wonder...Will there be any survivors at the wedding? My doubts tell me no.

Also, that credit page. It got me good, son. Right there.

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

I've been debating whether to say this, but I've been looking ahead in Huri Hime. (Spoilers ahead, I mean it!) First blood is drawn in chapter 5 (with a hairpin), and it get worse in chapter 6. That's the latest issue, so I don't know about after that. Of course they stay very cutely in love during all this. I guess that's two yanderes for you. I'll let you discover the details for yourselves.

last edited at Jan 26, 2015 10:51PM

joined Oct 29, 2014

the 1st two pages idk why but i was LOL yo that girl at the end totally cock blocked the kiss scene ROLF that very last credit page tho ps. still think this manga is HOT

joined Apr 12, 2014

Llololololololol cute

joined Jul 26, 2013

These are my favorite!
Too bad they're so short ;'(

joined Jan 3, 2014

Lol. This is freaking amazing. I can't with this. HOW IS THIS SO CUTE???

last edited at Jan 27, 2015 5:53AM

joined Aug 19, 2012

I've been debating whether to say this, but I've been looking ahead in Huri Hime. (Spoilers ahead, I mean it!) First blood is drawn in chapter 5 (with a hairpin), and it get worse in chapter 6. That's the latest issue, so I don't know about after that. Of course they stay very cutely in love during all this. I guess that's two yanderes for you. I'll let you discover the details for yourselves.

yeah its gonna get messy

joined Feb 8, 2014

kiss kiss kiss please :3

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Setting aside the odd looks they might get when they say they have two mommies, let alone two mommies that show they love each other by going into assassin mode. xD

I don't think assassin mode is the best way to describe it. Assassins usually don't leave everything in range in ruins, lol. An airstrike or a bomb would be a lot better.

Just seeing these two makes me wonder...Will there be any survivors at the wedding? My doubts tell me no.

No one has actually gotten hurt yet.
Related to Yuri Girl 1001's spoiler for reference -> Though according to that spoiler that might change

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