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joined Jul 27, 2015

I think God tried making up today for having almost made me die from boredom by putting me in hospital for a while. XD

First and foremost though, I hope ya'll remembered to give a bear hug to your moms today! :D

I certainly did so and I also gave her the Rottweiler T-shirt I said I'd get her and when I told her what the coming-soon second part of the present is, she pretty much crushed me in her arms. XD (Seriously though, I think she might've bruised a rib or two. o.e...) Before we drove to my family's place though, Lin and I annoyed the shit out of our neighbors by basically combining cleaning our condo with a house party. So there we were, rocking out to 2 Erasure albums, singing along to every song until our throats were sore and dancing like the 2 idiots we are while occasionally using pretty much anything in our reach as a microphone substitute. X'D Lin actually went down on her knees one time and dramatically sung the line "Oh baby please, give a little respect to me!" to Reeba, but Reeba just turned and walked away like "Lol, nope. No respect for you. :D" Anyway, so when we were done cleaning and got to my family's house to have lunch with everyone, my dad and Lin actually managed to have a civil conversation with each other. It might've just been because they both wanted to behave to not ruin mom's mother's day, but it really didn't feel that forced, actually. They even genuinely agreed on a few things. Progress! :D

So much happiness for one day. I think I won't be able to sleep until late at night cause I still feel so giddy about everything. XD

last edited at May 8, 2016 11:27AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Whats wrong with me for being care, dude?
And, its not dying actually, but just not as excited as before..
Urk... no i m not suck.. dont bring me out for sth u want for yrself...

You are so happy, brow....And I m happy for u, too.. xD
Congratz... you made it with yr plan, and yr father x Lin make a progress...

joined Jan 13, 2016

Whats wrong with me for being care, dude?
And, its not dying actually, but just not as excited as before..
Urk... no i m not suck.. dont bring me out for sth u want for yrself...

Hahaha...who are you again? I don't think i'm familiar with your name. Sorry dude...introduce yourself again.


last edited at May 8, 2016 1:47PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

It's good to know that your dad and Lin's making progress ;)
We all hope everything's gonna go well soon after this !! :>

mvl & Rainy
Chill out guys. Keep your blood level down xD

And to everyone, Happy Mom's Day to yer Mom !!

last edited at May 8, 2016 2:43PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

yr father x Lin

... I know you didn't mean it that way, but that thought is, so, so, soooo fucking wrong. (>A<) .... o.o I honestly wouldn't know whom of the two I should kill if that happened. :T totally don't have psycho tendencies XD

Anyway, wassup people!

joined Nov 20, 2015

Being mad strategy is not working to me anymore, dude... better give up...
/snap yr forehead, tickle yr waist n escape/

mvl just forget taking her medicine, lolz..

Omgeee... i didnt mean what u mean, brow... sowwyyyy..
The easiest way is to kill me... xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Hi everyone, hope you guys enjoyed your mother's day. Glad to hear there was progress with your dad/Lin, Su :)

I'm absolutely exhausted. Woke up early to help kanojo and her sister (imoto) cook brunch for their mom. There were a lot of mimosas involved during the morning and so their mom was sloshed before noon. I'm quite convinced she is having a lesbian awakening in her old age and I'm the object of her flirtation. I was sitting on the couch after calling my mom and she came and sat on my lap telling me I should leave her daughter for her. Maybe this is just what happily married women do when they're bored and drunk. I looked to kanojo, imoto, and their dad for an assist and they just put their hands up and said it's mother's day and "she seems happy there" (draped all over me). Definitely escaping to the west to see my own mom next year...

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hi everyone, hope you guys enjoyed your mother's day. Glad to hear there was progress with your dad/Lin, Su :)

I'm absolutely exhausted. Woke up early to help kanojo and her sister (imoto) cook brunch for their mom. There were a lot of mimosas involved during the morning and so their mom was sloshed before noon. I'm quite convinced she is having a lesbian awakening in her old age and I'm the object of her flirtation. I was sitting on the couch after calling my mom and she came and sat on my lap telling me I should leave her daughter for her. Maybe this is just what happily married women do when they're bored and drunk. I looked to kanojo, imoto, and their dad for an assist and they just put their hands up and said it's mother's day and "she seems happy there" (draped all over me). Definitely escaping to the west to see my own mom next year...

I wasn't planning to go. Actually forgot about it until my sister text me about it. In the end i went to celebrate with my sis. It would look weird if i just slept in or stare my ceiling. Hahaha....

last edited at May 8, 2016 9:06PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Hi everyone, hope you guys enjoyed your mother's day. Glad to hear there was progress with your dad/Lin, Su :)

I'm absolutely exhausted. Woke up early to help kanojo and her sister (imoto) cook brunch for their mom. There were a lot of mimosas involved during the morning and so their mom was sloshed before noon. I'm quite convinced she is having a lesbian awakening in her old age and I'm the object of her flirtation. I was sitting on the couch after calling my mom and she came and sat on my lap telling me I should leave her daughter for her. Maybe this is just what happily married women do when they're bored and drunk. I looked to kanojo, imoto, and their dad for an assist and they just put their hands up and said it's mother's day and "she seems happy there" (draped all over me). Definitely escaping to the west to see my own mom next year...

I wasn't planning to go. Actually forgot about it until my sister text me about it. In the end i went to celebrate with my sis. It would look weird if i just slept in or stare my ceiling. Hahaha....

We don't have plans for mother's day soo I'm ditching my mom's day and going off to a drinking sesh instead xD
Everybody's working soooo~
Yep. See you on next page !! Gonna be a good good night !!

joined Feb 8, 2016

Well I guess to get technical on my own words, I did say "enjoyed your mother's day" so that doesn't necessarily mean you need to enjoy it with your mother lol... :|

joined Mar 2, 2016

Glad to hear you guys had a nice day haha. ^ ^

Had a terribly long day of work so now Im about to pass out and wake up early for my first day of school. It feels weird knowing Ill be a student and sporting a backpack again.. xD
And dofu I think its cute how much your kanojos mom adores you that much hahah.

joined Jul 27, 2015

That is fucking awesome. XD Hopefully she was drunk enough to not remember it today though. Could get just a liiiittle bit awkward around her otherwise, lol.

Make sure to prank the first teacher you see so people understand not to mess with you. o.o Schools are like zoos, I'm telling ya. o.o;

joined Feb 13, 2016

Make sure to prank the first teacher you see so people understand not to mess with you. o.o Schools are like zoos, I'm telling ya. o.o;

If someone messes with waifu, they mess with the yakuza. :P

I passed the Mother's Day on a long shift. Hope you guys had more fun than me xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Make sure to prank the first teacher you see so people understand not to mess with you. o.o Schools are like zoos, I'm telling ya. o.o;

If someone messes with waifu, they mess with the yakuza. :P

Waifu <3 XD

And hahah the prof actually made fun of me cause I came late. Slept in on the first day lmao. So much for making a cool entrance :P

I passed the Mother's Day on a long shift. Hope you guys had more fun than me xD

Poor waifu T^T best get some sleep.

joined Feb 8, 2016

And dofu I think its cute how much your kanojos mom adores you that much hahah.

Lol kanojo thinks the same thing, but I've told her that it's all fun and games until her mother's sleeping in our bed.

That is fucking awesome. XD Hopefully she was drunk enough to not remember it today though. Could get just a liiiittle bit awkward around her otherwise, lol.

I don't know we left and they were still drinking and watching basketball lol (it wasn't a Warriors game or there's no way we'd leave in the middle of a game). I'm good at pretending like nothing happened, but I'm pretty sure all of kanojo's family is on #TeamShameless.

pervy understudy, you spent Mother's Day taking care of kids, so I'm sure lots of moms out there appreciated it :*

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol, guess you'll find out once you see her again. XD

but I'm pretty sure all of kanojo's family is on #TeamShameless.

Lol, tell 'em to sign up here and get their asses in this thread. Let's see if we can get get #TeamShameless big enough to take over Dynasty. XD

pats You're a good person. ^^ I'm sure your mom understands that as well.

Ruining your image on the first day of school? That's gotta be a new record or something. XD

Whiny rant
So I just went to the toilet in the middle of the night and when I wanted to wash my hands, I suddenly go down on my knees for a few seconds cause theres's a sudden stinging pain in my chest. It was there for like a minute and then it faded away and now I feel fine again. Well, except that I'm kinda too worried to go back to sleep. Part of me wants to wake up Lin and ask her to cuddle away my worries, part of me tells me to stop being a pussy and let her get every second of sleep she can get cause she's in for a tough day tomorrow. Meh. :T Definitely gonna see my doc about this tomorrow though.

Btw, have I ever mentioned that I'm starting to miss Fay? Cause yeah, I am. :T

joined Jul 27, 2015


Looks like what I thought was minor enough to try to not make too much of a fuss about yesterday actually turns out to be major enough to prepone the heart transplantation again. Wanna know when it's gonna be? I'll tell ya: right now. ^^;;

Uh, so after I woke up today with that weird, throbbing feeling in my chest, I decided to go see my heart doc first thing after breakfast. He ran a few tests and I knew I was in for some bad news when he barely said a word to me. ^^; After he stared at the results of the ECG and performed a sonography on me, he just went "Well. Time to cut you up." He explained that he thinks I had a pretty bad heart valve spasm yesterday night, which caused some of the important blood vessels on the valve to take some serious damage. My heart valve is so bruised up, it actually looked like some sort of black blotch on the sonography screen. Doc says that in that injured state, it's a ticking time bomb, set to go off in like 24 to 36 hours at max. What would happen then? Well, basically, I'd kick it. It's either instant cardiac arrest or a heart attack that would lead to cardiac arrest. But thankfully, my doc is a cool guy and not having any of that shit, so he gathered the surgeon team I was assigned and now they're preparing everything. And while they do that, I was allowed to have the receptionist lady at the main entrance call over whomever I want for moral support. So Lin's here with me right now and my family's gonna get here soon as well. I borrowed her phone for a bit to let ya'll know what's up.

Now, the following is something I wanna say just in case. I mean I'm not saying it's gonna happen and I sure as fuck hope I'm not jinxing it right now. XD But just to stay realistic: I'm about to be in for a pretty risky surgery. I mean the docs say that my chances are pretty good, but that's far from a certainty. If something, I mean like literally anything really, goes wrong...and it leads to me ultimately not making it, I just want ya'll to know it was loads of fun meeting you. You probably all know that it's rare to meet a bunch of people on the Internet where there's not at least one or two, who are either trolls or idiots or just plain assholes. None of you belong in those categories. I mean, shit man, it's been a month and it feels like I've known ya'll for at least a year or something. XD I think of you as friends. And if I'm not coming back, I'll see you when you get there on the other side. I'll be prepare cookies or something. XD Cookies in the shape of boobs. o.o Team Fucking Shameless, even beyond the end yo! XD

Geez man, reading that will be so awkward when I actually do get back. But that way's better than not coming back and having left without a word I guess. XD

Now then, doc says things are almost prepared and it's time to wheel me off. Welp. Here goes nothing, I guess. Wish me luck!

#TeamNervouslyShittingPants anyone? Yeah? No? Ah well, worth a shot. ^^;

joined Jan 13, 2016

I wish things go well with your operation. Surgery is a risky thing. I'm happy to hear the thing u mentioned in the other post was minor not to be worried about. I think how little it is you should tell Lin.

last edited at May 10, 2016 5:50AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

That's way earlier than schedule. Glad you caught it early before it gets to something worse. Anyway, I'm sending all the luck through my alien antenna! Hope the surgery goes well, and we'll see you back here again soon, Su!

last edited at May 10, 2016 5:55AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Yo ...Martian. how r u?

joined Feb 5, 2015

Hey mvl, I'm good. How's your day?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey mvl, I'm good. How's your day?

Good to hear. My morning is about to start now.
The birds have been calling to get my ass up. So i'm gonna get up to get ready for work.

It rained the whole night here. That Rainy365 girl has been crying to much here. She has so much tears.

My grass grew up too fast because of her tears. I'm gonna learn how to mow the lawn. u have a scooter or a car?

last edited at May 10, 2016 6:27AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Hey mvl, I'm good. How's your day?

Good to hear. My morning is about to start now.
The birds have been calling to get my ass up. So i'm gonna get up to get ready for work.

It rained the whole night here. That Rainy365 girl has been crying to much here. She has so much tears.

My grass grew up too fast because of her tears. I'm gonna learn how to mow the lawn. u have a scooter or a car?

The sun has already set here. Have a good day at work!
Shouldn't you be consoling Rainy? XD

Neither. I use public transportation xD

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey mvl, I'm good. How's your day?

Good to hear. My morning is about to start now.
The birds have been calling to get my ass up. So i'm gonna get up to get ready for work.

It rained the whole night here. That Rainy365 girl has been crying to much here. She has so much tears.

My grass grew up too fast because of her tears. I'm gonna learn how to mow the lawn. u have a scooter or a car?

The sun has already set here. Have a good day at work!
Shouldn't you be consoling Rainy? XD

Neither. I use public transportation xD

Rainy365 needs consoling huh? She cries for teasing me too much. I should be the one crying actually but i have no tears coming out.

I told Rainy365 that we wandered on your blue scooter from x country by brand x. Ok so we can wander off using public transportation too.

Did u wander off to have fun somewhere today?

joined Feb 5, 2015

Rainy365 needs consoling huh? She cries for teasing me too much. I should be the one crying actually but i have no tears coming out.

Oh you two. Both of you love teasing each other huh xD

I told Rainy365 that we wandered on your blue scooter from x country by brand x. Ok so we can wander off using public transportation too.

Hey, in a phantom universe, we can wander off using a blue phantom scooter from a phantom country made by the phantoms brand xD

Did u wander off to have fun somewhere today?

I wandered around the mountain, looking at the city from above and enjoyed the view. Did you wander off somewhere and found anything interesting?

last edited at May 10, 2016 7:30AM

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