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joined Nov 20, 2015

I see, why did she rejected to be taken care in a hospital? And what does she have? If you don't mind talking about it of course. : /

Bc she never get seriously ill before. The last time she stepped her feet on hospital was when she gave birth of me..
She got dengue fever.. not yet confirmed by the doctor, but the lab result convinced me..

As for hospital from government, I guess most counties public hospitals are not really very good?

Yeahhh i think patients without being guarded by the family/friend will die here..

joined May 11, 2012


Bc she never get seriously ill before. The last time she stepped her feet on hospital was when she gave birth of me..
She got dengue fever.. not yet confirmed by the doctor, but the lab result convinced me..

I know the feeling, I never got truly sick, I guess I would react the same way as she. xD

Aaaah dengue, that's a very well known thing here in Brazil, and now there's zika virus.

Yeahhh i think patients without being guarded by the family/friend will die here..

I think I can safely say the same about here...

joined Nov 20, 2015


I know the feeling, I never got truly sick, I guess I would react the same way as she. xD

Ahaha... yeahh.. i dont think we can hardly find someone who will volunteerly be taken care at hospital at first persuasion..

Aaaah dengue, that's a very well known thing here in Brazil, and now there's zika virus.

i dont think this is zika virus, but regarding her age, i can feel her inconvenience..

Yeahhh i think patients without being guarded by the family/friend will die here..

I think I can safely say the same about here....

Ahaha developing countries hospitals... pathetic..

joined May 11, 2012


Ahaha... yeahh.. i dont think we can hardly find someone who will volunteerly be taken care at hospital at first persuasion..

I don't know, hard to tell, people can be so unpredictable, some will voluntarily go because they know it's for the best, especially if they know it's something really serious, while others will go in the opposite direction and act as if it's nothing.

i dont think this is zika virus, but regarding her age, i can feel her inconvenience..

Oh no, I meant my country, dengue was already common here, but recently we got zika virus too, which causes microcephaly in babies.

Ahaha developing countries hospitals... pathetic..

Don't forget the schools, police, laws, politics, well, pretty much everything is shit.

joined Nov 20, 2015


I don't know, hard to tell, people can be so unpredictable, some will voluntarily go because they know it's for the best, especially if they know it's something really serious.

Yeah if she was taken care days ago, maybe she is getting well now..

i dont think this is zika virus, but regarding her age, i can feel her inconvenience..

Oh no, I meant my country, dengue was already common here, but recently we got zika virus too, which causes microcephaly in babies.

Yes, i know, but the viruses were carried by same kind of mosquito, aedes aegypty.. dont know if i spell it correctly

Ahaha developing countries hospitals... pathetic..

Don't forget the schools, police, laws, politics, well, pretty much everything is shit.

yeahh so much agree with u here.. let us take a deep breath...

joined May 11, 2012


Yeah if she was taken care days ago, maybe she is getting well now..

Well, now she's being taken care off and that's all that matter, just keep an eye to make sure they do take care of her. xp

Yes, i know, but the viruses were carried by same kind of mosquito, aedes aegypty.. dont know if i spell it correctly

At least here it's that mosquito who carries dengue here, and you got only the last character wrong, it's Aedes aegypti, dengue is not really uncommon here on because of this mosquito, but now it became something even more serious cause it's giving zika virus too, which is worse, no idea how many other mosquitos give dengue, but chances is that it's the same there, just got luck that zika virus is not in your country yet.

Wait, maybe I didn't understand this part correctly, kind of talking with multiple people and doing some other things too, so maybe this part of my reply is dumb, no idea since I'm not thinking properly at this time too. xD

yeahh so much agree with u here.. let us take a deep breath...

Or maybe not, depending on your city the polution is so high that a deep breath will only make things worse. xD

last edited at May 7, 2016 10:20PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Well, now she's being taken care off and that's all that matter, just keep an eye to make sure they do take care of her. xp

Yeah.. Although i m not satisfied with their unsmart service..

At least here it's that mosquito who carries dengue here, and you got only the last character wrong, it's Aedes aegypti, dengue is not really uncommon here on because of this mosquito, but now it became something even more serious cause it's giving zika virus too, which is worse, no idea how many other mosquitos give dengue, but chances is that it's the same there, just got luck that zika virus is not in your country yet.

Actually there are minor cases already, but nothing big happened. The government is very slow on preventive actions..

Wait, maybe I didn't understand this part correctly, kind of talking with multiple people and doing some other things, so maybe this part of my reply is dumb. xD

Ahaha... take it easy, dude... i dont think gave dumb reply..

Or maybe not, depending on your city the polution is so high that a deep breath will only make things worse. xD

Lmao.. i m in hospital room... i can take deep breath as much as my lung can handle... xD

joined Jan 13, 2016

What is team shameless? What does it talk about? Rainy365 wants to join.

joined May 11, 2012


Yeah.. Although i m not satisfied with their unsmart service..

At least it's free, it would be worse if was private hospital and still shitty place. xD

Actually there are minor cases already, but nothing big happened. The government is very slow on preventive actions..

It's still most cases here on Brazil, but the way things are going it won't take long to have a lot more in other places.

Ahaha... take it easy, dude... i dont think gave dumb reply..

Haha, okay then. xp

Lmao.. i m in hospital room... i can take deep breath as much as my lung can handle... xD

I'm home, I also live in a good area, so I can deep breath too. xD

What you're talking about?

Also, you two, this place sure is dead today right? Guess when they saw I was back they decided to not post anymore. >8D

joined Jan 13, 2016

Thia Sama there is team shamesless here. I think Dofu came up with the name. Various people got added into that. I am apply Rainy365 to be a member of that team. She is so worth it hahaha

last edited at May 7, 2016 10:51PM

joined May 11, 2012

I see, guess you can count me in.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

last edited at May 7, 2016 10:55PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

joined Jan 13, 2016

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

Nope. You were crying your eyes out here. Begging and begging to joing team shameless. I was being kind enough to ask the team leader to get you into her team.

last edited at May 7, 2016 11:09PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

At least it's free, it would be worse if was private hospital and still shitty place. xD

Ahaha, not free at all actually..

It's still most cases here on Brazil, but the way things are going it won't take long to have a lot more in other places.

Same here..

I'm home, I also live in a good area, so I can deep breath too. xD


joined Nov 20, 2015

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

Nope. You were crying your eyes out here. Begging and begging to joing team shameless. I was being kind enough to ask the team leader to get you into her team.

But Thiaguinho is with me since the beginning. And he saw my posts.. hmm i think i m being used here...

joined Jan 13, 2016

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

Nope. You were crying your eyes out here. Begging and begging to joing team shameless. I was being kind enough to ask the team leader to get you into her team.

But Thiaguinho is with me since the beginning. And he saw my posts.. hmm i think i m being used here...

Haha...i saw everthing. U were begging me when i saw you. Don't be shy. I'm doing you a favor.

joined May 11, 2012


Ahaha, not free at all actually..

It never really is, the difference is that one you more for maybe a less shitty place, maybe, no guarantees that it'll be less shitty.

Same here..

So we're both more or less in the same shitty situation, yay? xp


Highfive o/

last edited at May 7, 2016 11:20PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

Nope. You were crying your eyes out here. Begging and begging to joing team shameless. I was being kind enough to ask the team leader to get you into her team.

But Thiaguinho is with me since the beginning. And he saw my posts.. hmm i think i m being used here...

Haha...i saw everthing. U were begging me when i saw you. Don't be shy. I'm doing you a favor.

I understand... i understand...
You are too shy to admit it. XD
U may use me...

joined May 11, 2012


I understand... i understand...
You are too shy to admit it. XD
U may use me...

Or tsudenre, not to mention, how lewd of you two... xD

joined Jan 13, 2016

I see, guess you can count me in.

Lol...but that team barely shows itself now. Team Leader Dofu two people wanna join your shameless team especially Rainy365. She is crying to get in.

Hmmm.. u wanna join yrself but u make me as yr shield? Ckckckck...

Nope. You were crying your eyes out here. Begging and begging to joing team shameless. I was being kind enough to ask the team leader to get you into her team.

But Thiaguinho is with me since the beginning. And he saw my posts.. hmm i think i m being used here...

Haha...i saw everthing. U were begging me when i saw you. Don't be shy. I'm doing you a favor.

I understand... i understand...
You are too shy to admit it. XD
U may use me...

I am not using you. I thought u deserve to part of the shameless team. I'm just doing u a huge favor.

joined Nov 20, 2015


Or tsudenre, not to mention,

Ahaha... tsundere..
U find the very right word... /shake hand/

how lewd of you two... xD

Ahaha.. nowadays a victim is also accused along with the bad guy...
Lmao.. i need a lawyer!!! Provide one for me.. XD

I hope u dont disappear, dude..


I am not using you. I thought u deserve to part of the shameless team. I'm just doing u a huge favor.

U r not using me? but u suddenly came with weird idea and consider it as a favor... so scawy..
I dont know u... /run/

I need a break here.. i need Kittokatto

last edited at May 8, 2016 1:31AM

joined Jan 13, 2016


Or tsudenre, not to mention,

Ahaha... tsundere..
U find the very right word... /shake hand/

how lewd of you two... xD

Ahaha.. nowadays a victim is also accused along with the bad guy...
Lmao.. i need a lawyer!!! Provide one for me.. XD

I hope u dont disappear, dude..


I am not using you. I thought u deserve to part of the shameless team. I'm just doing u a huge favor.

U r not using me? but u suddenly came with weird idea and consider it as a favor... so scawy..
I dont know u... /run/

I need a break here.. i need Kittokatto

Alright. mvl89 and Rainy365 are finally breaking up here and now forever. You hook up with KitKat if she wants you. I wanna be free like a bird again. I just continue being a wandering phantom with Martian. I stayed with you for too long. I am tired of your treatmeant. Goodbye forever! No more u and me here. Remember do not talk to me from now on. I no longer know you.

last edited at May 8, 2016 2:35AM

joined Nov 20, 2015


Or tsudenre, not to mention,

Ahaha... tsundere..
U find the very right word... /shake hand/

how lewd of you two... xD

Ahaha.. nowadays a victim is also accused along with the bad guy...
Lmao.. i need a lawyer!!! Provide one for me.. XD

I hope u dont disappear, dude..


I am not using you. I thought u deserve to part of the shameless team. I'm just doing u a huge favor.

U r not using me? but u suddenly came with weird idea and consider it as a favor... so scawy..
I dont know u... /run/

I need a break here.. i need Kittokatto

Alright. mvl89 and Rainy365 are finally breaking up here and now forever. You hook up with KitKat if she wants you. I wanna be free like a bird again. I just continue being a wandering phantom with Martian. I stayed with you for too long. I am tired of your treatmeant. Goodbye forever! No more u and me here. Remember do not talk to me from now on. I no longer know you.

/blushing/ What r u saying lol? ^^ That implies sth..
Ckckck.. So bad tempered n all dramatic or tsundere as usual..

ua siab ntev

joined Jan 13, 2016


I am not using you. I thought u deserve to part of the shameless team. I'm just doing u a huge favor.

U r not using me? but u suddenly came with weird idea and consider it as a favor... so scawy..
I dont know u... /run/

I need a break here.. i need Kittokatto

Alright. mvl89 and Rainy365 are finally breaking up here and now forever. You hook up with KitKat if she wants you. I wanna be free like a bird again. I just continue being a wandering phantom with Martian. I stayed with you for too long. I am tired of your treatmeant. Goodbye forever! No more u and me here. Remember do not talk to me from now on. I no longer know you.

/blushing/ What r u saying lol? ^^ That implies sth..
Ckckck.. So bad tempered n all dramatic or tsundere as usual..

ua siab ntev

Why do you care? This thread is dying anyway. Becoming a wanderer is a better solution. I'm bad temper because u suck at flirting. Haha...that is why you should join team shameless.

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