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joined Mar 8, 2014

Just dropping by to say hiiiii~~~

hug :)
I think I'm gonna change my avatar too but only for a short time. I like Honey too much ;_; I relate to her a lot.
update: this is Nina Fortner from Monster XD she's cool. It's time to take a break from my 'innocent persona' XD
whoa honestly just looking at this makes me want to be more 'serious' I don't know ^-^''
I want a coat like that... if only I could... stand not wearing a scarf my chest gets really cold >.>

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:13PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

The difference between cats and dogs...

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Reeba: pukes into the dog's food bowl while said dog is eating, leaves like a motherfucker.

=__=... Know what? That's it. Old or not, but that furry, little monster is gonna learn to stop that.

joined Mar 8, 2014

The difference between cats and dogs...

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Reeba: pukes into the dog's food bowl while said dog is eating, leaves like a motherfucker.

=__=... Know what? That's it. Old or not, but that furry, little monster is gonna learn to stop that.

oh my gosh... what?! does the cat hate the dog? O_O can animals actually make up such evil plans?

joined Feb 5, 2015

The difference between cats and dogs...

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Reeba: pukes into the dog's food bowl while said dog is eating, leaves like a motherfucker.

=__=... Know what? That's it. Old or not, but that furry, little monster is gonna learn to stop that.

oh my gosh... what?! does the cat hate the dog? O_O can animals actually make up such evil plans?

Cats are evil xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

oh my gosh... what?! does the cat hate the dog?

Not at all, actually. Reeba raised Jacky. She's sort of like an adopted daughter to her. But somewhere along the lines, she just stopped respecting Jacky and Jacky just takes it like that's what she's supposed to do, since Reeba obviously has the higher rank out of the 2 of them. But barfing into her food bowl? That's just going too far. I need to teach her to drop that, or else Su will get pissed at me. >_<

Hey Martian. :-)

joined Mar 2, 2016

Cats are cute little monsters.

joined Apr 3, 2016

That they are. >_< But they can be really loveable and caring as well. I already know I'll cry like a baby for days once Reeba's time has come. Dx

joined Mar 8, 2014

is that how it is? >.> can animals actually have these sort of... relationships?
I was never too attached to animals >.> my rabbit died too and I was actually a tiny bit excited because it was the first time I saw an animal die or sth >.> but shhhh ^-^
honestly though I had a cat that would always bite and was supper aggressive but was a bit scared of me... (because I dressed it and bothered it a lot xD) then I had a cuddly one and one that was always out and another one who was scared of everything! haha

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:46PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Hey Lin :3

Maybe Jacky did something wrong to Reeba that pissed her off that's why she did that? Or maybe Reeba just did that because she can xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Newp, looks at least intriguing, if you're willing to translate that's awesome :) Otherwise I bet they'll do an official translation into English if it gets popular.

I'm out of town for another 3 days... Kanojo's been sexting me since this morning... I need to go home >///<... and eat her whole.

Except that I have a cold. Fuck the world lol.

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

And man.. Dofu that cold really has to go away. For both you and the Kanojo's sake. xD Sexting can only go so far before you start craving the real thing hahah.

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:42PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

The difference between cats and dogs...

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Reeba: pukes into the dog's food bowl while said dog is eating, leaves like a motherfucker.

Immediately reminds me of this vid: "Cat-friend vs Dog-friend"

joined Feb 13, 2016

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Dogs are too good for this world. I need to move to a colder place so I can have a samoyed puppy! T○T

dofudofu, it reminded me of that video too xD

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:47PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

omg!! why did I not see this post?! XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Dogs are too good for this world. I need to move to a colder place so I can have a samoyed puppy! T○T

Come to Toronto. ;)
Lol your Samoyed will love the Winters here.. considering its like the longest season everr over here .. =__=.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

omg!! why did I not see this post?! XD

You have to join the group hahah. I'll link it to you. I'm actually not even sure how I joined it.. I think Eunice invited me and it just automatically added me into it which is really weird .. but w/e. xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

omg!! why did I not see this post?! XD

You have to join the group hahah. I'll link it to you. I'm actually not even sure how I joined it.. I think Eunice invited me and it just automatically added me into it which is really weird .. but w/e. xD

Eunice? XD who's that?

joined Mar 2, 2016

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

omg!! why did I not see this post?! XD

You have to join the group hahah. I'll link it to you. I'm actually not even sure how I joined it.. I think Eunice invited me and it just automatically added me into it which is really weird .. but w/e. xD

Eunice? XD who's that?

The girl on Dynasty who randomly recruited me into her scanlation team xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Of course they can. Especially most mammals are a whole lot more intelligent and complex than what we give them credit for.

I think it might be possible, that Reeba is a little jealous of Jacky, since I have to spend more time with Jacky while Su isn't here. Since she's used to getting my attention a lot when I'm home, I think bullying Jacky like that could be Reeba's subliminal way of telling her to back off. :-/ I don't know for sure. I'll have to watch their interactions a little more closely to really find out.

Anyway. Bed time for me!

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:54PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Rainy Dofu MVL Fay Yeah, I got like almost 100+ upvotes on the WDTFS fb page about having it translated soo I think we'll make it happen hahah. Wooo~ new series! It might be something new to look forward to when WDTFS goes on break for the 3rd arc.

Yay sounds good :)

And man.. Dofu that cold really has to go away. For both you and the Kanojo's sake. xD Sexting can only go so far before you start craving the real thing hahah.

You don't know how thirsty I am right now. I'm getting better but I can't help but just lie around and sleep all day. Least productive trip ever. Aside from getting to see my best friend before she leaves for god knows where next.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Dogs are too good for this world. I need to move to a colder place so I can have a samoyed puppy! T○T

Come to Toronto. ;)
Lol your Samoyed will love the Winters here.. considering its like the longest season everr over here .. =__=.

Join us in the north, pervy understudy, you know you want to / come hither finger /

joined Feb 13, 2016

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Dogs are too good for this world. I need to move to a colder place so I can have a samoyed puppy! T○T

Come to Toronto. ;)
Lol your Samoyed will love the Winters here.. considering its like the longest season everr over here .. =__=.

I loved the idea xD

But I'd probably freeze to death... Not used to temperature lower than 15 degrees xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

oh I see, well I guess that is kind of true but if I think about it too much it's harder to eat them, jk, jk
oh sorry I didn't reply to your other post, ehm... I think it's nice that you care so much about your clients/patients (what do you call them?). I forgot to consider your line of work.
Question, are you easily influenced by the things you hear? my previous psychologist told me that he was very empathetic so sometimes he had trouble with that because the emotions of the people that saw him kind of influenced him! But also he told me that a lot of troubled teenagers saw him that were going there because their parents told them or sth and they were really hard to handle, he said he had fun talking to me XD also afterwards (when I moved to England) he told me he is actually quite fascinated by hearing me talking about the types of girls I like and stuff ^-^'''''' ahahah men~

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 4:03PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

You don't know how thirsty I am right now. I'm getting better but I can't help but just lie around and sleep all day. Least productive trip ever. Aside from getting to see my best friend before she leaves for god knows where next.

Hey hey, let's think on the positive side. Pent up energy can = a beast night of mind blowingly hot sex hehuehue.. let's be patient now.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Jacky: begs to be let into bathroom if she feels like she's about to barf or really needs to go and can't hold it any longer, since she's been taught that the ground there is tiled, which can be easily cleaned. Comes out afterward, whining and begging for forgiveness.

Dogs are too good for this world. I need to move to a colder place so I can have a samoyed puppy! T○T

Come to Toronto. ;)
Lol your Samoyed will love the Winters here.. considering its like the longest season everr over here .. =__=.

I loved the idea xD

But I'd probably freeze to death... Not used to temperature lower than 15 degrees xD

Azai Dw I'll warm you up. XDD.

But yeah on a serious note, the only reason I don't like Toronto is because of the cold weather.. I wanna move somewhere warmerrr. I'm a Summer person.. :(

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 4:05PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

You don't know how thirsty I am right now. I'm getting better but I can't help but just lie around and sleep all day. Least productive trip ever. Aside from getting to see my best friend before she leaves for god knows where next.

Hey hey, let's think on the positive side. Pent up energy can = a beast night of mind blowingly hot sex hehuehue.. let's be patient now.

Perhaps, but it usually coincides with a sex injury

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