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joined Nov 6, 2013

I've never understood why they need that bridge. Everyone can fly.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I've never understood why they need that bridge. Everyone can fly.

My reading is that only those with a sufficiient power level can fly (or for fairies, Mystia, etc. it's their nature). So most of the oni wouldn't have that ability.

joined May 28, 2011

pg 20, "mae" instead of "make".

joined Feb 2, 2013

this is nice, and new, because in all the yuugiXparsee they are already together

joined May 30, 2013

I feel like the page of text had some significance. Too bad, I really wanted to read what happened to them to lead to the last page.

joined Dec 14, 2014

Maybe we'll be treated to a translated short story again, but the doujin alone was also good. So much YuuPaa lately. \o/

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

I feel like the page of text had some significance. Too bad, I really wanted to read what happened to them to lead to the last page.

The last page isn't actually so much based off the story as it's just a flashforward to later stuff from the previous Atoki doujins. But yeah I'd like to TL it but it's effo' and the result never ends up particularly readable, so...

maybe I'll write my own yuuparu fanfics and put them in there instead-- I mean u-uhhh

joined Jul 28, 2021

Hmmm, Parsee being the newcomer instead of the oni. It's an interesting idea but I think I still prefer it the other way around. Nonetheless an adorable story yet again! Atoki never dissapoints!

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