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joined Mar 6, 2014

Well at least we can still select spanish and french voices in Smash =[ Amphinobi makes it worth it

joined Jan 12, 2014

Well at least we can still select spanish and french voices in Smash =[ Amphinobi makes it worth it

Too bad I can only speak English, German and Japanese -_-

joined Jan 17, 2014

You poor poor soul / Du arme armes Bürchchen / What? I don't fucking speak japanese

joined Jan 12, 2014

You poor poor soul / Du arme armes Bürchchen / What? I don't fucking speak japanese

"Bürchchen" = Bürschchen? If yes then sadly that word is still wrong in my case xD

joined May 10, 2014

I have no idea which side I'll pick first...maybe I'll just flip a coin on the day I get it... or maybe I SHOULD read more spoilers

Monado Kirby is so silly XD

Series: Pokemon(B&W2) Pairing: Mei x Homika Link: pixiv1 pixiv2

joined Mar 6, 2014

I know she's hot, but keep yourself together man!

joined May 10, 2014

eh? I don't get it...she's just dancing and her father is......OH...O_O

Smash 3ds version "100%" parties are great XD wii u around 70%...wow I haven't 100% a game since melee...I think.

Game: FE if Pairing: FeKamui x Camilla Link: pixiv1 pixiv2

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 10:59PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I know she's hot, but keep yourself together man!

I wasn't expecting that D:

joined Jan 12, 2014

Smash 3ds version "100%" parties are great XD wii u around 70%...wow I haven't 100% a game since melee...I think.

congrats~ I also finally finished classic mode 9.0 with every character~

joined Nov 29, 2014

I totally nearly missed this month's Hearthstone season so I just ranked up to 20 zo get this season's card back and I used two decks I just built since I got some new cards. I'm pretty sure people hate me now. I'd sure hate me now.

Speaking of Smash, it took me way too long to realize how fun it is to play Rosalina.

joined Mar 6, 2014


joined May 10, 2014

congrats~ I also finally finished classic mode 9.0 with every character~

Don't mention 9.0...I just took over 100 dmg on the last room in the stupid maze... 2 F***NG HITS AAAAAAAHHHH

Speaking of Smash, it took me way too long to realize how fun it is to play Rosalina.

She's the best but I consider Shiek to be tier 1 right now RIP hoo hah You should try Kirby(shulk hat) it's very fun.


poor armada

Game: Splatoon Pairing: Squid Sisters Link: pixiv

joined Jan 12, 2014

congrats~ I also finally finished classic mode 9.0 with every character~

Don't mention 9.0...I just took over 100 dmg on the last room in the stupid maze... 2 F***NG HITS AAAAAAAHHHH

Speaking of Smash, it took me way too long to realize how fun it is to play Rosalina.

She's the best but I consider Shiek to be tier 1 right now RIP hoo hah You should try Kirby(shulk hat) it's very fun.


poor armada

Game: Splatoon Pairing: Squid Sisters Link: pixiv

urgh don't mention Kirby...I suffered 53 consecutive loses against one in online battle yesterday. I developed a case of Kirbyphobia....Personally I think Rosalina is better than Shiek but that all depends on your playstyle

joined May 10, 2014

urgh don't mention Kirby...I suffered 53 consecutive loses against one in online battle yesterday. I developed a case of Kirbyphobia....Personally I think Rosalina is better than Shiek but that all depends on your playstyle

53? what?! umm...typo? if not um...for glory? want tips?

Sheik/Rosa is debatable, I think Sheik is currently better: so many options, most of her moves have little cool down and just agility in general like...I feel there's no reason to play Fox over Sheik.

joined Jan 12, 2014

53? what?! umm...typo? if not um...for glory? want tips?

Sheik/Rosa is debatable, I think Sheik is currently better: so many options, most of her moves have little cool down and just agility in general like...I feel there's no reason to play Fox over Sheik.

I simply have a weakness against Kirby. Nothing more -.-" And yes for glory

Well if you are able to train you're reaction speed as much as 6WX Sonic is a viable alternative to Sheik. that Speed is truly superior D:

last edited at Jun 29, 2015 4:35AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Aw yes! Nothing like getting my 200th multiplayer match at the same time with the every club get and every weapon
87 out of the 120 Hades Challenges completed and still got 4 unused juicy feathers, i'll probably use them on the ones that requires taking no damage

last edited at Jun 29, 2015 7:42AM

joined Jan 12, 2014

Aw yes! Nothing like getting my 200th multiplayer match at the same time with the every club get and every weapon
87 out of the 120 Hades Challenges completed and still got 4 unused juicy feathers, i'll probably use them on the ones that requires taking no damage

Still regret using all mine before clearing that Magnus chapter on 9.0.....I'm really bad at fighting my own body.
Taking no damage is actually pretty easy depending on the stage though. So trying to do those first a couple of times might prove to save some feathers

joined Mar 6, 2014

Taking no damage is actually pretty easy depending on the stage though. So trying to do those first a couple of times might prove to save some feathers

Yeah, especially the ones that let you go to 0.0
But the thing is, most of the remaining challenges are speedrunning ones and the ones about beating certain chapters at 7.5/9.0 with a specific weapon group, the speedrunning ones are a lot less headache inducing than no damage since you can easily get hit by a random boulder if you're not paying attention Fuck you chapter 18 and the 7.5/9.0 ones with specific weapon seems like it requires some work but i really want to do those to diversify the gameplay a little bit since i've been using the Rose Staff non-stop for a long time now so it should be fun

joined Jan 12, 2014

Yeah, especially the ones that let you go to 0.0

But the thing is, most of the remaining challenges are speedrunning ones and the ones about beating certain chapters at 7.5/9.0 with a specific weapon group, the speedrunning ones are a lot less headache inducing than no damage since you can easily get hit by a random boulder if you're not paying attention Fuck you chapter 18 and the 7.5/9.0 ones with specific weapon seems like it requires some work but i really want to do those to diversify the gameplay a little bit since i've been using the Rose Staff non-stop for a long time now so it should be fun

I never completed the game simply because I never was able to beat that Magnus stage, so I'm stuck at 99.9% Rose staff is pretty much the standard go to staff for pretty much all stages. both superior damage and good range. The club challenges are especially easy since it's like soo easy to complete levels with them xD Though I would never use that Stuff in Light vs. Dark. I liked the no Damage Challenges btw. Kinda teaches you dodging better than anything else in the game! Except when you get randomly hit by a snail because you dodged too far <_<

joined Mar 6, 2014

Hah, i'm quite the opposite actually, i can't use clubs in single player for the life of me but they're delicious to use in multiplayer, today in particular i got a fine liking for the Halo Club, spawned as Pit twice in a row with these and it's charge shot is just too good, poor fellas dropped like flies trying to get me Thank you random japanese dude for putting reflect barriers to protect me kinda impressive that you can still find full Light vs Dark rooms

joined Jan 12, 2014

Hah, i'm quite the opposite actually, i can't use clubs in single player for the life of me but they're delicious to use in multiplayer, today in particular i got a fine liking for the Halo Club, spawned as Pit twice in a row with these and it's charge shot is just too good, poor fellas dropped like flies trying to get me Thank you random japanese dude for putting reflect barriers to protect me kinda impressive that you can still find full Light vs Dark rooms

I prefer using +3range silent claws for Lvs.D simply because most people would dodge incoming projectiles if they see them (or kill you with other items) Flint lock rod is also funn if the map is big enough t'was one of Nintendos best arena battle thingies back than after all

joined Jan 17, 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=43&v=PRVkblR73Vs 0m42s is so freaking adorable

joined May 10, 2014

So have you guys seen the Predator MKX videos? leaks! leaks everywhere...

I've been trying different things while I beat the last few challenges on wii u and found out that Bowser's custom side-b(the dash) auto cancels...wow...that move is really dumb...you can chain it with tilts, smash atks or whatever then side-b again...so if you predict your opponents move you can do some serious damage Now let me just hope customs(no equipment) becomes available in for glory one day

@Kyonne: you said Xenoblade took you around 50 right? did you complete colony 6? I feel like that's taking forever that and affinity grinding

I checked the skill list in FE IF and lol Nohr skills look a little better hm...but all the Hoshido boosts tho.... sigh OH NO THEY NERFED GALEFORCE AND APTITUDE AND VENGEANCE(a little) ROFL Odin's skill

Series: Super Smash bros. Pairing: Palucina Link: pixiv img set
I haven't posted this one right?

last edited at Jun 30, 2015 11:52PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=43&v=PRVkblR73Vs 0m42s is so freaking adorable


joined Mar 6, 2014

@Kyonne: you said Xenoblade took you around 50 right? did you complete colony 6? I feel like that's taking forever that and affinity grinding

Hahahaha lol no, i did try at least some of the Colony 6's quests to get the portable gem thing, but it was such a pain in the ass that i couldn't bother anymore, not to mention it's unnecessary since you can easily fast travel back to Colony 9 and fuse gems there

After i beat it i did start a new playthrough trying to complete every quests, i spent over 5 hours doing nothing but quests on Colony 9 and it didn't even raise one affinity star in that bionis forsaken place, shit's insane

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