Forum › Yuri Website?

joined Feb 3, 2013

Is there any other big yuri website like dynasty scans? I know of Kawai Scans, Papapaya Scans, Yuri-Project, Yurism and more from . Dont want hentai website with guys in them, just pure yuri or something that is dedicated to yuri. If you guys know of a Japanese yuri website please do share.

last edited at Apr 20, 2014 5:23PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Lililicious is not to be missed, 10+ years of yuri scanlation there.

YuriHouse does a ton of scanning and, bless their beautiful souls, provide lots of amazingly incredible amazing raws, it's worth looking into if you're into that.

Yurikai doesn't allow re-hosting and isn't very active these days, but has some decent shoujo yuri that is worth checking out.

Yuri Amagasa is a good [Japanese] resource for measuring the yuri content of series' - they covered quite a bit of translated and untranslated stuff.

Other groups worth checking out: <- go here to see literally the cutest kouhai ever :D (Idk how I forgot them before I am very apologetic.)

(I'm just going to keep editing this so I don't leave anyone out)

last edited at Jan 14, 2015 5:53PM

joined Feb 3, 2013

Lililicious is not to be missed, 10+ years of yuri scanlation there.

YuriHouse does a ton of scanning and provides lots of decent raws, worth a look if you're into that sort of thing.

Yurikai doesn't allow re-hosting and isn't very active these days, but has some decent shoujo yuri that is worth checking out.

Yuri Amagasa is a good [Japanese] resource for measuring the yuri content of series' - they covered quite a bit of translated and untranslated stuff.

Other groups worth checking out:

(I'm just going to keep editing this so I don't leave anyone out)

sorry about that. Lililicious release most of my favorite works and thanks for the links.

joined Jul 14, 2013

YuriHouse does a ton of scanning and provides lots of decent raws, worth a look if you're into that sort of thing.


Glad to be listed though.

last edited at Jan 12, 2015 11:35PM

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

OUCH op shreked up

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

YuriHouse does a ton of scanning and provides lots of decent raws, worth a look if you're into that sort of thing.


Glad to be listed though.

Sorry :(

I meant super wonderful and perfect and amazing.

I'm a fail.

last edited at Jan 13, 2015 12:12AM

joined Sep 10, 2014

You guys are so cute.

Thkx for the links~

joined Feb 11, 2014

Mmmh, if non-manga is fine, there's also which is more about stories, mostly amateur, but can be a nice read.

joined May 1, 2014

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

joined Sep 10, 2014

I believed we were free to complete the list ?

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive

joined May 1, 2014

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive

Lol. I didn't saw the date.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive

You can spank them anyway, I give you permission.

joined Dec 30, 2014

Go here. It should count as a yuri website.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive


I-I would be the Ran to your Keiko.

last edited at Jan 13, 2015 4:01PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive


I-I would be the Ran to your Keiko.

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Quite surprised not to see NHFH and ShimaZoo GiB on the list. (・ω・)

i was about to spank op but then i saw post date so i forgive


I-I would be the Ran to your Keiko.

What do you mean "would" be?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I thought you already are!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

of course I already am! :D

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

now turn around and grab your ankles so i can spank you properly

joined Jul 14, 2013

So, I first posted from my tablet in bed completely unaware of the date, and now the thread has gotten several degrees lewder.
(I'm sorry for casting a necromancy spell on the thread.)

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Such an old thread came back up, but then...

if you're Indonesian (or understand Bahasa Indonesia), there is one called SepociKopi.

...unless what you meant by yuri is different than mine.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Nov 26, 2014

Such an old thread came back up, but then...

if you're Indonesian (or understand Bahasa Indonesia), there is one called SepociKopi.

...unless what you meant by yuri is different than mine.

that coffee site is more about lesbian blogging than yuri itself, there are some nice short stories that I remembered, but mostly it's just a lesbian blog circle about daily life.

also hey an indonesian?

last edited at Jan 14, 2015 11:10AM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

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joined Feb 23, 2014

Reviving this thread because a ton of scantalators are abandoning dynasty, is there anything OTHER than exhentai that I could use to see collected Yuri online like dynastyscans used to have

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