As I said, I didn't watch much so I can't talk about the plot. I don't think it's very original, but what is these days? It's probably fine.
The character designs tho... jeez. You are taking what parents say as the actual opinions of their children. Kids DONT want to see "realistic" body types (maybe teens do, sometimes). That was never a thing. Fantasy idealizes for a reason. Just because the parents are happy that this is a thing doesn't mean the children care. They'd like the show either way, designs be damned. Otherwise the original She-Ra and He-man would have never gotten any fans with their terrible designs and subpar plots lol
And I am not actually defending the terrible 80s glam BS, but some "realistic" body types aren't realistic at all on average. Also gotta love the freckles = realistic stereotype. Because as we all know, 9/10 kids have freckles.
The one thing I really wanted them to change about She-Ra is her stupidly long hair... and that's the only part they kept for the new series lol
Also gotta love that anyone who disagrees with you is "a whiny manbaby", despite the fact that many women (old fans of the show) didn't like it either. It's pathetic to deflect criticism by throwing the "it's all old men" card around, don't you think?