Horndogs is a much better insult, too.
Yuri dates are wonderful, and we need more art of it.
Kinda odd that's there's no tag for it, though.
Gah,I got a nosebleed! Amazing!
I just noticed, isn't the tag supposed to be Ezo instead of Exo?
I want more of this series! T-T
Best ship
kyaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!! my internal organs are melting. lelz
Ahhhh! Never knew this was a ship I wanted, just like Barbara x Lotte. I actually think I prefer those 2 ships (barbx lotte and amanda x hannah) over hannah x barb.
I can't remember if Scrapped Princess was really good or just decent.
And talking about old yuri artists: Does anybody know where 4040.in disappeared to?
how could I have not considered them together sooner! This is adorable
Yes, I love this type of theme(。╯3╰。)
Bottom center appears to have a major breasticle conformity issue... her right boob scares me...
OMG, Scrapped Princess. I helped to fansub and distro this one waaaaaayyy back in the day.
Lol well somebody was missed(ノ*゚▽゚*)
Approved<( ̄︶ ̄)>
Lol for a sec I thought that was a chastity belt: stuffed animal edition 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
boot Get in there, champ!
I need some ice...
Soooo hyped can't wait for Matsuri-kun to show up in the show O(≧∇≦)O shit is bout to get real muuu hahahaha! (in evil voice)
Cute! Though I really want some assertive You x tsundere Dia.
Welcome to the lily garden, girls. Enjoy your stay! ;3
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