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joined Nov 14, 2014

YESSS the good stuff. My top RWBY ships:
1. Bees Schnees
2. Freezerburn/ Bumbleby the.

What can I say I don't like compromise or making decisions lmfao, I just take both.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Oh I see what you did there you sly fuck xD

LITTLE RED aka Ruby all over her. Lmao.

Weiss' look just murdered me. Someone press charges (but not Nora, she takes too much advantage of charges. :P)

joined Nov 14, 2014

I live and breathe for bottom! Yang.

Also @Random_Bird whats animal jingoism? What makes Yang a tiger (okay tiger faunus Yang tho) and Blake a dragon?

joined Nov 14, 2014

They're so cute. I absolutely LOVE this artists style. I would die if they tackled some bees schnees (Weiss/Yang/Blake) pairing.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Okay this picture has a huge fatal flaw....
Theres no janitors at Beacon. They just have Glynda Goodwitch. Lmao. I can't believe she single handedly cleaned up the food massacre from Vol 2 Chapter 1.

Also, please, for the love of all that is holy and yuri and kind: fans of this pairing/artist please don't go to pictures of bumbleby just to comment you don't ship it. I don't want to be a petty bitch but I'm getting really irritated by it and want the feeling of relief of retaliation but I'm attempting taking the mature, peaceful, harmless, stress-free route and just making a little polite PSA here. Writing those comments on a ship you don't ship ruins enjoyment for others, and honestly it's plain unnecessary. I think we all come to this site to admire the art and chat with like minded individuals about the yuri blessed upon us. Going to a ships art you don't ship just to comment you don't ship it is like going to a bar in Boston and saying you're a Yankees fan. Them are basically fighting words. If you want to discuss why you don't ship said ship because of this ship/artist (as an example) perhaps you should post that thought here because it is more appropriate to do so? And you'd have a greater chance at chatting with like minded people about it rather than even unintentionally starting a "ship war."

Thank you for your consideration and time, and enjoy the yuri. :3

last edited at Feb 6, 2018 11:45AM

joined Nov 14, 2014

This fucked me up cause this is actually the first time I've ever seen this ship and I'm a pure unabashed RWBY shipping slut. LMAO.

....I love it doe

joined Nov 14, 2014

fixes glasses on nose and sternly analyzes picture

Yes, this appeals to all my interests. Fine piece of work. This will do for my research. coughs

joined Nov 14, 2014


joined Nov 14, 2014

She's definitely got her hands full but the cats got her tongue.
puts on shades and finger guns out of the room

last edited at Feb 6, 2018 11:52AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wait, RED's constant whining was a joke?

joined Nov 14, 2014

Poor Yang got knocked out of bed. I will not stand for this Yang abuse! >:|

Lmao I do love how both Yang and Zwei's reactions are identical: "?"

If I was Yang I'd launch innocent bystander Zwei at them because NO ONE interrupts my sleep without paying. I get cranky. ^-^;

joined Nov 14, 2014

Sooo the birb....is that Qrow creeping and peeping keeping his little niece safe from the big bad Blake? xD

last edited at Feb 6, 2018 11:57AM

joined Nov 14, 2014

Cat can't get your tongue when it's up your ass I guess. LOOOOL

joined Nov 14, 2014

Idk why I'm stupid and didn't register they're in the shower. I was like "oh cool so it started raining and they just stopped in front of glass windows to have sex, didn't bother going inside to get out of the rain". And I didn't question it once.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Meowy Catmas....Someone had to say it ok

joined Nov 14, 2014

Yang and yuri just go together like it was meant to be. No one can convince me otherwise.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Things I like in this:
1. Top! Blake and Bottom! Yang
2. Strap on bumbleby

Things I need more of immediately:
1. Top! Blake and Bottom! Yang
2. Strap on bumbleby

joined Nov 14, 2014

Fav position tbh. These are the times when Blake might be burning up more than Yang. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Nov 14, 2014

I'm so down for this. Winter being top is just... weissing on the cake

The cherry on top is that Winter apparently got rough ;).....maybe the cherry was on bottom and she took it. That's why Yang looks so distressed lmao ;P

last edited at Feb 6, 2018 12:12PM

joined Nov 14, 2014

I prefer cat ear Blake as well but also I just love the bees in general I can't even complain x3

joined Nov 14, 2014

Ren's completely disinterested face in nearly any and every situation is a life force of its own.

Also Yang is for sure doing the "I've got my eyes on you" hand motion lmao. Yang just trust Weiss and take Blake on a date and let whiterose relaxxxx.

In fact I'm imagining Blake's taking the picture and sending it to Yang like "we could be doing this" or "why aren't you taking me on a date like this" trying to help Weiss get some privacy LOL. ...and just because she wants to spend time with Yang of course :3c

joined Nov 14, 2014

I love how when Yang busts...it wasn't pun intended but now it is....in the door, Blake is peaking around the corner like she heard some questionable shit with her cat ears but didn't bother to tell Yang first because she's a curious...cat lmao.

Also Ruby is a little shit LOL. And so Yang doesn't have a nosebleed huh? Aw ;-;

Yangs already "became an adult" with Blake that's why Blake's so chill about it xD

joined Nov 14, 2014

Pfft to hell with tags, this is Pollination for me lmao.

I love Yangs "hey cutie nice booty." Would work on me not gonna lie lmao. AND RUBY YOU SWEET INNOCENT CHILD DONT CAUSE YOUR SISTER ANY MORE PAIN LOL.
Yang I didn't know you liked my butt!

joined Sep 14, 2015

Well, this should have the tag Gender Bender

joined Nov 14, 2014

@Random_Bird the only member of team RWBY to have a boyfriend is Blake. Who dated Adam. She's not romantic with Sun (or Yang sadly ;-;) yet. Weiss had a confirmed very fleeting crush on Neptune which, I agree, felt forced as hell and really left a bad taste in my mouth. The whole arc was extremely pointless as there were plenty of other ways to get Jaune and Pyrrha together. They didn't need to force Weiss' one sided attraction to Neptune just to push Jaune into realizing Pyrrha's feelings...which he STILL didn't realize entirely which kinda makes the whole ordeal even more incredibly pointless lmao. But yes, back to the facts. Blake dated Adam and is single with no confirmed romantic attraction. Weiss liked Neptune extremely briefly but has not expressed interest in anyone since. Yang is cute. Ruby is innocent. They're all single and ready to mingle ( with each other hopefully lmao ).

I figured I'd write that out for anyone scrolling through the comments since it is 100% fact directly from the source content RWBY anime. I know that this fandom in particular is kinda overrunning with fake news pretty much where they make a mountain out of a mole hill and spread incorrect knowledge. o.o" Like I see a lot of people stating it fact that Blake is attracted to Sun but it's not there in canon on the show. If RT meant to imply Blake liked Sun they would've made it just as clear as they did when Weiss liked Neptune. But they haven't for good reason, I'm hoping. I'm not quite sure why but it is infuriating how this FNDM seems to hold a chip on its shoulder over the people that ship two females. I mean they will preach until they die from running out of breath that Weiss and Blake and Yang are all 100% straight and it's just UGH its so fucking irritating. At least I know I'm safe here with you guys. :3

But yeah, I feel like as far as canon goes right now, all of Team RWBY's sexualities are pretty ambiguous. Plus theres room for exploring their sexuality which is pretty normal for that age (maybe not Ruby yet.) They're all 100% single though that's nothin but the truth lol. Thank God they didn't push Neptune and Weiss or Neptune and Yang together I would vomit. A fucking brick wall is more compelling to watch than that trainwreck of lack of connection, development, and chemistry lmfao.

last edited at Feb 6, 2018 12:52PM

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