I really like their expression on panel 3, it conveys exactly the reaction that you know instantly what it means. So great drawing here.
Aigis best girl.
A moment of silence for the protagonist that Atlus seemingly forgot about after they made the game. Doesn't even have a canonical name.
once you enter to the forbiden love side there s no way back
Hitomi: But that's forbidden love!
Inner Hitomi: Embrace it!
geez Ana,do not interrupt them when they kiss..
last edited at Feb 20, 2017 9:04AM
Simply adorable. can't ever go wrong with sweet schoolgirl love
Boat guy looks about ready to sink this ship
Thankfully she wasn't wearing her jump jets. She would have become a splat in the ceiling.
last edited at Feb 19, 2017 1:09AM
She took the chocolate out of Yuzu's hand and kissed her fingers
I miss this series already.
Aw, Alice looks so cute. Look at Reimu being sweet.
^ YES Sadly, I am forever alone. ;~;
Fuck yaaaa!!!!!
I like Luka's expression here.
Damn! Panel 2 Kyoko is hot. O////O
The art sorta looks like ssamba's or could it possibly be by a korean artist?
@SF N-no please....not on a beautiful piece of art like this....
Great godoka it's ReiAli!
Why would you go to the DMV to check your marriage certificate? xD
Gawd, the art is so gorgeous.
At least she exist. I was a bit disappointed that persona 4 golden didn't follow suit with a female protagonist.
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