Forum › Yuyushiki discussion

joined Jan 31, 2013

I get to enjoy more Yukari goodness not only in the anime but the manga as well >.< (dies from happiness) I cant wait for mom and Ai chan appearance

Seriously though I love Yuyushiki <3

last edited at Jun 14, 2013 8:58PM

joined Nov 11, 2010

Really glad to see this, Yuyushiki is just too good. Reading through the first chapter, I'm impressed the anime got almost a full episode out of it. As for characters, I can't get enough of Yuzuko, but mom and Ai-chan are seriously irresistible too.

joined Feb 28, 2013

All of them... I LOVE them all!!

A friend on Tumblr got me into the anime, I'm so in love with it.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Aaaannndddd I've now started the anime. Doing both at the same time sounds awesome.

Only stumbled upon this by accident, pretty cool to see it finally got picked up. Many thanks to the good people of /u/ who appear to be working on giving it a quality release.

joined Jan 30, 2013

It's just wonderful to see this manga here.
I really wanted to read it since I've stumbled upon the anime.

joined Mar 25, 2013

The finger touch was so cute!

joined Apr 11, 2013

...Am I the only one going for Yui x Yuzuko for this..........?

last edited at Jun 16, 2013 2:40PM

joined Apr 4, 2012

yuzuko would be super fun to hang out with. so random and hilarious.
yui x yuzuko for me too

joined Mar 1, 2013

Yuyushiki , Yui's harem

joined Apr 11, 2013

Yuyushiki , Yui's harem


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

To be honest, I'd probably do the same thing with the sauce.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

How does the same chapter of the same series make the first page twice!? By being Yuyushiki, of course.

But no seriously, picked up by Bakkin:

Pretty neat.

joined Nov 11, 2010

Great news! I understand the editor for the original release from /u/ was the same guy, who then brought the project to bakkin to be officially picked up. So this is basically a rerelease from the same people, reviewed for QC.

Glad to see the scanlation starting up again. I'll be looking forward to the chapters to come!

joined Apr 20, 2013

...Am I the only one going for Yui x Yuzuko for this..........?

You are (not) alone, I want this to happen XD but Yukari has advantage .... Aaah.
anyway this is funny and cute so complicated things as triangles won't happen in a dramatic scale... Sadly lol.

emer Uploader
joined Jul 14, 2013

Great news! I understand the editor for the original release from /u/ was the same guy, who then brought the project to bakkin to be officially picked up. (...)

For the sake of archiving the truth I didn't touch the first chapter.
Just edited the second one, then imported the volumes which I now scan myself.

Bakkin offered to translate and with me being inept in the skill of Japanese, I threw myself in their general direction.

Nice to see people enjoying the series!

(Release pace might however slow down due to workload of the translator from here on though.)

joined Nov 11, 2010

Great work on the series! Haha, no problems with the projected release schedule, these past few days of releases have already been quite a treat. We'll be rooting for you.

It's interesting to see the actual basis of the 'Data Processing Club' get explained in the manga...the 'research' segments here feel less defined/set apart from the rest of the show than the anime. Also we're seeing some stuff that only partially made it into the anime (like the "bigger hands" joke); a pretty interesting read so far.

joined Jul 14, 2013

A team has now been formed to do Yuyushiki (and others).

And we present the a duo-release as a way of introduction:

It's now an official joint project with Bakkin, with them doing QC and us the rest.

Take care everyone.

joined May 21, 2013

Nice to see Yuyushiki getting picked up. Hope it gets a little more popular.

Oh, and it seems I'm not the only one supporting Yui/Yuzu.

joined Jul 14, 2013

Chapter 10 out;

Expect chapter 11 soon.
if Gods be good.

joined Jul 14, 2013
And here's chapter 11.

joined Jul 18, 2012

Thank you for your hard work!

joined Jul 14, 2013

Would be real neat if I had one of those permissions to upload here, like reaaally neat.
Here, have chapter 12.

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Would be real neat if I had one of those permissions to upload here, like reaaally neat.

Come onto our IRC (found with horn icon in navbar).

joined Aug 19, 2012

awesome, thanks for translatioin

joined Jul 14, 2013

And there we go, first volume completed!

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