Forum › Innocent Devil discussion

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This is real silly and over-the-top, but it's kinda stupid-fun at some points. Plenty of subtext, too!

joined Apr 27, 2013

Weak start, but gets fun once it starts introducing more innocent devils

Kinda weird for me, since some of the psych stuff it deals with I'm quite familiar with, but then it adds on a bunch of chuuni bullshit that's completely unrelated to reality

joined Dec 4, 2016

It's exaggerated psychopath character, cool! but then adding chunnin aspect that contradict with psychopathy, meh. It's typical edgy shounen.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I dunno why, but I'm really getting a kick out of this.

I mean, I can look at it and see that it's trying to be some edgy shonen thing... but I can't help but to get a kick out of it.

I guess this is my popcorn manga for the year.

joined Apr 27, 2015

Reminds me a bit of murcielago. Especially considering the kukri lady is basically kuroko with a different hair color. She's fun

joined Sep 30, 2017

Quite cool so far. I just wanted them to make Akane more badass. Sure she can deal with normal serial killers, but when It comes to other innocent devils, she always seems the inferior one. She's constantly having her ass handled to herself.

Yeah, she had her moments, but I can't help but feel like She's always the weaker fighter. I Hope they change that. I hope she embraces that inner little girl and go super-murderer on everyone.

It's okay to make a MC vulnerable, but there is a difference making them way too weak.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I dunno why, but I'm really getting a kick out of this.

I mean, I can look at it and see that it's trying to be some edgy shonen thing... but I can't help but to get a kick out of it.

I guess this is my popcorn manga for the year.

I feel the same way. I have no idea why it's so fun to read when it so often falls into some ridiculously contrived bullshit, but I still enjoy it nonetheless. Almost every chapter I find myself looking for signs and making some kind of prediction about the direction it would go if it were an actual psychological thriller—a story where the drama and suspense is driven by the inner conflicts of the characters and their tenuous grasp on reality.

But I'm always wrong, because of course it's really just a "psychological" thriller, where insanity is some kind of superpower, and the characters' thoughts and feelings don't matter to the plot at all, except when confronting their inner conflicts lets them go super saiyan.

joined May 5, 2013

Its always fun seeing cute girls killing shit\(✧ω✧)/

joined Jul 21, 2013

I find it hard to root for Akane's redemption when her mother was probably going to kill her family anyway.

joined Apr 4, 2012

Edgy for the sake of being edgy. Meh. Flimsy pseudo science makes it even worse. Too pretentious.

joined Feb 25, 2013

It's no Murcielago, but it is getting interesting. The right amount of psycho to get me invested, with a pinch of subtext. I look forward to the next chapter. ^^

joined Mar 15, 2017

It's ending this month, at chapter 18.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

It's ending this month, at chapter 18.

Oh. You're right.
from (spoilers for chapter 17 in link)

As stated in the margin note, next chapter will be the last. It's too bad, but the series is being cut. There's no special reason, it's just that the volumes haven't sold well. Well, I guess it's just my own lack of ability. It's too bad. However, fortunately(?) I've been aware of the possibility that it might get cut since chapter 14, so I had four chapters to wrap up the story. Originally I'd wanted to put in a few more twists and turns, but no matter how long the story continued, this is essentially how it would've ended. And so I think all of you who've read this far will enjoy it to the end. I finally produced a draft for the last chapter just a few days ago. I wrote everything I wanted for the ending, and enjoyed doing it. I hope you read it.

joined Sep 21, 2015

It's ending this month, at chapter 18.

Whyyyyyyyyyyy I got so fricking hooked!!! How come every damn good series is cut short damn it all.

As stated in the margin note, next chapter will be the last. It's too bad, but the series is being cut. There's no special reason, it's just that the volumes haven't sold well. Well, I guess it's just my own lack of ability. It's too bad. However, fortunately(?) I've been aware of the possibility that it might get cut since chapter 14, so I had four chapters to wrap up the story. Originally I'd wanted to put in a few more twists and turns, but no matter how long the story continued, this is essentially how it would've ended. And so I think all of you who've read this far will enjoy it to the end. I finally produced a draft for the last chapter just a few days ago. I wrote everything I wanted for the ending, and enjoyed doing it. I hope you read it.

I want to hug the author and give him half of my money income per month so that he can keep drawing.
(My money income is currently 75 dollars a month since I'm studying and was fired at work, so I guess that wouldn't help him much).

last edited at Apr 15, 2018 12:47AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, I've been missing this. Nice to finally see it completed. ^_^

joined Feb 17, 2013

Wasn't bad. Good art too...

joined Sep 30, 2017

Meh...... Just "meh"...... A really pityful and pathetic "meh"...

joined Jul 23, 2020

pretty much exaggerated psychological thriller but quite fun to read. got hooked into this.
but was this axed tho? i feel like there could be more into this. there are a lot of plot holes too like how they never introduced who this person is, and that i wished there's more to Akane not being an Innocent Devil but a 'God'.
Miyori being a shotacon is quite uncomfortable and the story's overall kinda confusing, but hey i like it. :)

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

pretty much exaggerated psychological thriller but quite fun to read. got hooked into this.
but was this axed tho? i feel like there could be more into this. there are a lot of plot holes too like how they never introduced who this person is, and that i wished there's more to Akane not being an Innocent Devil but a 'God'.
Miyori being a shotacon is quite uncomfortable and the story's overall kinda confusing, but hey i like it. :)

Yeah, it was cancelled early. The author talked about it on his blog, it wan't doing well and they gave him notice that he had 4 issues left to wrap things up. That's probably why the ending feels rushed. But also I think this was always going to be kind of confusing since structurally, it's a bit of mess. Plus my frankly embarrassing translation probably didn't help.

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