Selen wasn't fired because of the suicide attempts. There'd have been a lot more terminations if that was something they cared about
Madlad's not satisfied with just one ShikiMei episode that they returned to work on a second one. Amazing.
Somehow they were able to find and fill the episode's core staff (Episode Director, Storyboard, Animation Director) with ShikiMei shippers. Amazing.
Gay horses
They should do something about all that steam in their bedroom that seems to mostly coalesce around the nipples... XD
Just go up a few inches and they'll get even warmer
Koishi doesn't think tho. It'd be funnier if her thought bubble was just blank.
Are they... wearing underwear under their swimsuits?
Nice to see these two again
ReiMari cute
Peak ReiMari, as usual
Science babies is for when both moms are the biological parents. So even if they were conceived through a magic spell, through playful dry humping or the exact means of reproduction is unknown, it counts.
last edited at Oct 26, 2024 10:02AM
Raora sees all of Advent as cute.
I want a part 2 image so show em in wedding dresses!
ngl, the heart made outta knives is an impressive touch
last edited at Oct 26, 2024 10:46AM
Show alil more cleavage and ask again, REALLY put an emphasis on em too!
last edited at Oct 26, 2024 11:17AM
Okay imma fuck you myself :P
@juanelric I like the unintentional pun here.
Also this is image is fucking hilarious! XDDD
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