jcrengarcia Jul 2, 2024 1:29AM

the provocation strategy worked but subaru wasn't expecting it

FluffyCow Jul 2, 2024 2:09AM

Can't blame Nina for doing what she was told lol

eromancer Jul 2, 2024 5:32AM

So what is this double pinky nonsense? Is that what the kids are doing these days?

FluffyCow Jul 2, 2024 5:54AM

^Nina starts off using her middle fingers in the series, but then decides on using her pinkies instead since she doesn't want to do the full blown middle finger gesture. An older guy basically says the same thing of is this what the kids are doing? when he's confused by it, it's whole funny thing.

I also get the feeling that age ratings say you get X amount of middle finger usage, and so they had to do an alternate gesture. As age ratings are wildly specific with what you can do and how much.

Regardless it works fine imo and is a fun part of her character

PineconeJuice Jul 2, 2024 10:52AM

^Is the series any fun? I'll finish the Jellyfish one in a few episodes and was curious if I should pick this one up. I heard mixed things.

Chantelune Jul 2, 2024 12:01PM

Challenge accepted.

FluffyCow Jul 2, 2024 12:46PM

^^GBC is my personal favorite anime out of the Spring season, I loved it a lot personally. I've been hearing mostly positive things and love for it, but mileage and opinions will always vary as not everyone will love something. In that regard while I genuinely love the series I can't guarantee that you'll like it. Also the fan translation on the website I used was sometimes a little awkward, especially in earlier episodes I found, but it was manageable.

DrJamesFox Jul 2, 2024 1:27PM

^I enjoyed Jellyfish in the early episodes, but now that they're done I think between the "two girls music anime with Yuri vibes" from this season, GBC will still be talked about after a year while Jellyfish will likely fade into obscurity. I've heard almost nothing but praise for GBC and would definitely recommend it to anyone enjoying Jellyfish

FluffyCow Jul 2, 2024 1:46PM

^Yeah I'm hoping GBC is fondly remembered in the future as well. As someone who enjoyed the music videos and the music on Spotify even before the anime came out I was pleasantly surprised to see people loving the anime, especially since it's not on official streaming in the West to my knowledge. The success the series has seen is well earned and deserved in my opinion, especially with how I saw a post from a staff member saying how they invested a lot into the series and could only hope it would pay off.

eromancer Jul 2, 2024 2:12PM

^ Hehe ... well I guess I'm the older guy in this scenario, among others. And yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a middle digit quota. The Japanese are known for their almost pointlessly pedantic censorship rules.

FluffyCow Jul 2, 2024 5:07PM

^I wouldn't even say something like this is Japanese specific honestly, a lot of age ratings in other places like America have so many weird nuances and specific rules as well. For example how many uses of "Fuck" one gets with a specific age rating and things like that, but I know there's crazier rules out there lol