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joined Aug 20, 2014

So she is dating the sister now =))

joined Feb 4, 2015

I need a stronger heart. As soon as it was mentioned there was a dead character at the start, instant sadness.

joined Oct 15, 2013

I need a stronger heart. As soon as it was mentioned there was a dead character at the start, instant sadness.

Well, at least you don't have a black hole where your heart is supposed to be, cuz stuff like this and angst in general rarely has any effect whatsoever on me :p

joined Feb 4, 2015

I need a stronger heart. As soon as it was mentioned there was a dead character at the start, instant sadness.

Well, at least you don't have a black hole where your heart is supposed to be, cuz stuff like this and angst in general rarely has any effect whatsoever on me :p

I suppose that's definitely a plus. Though donating my black hole to science would make for some interesting conversations.

Interestingly (for approximately no one), I used to view myself as rather unaffected by emotion. Then I watched Code Geass. I assumed it was just a blip. Then I got into yuri. It was not. Only in fiction though. In real life, I am shockingly able to get other things that should be tragic in a day, where as Lelouch's death affected me for more than a year.

joined Nov 23, 2014

So she is dating the sister now =))

She is? I thought they were friends (for now).

joined Sep 15, 2013

I feel bad for the twin

joined Feb 4, 2015

I feel bad for the twin

Which twin? I feel bad for the dead one if her girlfriend gets of with her sister, but bad for the living one either way, living with her dead girlfriends ex. Must be horribly awkward. I prefer the platonic ending though, because in fiction I like to believe everyone has one person, and whilst the living twin can go on to get someone else, the dead one can't.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I feel bad for Tachibana, but I'm glad she can move on. And it seems like she doesn't see or treat Hina as Kana's replacement, which is even better.

joined May 15, 2014

i dont get it im sad and happy at the same time?! send help!

joined Apr 6, 2013

I feel bad for the twin

Which twin? I feel bad for the dead one if her girlfriend gets of with her sister, but bad for the living one either way, living with her dead girlfriends ex. Must be horribly awkward. I prefer the platonic ending though, because in fiction I like to believe everyone has one person, and whilst the living twin can go on to get someone else, the dead one can't.

That is way to depressing, sure Hina gets to move on, but Nanase must suffer forever with her lost love?

I prefer to think the fire flies where Kana's way of approving of the relationship.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I feel bad for the twin

Which twin? I feel bad for the dead one if her girlfriend gets of with her sister, but bad for the living one either way, living with her dead girlfriends ex. Must be horribly awkward. I prefer the platonic ending though, because in fiction I like to believe everyone has one person, and whilst the living twin can go on to get someone else, the dead one can't.

That is way to depressing, sure Hina gets to move on, but Nanase must suffer forever with her lost love?

I prefer to think the fire flies where Kana's way of approving of the relationship.

Not forever. Just until she dies and can be with her in the yurilife (afteryuri?). Which seems both less and more depressing.

More depressing for me to think the dead twin eternally not paired with someone, because in fiction, all must hook up. It is law.

Except for guys. Because they can't yuri.

last edited at Apr 11, 2015 10:29PM

joined Apr 6, 2013

I feel bad for the twin

Which twin? I feel bad for the dead one if her girlfriend gets of with her sister, but bad for the living one either way, living with her dead girlfriends ex. Must be horribly awkward. I prefer the platonic ending though, because in fiction I like to believe everyone has one person, and whilst the living twin can go on to get someone else, the dead one can't.

That is way to depressing, sure Hina gets to move on, but Nanase must suffer forever with her lost love?

I prefer to think the fire flies where Kana's way of approving of the relationship.

Not forever. Just until she dies and can be with her in the yurilife (afteryuri?). Which seems both less and more depressing.

More depressing for me to think the dead twin eternally not paired with someone, because in fiction, all must hook up. It is law.

Except for guys. because they can't yuri.

Kana would have reincarnated by then. Nanase still loves Kana and always will, but you cant change death, and having her suffer until death will make no one Happy.

I am so glad we got out of the era of depressing Yuri, don't make me go back.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Kana would have reincarnated by then. Nanase still loves Kana and always will, but you can't change death, and having her suffer until death will make no one Happy.

I am so glad we got out of the era of depressing Yuri, don't make me go back.

Oh, it's just silly talk of red strings and all that. Just the ideal I have in my head of what romance should be (everyone gets someone else), and as reincarnation doesn't filter into that (for me. Excepting for yuri which include explicit, like Kanazuki no Miko) dead twin gets girlfriend.

I think the matter is me imposing a system onto what I read (which developed as a coping mechanism for sad yuri, funnily enough), an idealised system specified to me through which the characters are warped to my view of happiness, rather than proper consideration of how the story presents it's own ideals, and according to this view of happiness, a comparatively short life where in one can move on and not be with there love until there reuniting for an eternity in the yurilife is preferable finite life of happiness which would not last. Though a cruel part of me does scream "Make them go back there!", I didn't mean to impose my way of thinking onto you. If don't like to think of what I've said as denoting an idealised form of happiness, as you have your own views on it fair enough. I don't believe in universal absolutes, so it's not like everyone should have the same concept of happiness as I do.

Edit: I think I've muddled what I was trying to say. If my poor structure has confused you, feel free to ask me to elaborate on something.

last edited at Apr 11, 2015 4:13AM

joined Aug 17, 2013

This is one of those one-shots that would've been better if it were longer. In fact, it could make a great short series. There's enough plotlines in this one-shot alone to cover a lot of time. I'd especially like to hear more about Nanase covering her true personality. It's something that could make for an interesting topic, but it was glossed over so quickly for the sake of fewer pages.

joined Mar 30, 2012

The fireflies seemed random, guess overall the ending wasn't that good, well the last page didn't end bad either. mixed feelings.

joined Feb 5, 2013

Hmmm, that's good...seems that she doesn't treat the twin sis as a replacement...... so like, they fall for each other now, and be together instead... xD

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So she is dating the sister now =))

Thematically, that would be bad. There's a running thread about people having roles forced on them that don't really fit. Kana being seen as a substitute for her mother. Hina as a substitute for her sister. Nanase as a good girl. To have Nanase take Hina as her lover in place of Kana would be to do both of them a disservice in that light. Which is why the line "You two are not alike in the slightest" is so important here.

Personally I see them as being friends at the end with a very close understanding, not to mention a shared connection to the late Kana. But I'd rather not see them pursue a relationship.

joined Mar 9, 2014

So she is dating the sister now =))

Thematically, that would be bad. There's a running thread about people having roles forced on them that don't really fit. Kana being seen as a substitute for her mother. Hina as a substitute for her sister. Nanase as a good girl. To have Nanase take Hina as her lover in place of Kana would be to do both of them a disservice in that light. Which is why the line "You two are not alike in the slightest" is so important here.

Personally I see them as being friends at the end with a very close understanding, not to mention a shared connection to the late Kana. But I'd rather not see them pursue a relationship.

Exactly what I was thinking. I feel like those two ending up together would make the one shot lose all his interest and meaning. Them being friend with a special connection is so much better. Friendship can be great too... often better than love.

last edited at Apr 11, 2015 12:20PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

So she is dating the sister now =))

Thematically, that would be bad. There's a running thread about people having roles forced on them that don't really fit. Kana being seen as a substitute for her mother. Hina as a substitute for her sister. Nanase as a good girl. To have Nanase take Hina as her lover in place of Kana would be to do both of them a disservice in that light. Which is why the line "You two are not alike in the slightest" is so important here.

Personally I see them as being friends at the end with a very close understanding, not to mention a shared connection to the late Kana. But I'd rather not see them pursue a relationship.

Exactly what I was thinking. I feel like those two ending up together would make the one shot lose all his interest and meaning. Them being friend with a special connection is so much better. Friendship can be great too... often better than love.

Who says friends can't love? Philia dude, philia. Of the good, I suppose. But yeah, far better justification for why them not hooking up than I managed. Which seems a pointless comment. Something compelled me to do so, but I can't for the life of me remember. God damn it, I'm not deleting this now I've typed it either.

I'm going to bed.

joined Sep 15, 2013

I was feeling bad for the living twin because I thought that her whole life, she was seen as a substitute for someone else and not for who she was and here she was finally with a chance to get away from all that(granted it was a really really sad situation for her, losing her sister and all) but here she was with a chance to be seen for herself and now she gets stuck with her sisters ex-lover roommate who for the life of me I cant figure out why seemed sort of cuckoo and I had thought at the time when I read it first that the author had made them into a couple. But after reading it again and going through nezchans comment I realized I had overlooked the dialogue part and agreed with the going discussion that the author had made them out to be friends who share something deep amongst themselves than lovers. Still think that roommates slightly crazy though, just don't know why...

joined Jan 2, 2014

I'm seriously wondering what kind of fucked up person is in charge of the dormitory. Assigning the twin sister of her recently deceased roommate as Tachibana's new roommate is beyond incensitive.

joined May 11, 2012

I'm seriously wondering what kind of fucked up person is in charge of the dormitory. Assigning the twin sister of her recently deceased roommate as Tachibana's new roommate is beyond incensitive.

Because reasons! Don't question manga logic.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Personally I see them as being friends at the end with a very close understanding, not to mention a shared connection to the late Kana. But I'd rather not see them pursue a relationship.

Well after time, so long as its not as a replacement thing (which Nanase made explicit), I think it'd be fine

joined Jun 20, 2014

Fumio Aya ! :D Do more works , i'l be reading them with my heart open! X) , this one was heart-touching~

joined Aug 6, 2013

Haha, I was so confused. I didn't realize there were flashbacks at first, so I thought her mole was switching sides at will.

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