Forum › Dark Forest, White Road discussion

joined Jun 11, 2014

164 cm "I like tall girls so I wanted her to be tall" wtf XDD 164 cm is not tall. i wish it was though (I'm 165)

According to wiki the average height for Japanese women is 158 so 164 would be considered tall lol.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I know it's an epilogue, but I kept feeling like it was set during the main story. The flashback at the beginning probably confused me.
..and the bitchy girl was the younger sister? I thought she was the older one for some reason.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Yuri w/ blind girl is quite rare, ...

Characters with any form of disabled in manga are quite rare. There's such a stigma against disability in Asia in general. I'm really excited to see this!

Even books with quite disabled characters are rare. Lately we had that famous romance "The Fault In Our Stars", in the country where I live (central-eastern europe) many years ago there was a book about a girl who goes for a holiday to a seaside town and meets blind girl... The problem is I don't remember the title, and second problem is that it may not have been translated to english... :c

joined May 16, 2017

You can tell a story's good when the protagonist getting a cellphone is the most lovey-dovey thing

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

164 cm "I like tall girls so I wanted her to be tall" wtf XDD 164 cm is not tall. i wish it was though (I'm 165)

According to wiki the average height for Japanese women is 158 so 164 would be considered tall lol.

Great. If I ever go to Japan I can get a cute Japanese girlfriend that is shorter than me even though I'm 161 cm
Well actually looking at the other women in my family on my mom's side, I'm the tallest. Guess that happens if you're asian.

joined Mar 18, 2018

This was actually really cool! I didn't really expect much coming into this but i liked it.
Dont know if it was yuri or not but i really like their relationship and iteractions quitealot.

I honestly think this kinda deserves an anime adoptation.
Or a sequel manga atleast, I want to know if they meet again or if shou will get a new look on life?

joined Sep 13, 2018

so she was a gloomy kuroko from murcielago
Then become a gigachad from psycho pass

This one is OK in my book

joined Apr 23, 2019

Im super sad we didnt see more...

joined May 25, 2019

One of my favourite!!!! at least in top 10!!!!!!!

joined Feb 24, 2021

Does anybody know where I can find the creator of this manga, their Twitter doesn’t exist anymore

joined Jan 5, 2021

Don't know how to feel about this

joined Jan 12, 2021

Depressing at times but cute overall. Love it.

joined Feb 10, 2022

That's the epilogue I was not expecting tbh. I thought they were gonna meet again. I don't get why it was focused on the sister when she wasn't that relevant.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I remember having liked this more the first time I read it. Reading it now, it feels incomplete. I really like Chiharu but Shou's MDD isn't very conductive to an engaging story, especially not one told in just 5 chapters.

joined Aug 29, 2024

I think i might be alone forever but this GL is really good.

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