Forum › True Blue Baby discussion

joined Feb 9, 2023

Thanks to the uploader for posting the oneshot. And glad to see that the story resonated with some folks. :3

If anyone's interested in seeing the characters in color, Pyaa's design note pages from the anthology are here:

Haruka & Rena

Yuuki (Shindou) & Sakura

In addition to what's already been said, I just want to mention how much I like the added context from the flashback anecdotes. Both characters were dealing with (and end up helping each other with) different kinds of social pressures that are put on girls - Haruka is unhappy with how she's pushed to present femininely and Rena is not comfortable with casual touching despite the assumption that skinship is normal - in ways that inform how they act in the present and ultimately resolve things.

last edited at Jun 11, 2024 9:43PM

joined Sep 10, 2023

dude its romance its been like that since millenia

joined Nov 13, 2022

Yeah. My favorite two things about this story were how they dealt with the theme of consent and also how the prince felt like a realistic butch person in some ways -- the author actually explored what her gender expression meant to her as opposed to what it meant to others. I don't know... it just felt fairly grounded compared to other manga with similar tropes.

joined Apr 18, 2023

Theyre so cute together

joined Jan 3, 2022

I liked this one, especially the while “just ask” thing. Consent is awesome, consent is sexy

Consent is love
Consent is life

Anways, generic or no, I’m a sucker for the prince archetypes so ima gobble this up lol

joined Jun 19, 2013

100% agree with everyone here about how refreshing it is that the prince character actually wants to be butch. When I was young I settled for the scraps of "wants to be feminine, forced to be masculine and secretly hates it" but now I'm too old to settle for such weak representation.

last edited at Jun 16, 2024 1:33PM

joined Sep 13, 2018

now freaking give me a love story between the other "prince" and the nerdy looking background girl, i kind of love that kind of stories but hate the "she's cuter when she takes the glasses off" plot.

joined Dec 17, 2021


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