Very nice.
Nice. :D
Just enjoy it.
Claiming her spot.
Very nice!
Backstory only making it better.
Caught between the two. :D
Nice! :D
^ And sometimes also tomatoes.
^That's extreme o_o
maid mint in dynasty? never thought this day would come
Love to occasionally see some old pairing.
^ Oh my Gods, he's like that one dude who was invited by his friend to a lesbian bar.
I'm loving this '90s old school look been noticing that has been coming back a bit in anime
For those wondering this happened on Doki's event "wrestletuber2024" day 2, it was after they were back from the intermission. Min 2:42:47 if you want to check it.
^I thought you were talking about Laios and laughed
The moment they reunited the fan art was inevitable.
Icarus flew too close to the sun
That knowing smile
Top Yuu best Yuu
^What's this cat doing on Dynasty? Why go through the trouble of creating an account to troll like that?
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