Forum › The Story of a Very Happy Rabbit discussion

joined Dec 4, 2023

secret message on page 6.

joined Mar 12, 2023

i strained my eyes so that you don't have to
secret message says: "why do i- why does seiren have to go through this? i- we only wanted to be happy. or is this what true happiness is? if it is... this is too much for me. but if the world says that it's a mistake... if the world is destroyed..."

joined Aug 4, 2021

anyone able to provide some contexf? seems pretty sad

joined Jan 30, 2017


I'm sorry, what?

joined Oct 4, 2023

It might be a plausible theory I have that their defection from the moon might be the reason they both lose their ability to even process a simplest thing in mind and slowly turned into a mere rabbit psychologically, and seeing Reisen understanding what they're saying at the end is because of her ability is well trained as an ex moon rabbit soldier to counter the effect unlike the two of them long time ago.

joined Aug 12, 2021

God yeah this is really fucking depressing. Once both of them have lost the ability to speak and Seiran now has to take care of Ringo but can't really and they both just live in a dump until Reisen comes along to take care of them.

last edited at Mar 31, 2024 8:38AM

joined Aug 28, 2023

How did Ringo manage to get out of the pit?

joined Jul 10, 2016

That got a bit KKHTA at the end

i strained my eyes so that you don't have to
secret message says: "why do i- why does seiren have to go through this? i- we only wanted to be happy. or is this what true happiness is? if it is... this is too much for me. but if the world says that it's a mistake... if the world is destroyed..."

Hey, thanks!

last edited at Mar 31, 2024 4:42PM

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

This was exceptionally painful to read.

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