OK, it was weird!
Too bad that there wasn't Futari X Seika content.
What a wild ride
I want some num-nums for my tum-tums
Adorable. ^_^
But also, that fist. :D
“Sister’s can’t do this.”
Mochi Âu Lait has entered the chat.
Totobe really said no to wincest.
Every page either made me laugh or got me ridiculously emotional (the face on baby Gotoh when Bocchi came home broke my heartttttt), with the brief exception of sexy times. 10/10
<- She's more focused on becoming Ryo's daughter
Always be good to your sisters. And your "Sisters."
Love that the doujin perfectly captures bocchi s awkwardness while also giving her a bit of courage to get to those sweet boniji moments
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