Just go with the flow, they said. Just say yes, they said.
^^Because they're cute
Surprised Bocchi didn't die!
She became goo
Boccherini is having gay-panic-turned cyberpsychosis! O no!
It seems confidence and being the one to initiate doesn't make you the top hm.
and here we a ship based on.. checks notes the characters loving in the same general area
God, wish that were me...........(in Beidou's place)
They make an adorable couple
If anything, wouldn't it be Salter with Sakura?
Her weak spot is the back of her knees... Wait, that's not right...
Those shoes are exquisite, wow
Fight! Fight! Fight!
^Yes, "battles".
And this is why you need pay attention to what people say and not just nod along.
Cute. ^_^
Perfectly in character.
Lovely. ^_^
Adorable. ^_^
And she's about to explode again...
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