In Old Country, Wall slam you!
Remember to cuddle your shark
A kiss for a kiss seems fair to me
If she can do that to a wall just imagine she'll do to poor glasses girl in bed, heck imagine what she'll do to the bed and the floor!
^first? Thats... Odd
Pft... This is the best kabedon! XD
last edited at Jun 13, 2022 11:51PM
Is this based on anything in specific?
I don't know about you, but I LOVE HOMUSAYA!
Rosaria's nails would hurt so, so much.
Well this is just gorgeous.
Beta Amity going in for the kill
Aww, you spilled the tea! Though I suppose it would've spilled at some point.
last edited at Jun 14, 2022 1:13AM
It do be like that sometimes
Extrovert Suisei locked on to introvert Aqua.
Relevant clip of Suisei flirting(?) with Aqua. Not entirely sure why Suisei pursuing Aqua like this but I'm not complaining.
Ning getting back at her lol.
What is Yukari smacking her with?
This experiment looks to be successful
Once again I curse INTSYS’s name.
This art is really cute, tho. Nice.
^I think that's just Yukari's fist.
Unique art style Relatively obscure series Official artwork is a meme parody
Oh yeah, it's all coming together
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