Forum › Coward Yomi, Mahiru, and Mia discussion

joined May 11, 2012

I bet and hope for the joke x)

I wonder if Yui7 is just trolling with us xD

I hope it's not a joke, my body is not ready for this kind of trolling...

joined Jan 27, 2015

I feel Kuttsukiboshi gives the same effect this manga would as an anime. Plus, it has a happy ending, this does not...

last edited at Apr 1, 2015 4:18AM

joined May 11, 2012

It's a shame that if they really make it, they will most likely do it more for the sex scenes than for the story, like it was for Shoujo Sect, but there isn't really much story so it's not like they will cut anything, but it would be nice if at least they expanded the ending, although I doubt it would have a happier ending if they did that...

That is, if Yui7 is not just trolling us...

last edited at Apr 1, 2015 4:47AM

joined Jan 19, 2016

That was something I didn't except but good art as always.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I liked it, despite being a downer. I think Yomi made the right move at the end, since both of her relationships were unhealthy, and hopefully she can make a fresh start in Tokyo. Even if to some degree she's running away with both problems.

I can't honestly say the relationship with either was 'unhealthy' so much as needing something more. And more than just some degree she completely is running away from her problems. She didn't talk to either to explain her decisions, just banged and ditched.

One relationship was incest involving blackmail and the other was using someone for sex, knowing she didn't love them. They were both unhealthy, much as incest is an amusing fantasy in these parts. Yes, she's running away from her problems, she can't avoid her sister forever and she really should have been up-front with her girlfriend. However, with distance there is a lot more options to move forward for both of them at least.

I scond this. I'm just someone who like yuri for the cuteness and eroticness. If we're talking realisticly, incest is not a pretty picture. Realisticly; Yomi at least did something in the end to resolve the bad situation, not the best solution, but I wouldn't expect a person like that to be wise enough to figure that out right away, probabaly best to leave before things get worse. IMO the best thing to do would be, to be honost with her GF and notefy her own parents/school-counselor about the situation so both of the sisters could get some much needed therapy.

This story became a lot more interesting because of the community interpetations, so thanks to all who commented!

Has there ever been a realistic yuri incest manga around these parts that's not filled with sex like this thing (and that's actually good)? It raised interesting concepts, but it was kind of derailed by... all the sex. I have to admit that I have grown to like incest (as long as it's yuri, I give het incest a WIDE berth), but a more realistic one dealing with the actual consequences would be a nice read. Sayuri-san is cute, but it seems that everyone else is pretty much okay with Sayuri's incestuous love. There's just the occasional "B-but we're sisters" kinda thing, but I'm sure she'll change her tune by the end and nobody else will care that she's dating her freaking sister.

It's partly the reason why I like Yuzumori-san. All the yuri loli stuff I've read (again, I stay the hell away from het loli stuff) never really dealt with the consequences and the power imbalance and all that stuff. Hoshizawa Ginza District comes to mind... so yeah, it's funny and fairly unusual to see Mimika freaking out when she realizes she's in love with an elementary schooler, and it'd be a nice change of pace to see something similar for yuri incest... this ended up being much longer than I had originally intended.

joined Apr 28, 2016

...this ended up being much longer than I had originally intended.

The best kind of post.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 9:21PM

joined Apr 27, 2017

This really burns my soul. I recommend putting Pearl Jam's "Black" on when you read this.

joined Jun 23, 2017

[...] what the hell is the point?

Late to the party, but why would the story need a point? The author wanted to tell a story and that's what they did. There is a beginning and an end, no need to convey some kind of message or whatever point you feel is necessary for a story work.

joined Jul 11, 2019

Surprised this one didn't get hit with the Defloration Tag considering the sister got deflowered and the blood ended up on her back due to it being on the other sister's fingers

joined Sep 7, 2021

I like this authors dark stories but they feel a tad light on substance or are quite awkward to understand maybe from translation idk.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Upon reading again, I have more to add. Given the circumstances, contrary to others, I think this was the good and sensible end. She just screwed up really bad with her sister. The only logical option would be to get away. To have that kinda relationship with someone younger and more immature than you is unhealthy. She needed to get out of there and she did, she also stopped dragging her ex along, now her ex is free to find someone that will actually love her and her sister can learn to grow up and understand healthy relationships better. This was a mess but a good end from a bad situation.

joined Jan 27, 2025

Que miséria, essa protagonista é um completo lixo, abandonou a namorada e a irmã, maldita

joined Jan 27, 2025

sisters want each other. yomi gets gf to distract herself from her feelings. mia sees yomi doing the sex with mahiru, mia tempts yomi into sex at home. yomi, being the coward she is, moves to tokyo to run away from her problems (cheating on gf and giving in to her feelings for her sister).


joined Jan 27, 2025

I didn't understand the plot.

Yomi lusted after her sister, and to avoid giving in to temptation went out with Mia to satisfy her lust. The sister, Miharu, realized it, and they had sex. Yomi, knowing it wasn't something they could keep doing, made the hard decision to move away (I think the parents may be divorced, so going to live with the father instead of the often-absent mother). Mia revealed she knew what was happening all along, but loved Yomi so went along with it. The "coward" in the title could refer to not being able to go after her sister in the first place, not levelling with Mia, and/or running away from the situation at the end.

That's my read anyhow.

Não podiam continuar fazendo... Que desculpinha kkkk

joined Jan 27, 2025

Well this is somewhat of a slap of reality to fluffy-yuri-lovers-faces
Like it or not. Deal with it

Realidade? A última coisa que essa obra é é realista

joined Jan 27, 2025

Well this is somewhat of a slap of reality to fluffy-yuri-lovers-faces
Like it or not. Deal with it

I liked it, despite being a downer. I think Yomi made the right move at the end, since both of her relationships were unhealthy, and hopefully she can make a fresh start in Tokyo. Even if to some degree she's running away with both problems.

Não, ela foi egoísta e vadia, iludiu duas pessoas que a amavam e simplesmente fugiu, onde isso é atitude certa?

joined Jan 27, 2025

I dunno where the idea that Yomi was in love with Mia came from. Or that she was using her relationship with Mahiru to distract herself from it.

Here's my read of the plot:
- Mahiru is in love with Yomi, confesses. Yomi accepts but the feelings are obviously stronger on one side.
- Mia is in love with Yomi too. Mia continually tempts/tries to act on her feelings by doing things like making moves on Yomi while she's asleep.
- Yomi is turned on by the forbidden temptation of her sister's actions. When Mia lays herself out as bait in response to having seen Yomi with her girlfriend, Yomi finds herself returning Mia's seduction.
- Yomi feels that she herself is a lewd/easy woman. She sees the same thing in her sister, and connects that (in terms of blood/heredity) with their never present mother, who is always out with random men. The latter fact disgusts her, so she cannot accept her relationship with her sister (for both their sakes). She also cannot handle the guilt/feeling of having dirtied herself for having cheated on Mahiru, so she puts on a brave front and announces she'll move away.
- Mia's feelings towards Yomi probably did not arise from a simple sexual urge which threw away the rules of society, but rather their home situation where Mia also felt the lack of parental figures herself. Mia's advances upon Yomi echo Sakana no Miru Yume to me: an attempt to bind Yomi to her, to secure some small degree of stability.

The "coward" in the title could refer to all three characters. Yomi for running away from the responsibilities of her act upon her sister, and the potential rejection of Mahiru to her unsightly/weak true character. Mahiru for brushing away her deepening insecurities regarding Yomi's feelings, and allowing their relationship to persist as lukewarm water. And Mia for attempting to abscond herself into a private world of pleasure and security, making her sister a substitute to a wider world where she would have to stand weak and alone.

The story reads to me as complete. Just as all three characters were cowards, all three suffered, were punished, and correspondingly could be read as freed. Yomi who has firmly stepped out from the shadow of her lust. Mahiru who has found the courage to demand more for the price of her affection. And Mia who in her regret may have found a resolve to face the world upright. Overall I like the themes and relationships of this oneshot. I always find something of worth in Yui_7's work.

Não concordo com nada que você falou, pra mim ficou bem claro que yomi gosta da irmã e só estava com mahiru pra tentar esquecer esse sentimento

joined Jan 27, 2025

I dunno where the idea that Yomi was in love with Mia came from. Or that she was using her relationship with Mahiru to distract herself from it.

Here's my read of the plot:
- Mahiru is in love with Yomi, confesses. Yomi accepts but the feelings are obviously stronger on one side.
- Mia is in love with Yomi too. Mia continually tempts/tries to act on her feelings by doing things like making moves on Yomi while she's asleep.
- Yomi is turned on by the forbidden temptation of her sister's actions. When Mia lays herself out as bait in response to having seen Yomi with her girlfriend, Yomi finds herself returning Mia's seduction.
- Yomi feels that she herself is a lewd/easy woman. She sees the same thing in her sister, and connects that (in terms of blood/heredity) with their never present mother, who is always out with random men. The latter fact disgusts her, so she cannot accept her relationship with her sister (for both their sakes). She also cannot handle the guilt/feeling of having dirtied herself for having cheated on Mahiru, so she puts on a brave front and announces she'll move away.
- Mia's feelings towards Yomi probably did not arise from a simple sexual urge which threw away the rules of society, but rather their home situation where Mia also felt the lack of parental figures herself. Mia's advances upon Yomi echo Sakana no Miru Yume to me: an attempt to bind Yomi to her, to secure some small degree of stability.

The "coward" in the title could refer to all three characters. Yomi for running away from the responsibilities of her act upon her sister, and the potential rejection of Mahiru to her unsightly/weak true character. Mahiru for brushing away her deepening insecurities regarding Yomi's feelings, and allowing their relationship to persist as lukewarm water. And Mia for attempting to abscond herself into a private world of pleasure and security, making her sister a substitute to a wider world where she would have to stand weak and alone.

The story reads to me as complete. Just as all three characters were cowards, all three suffered, were punished, and correspondingly could be read as freed. Yomi who has firmly stepped out from the shadow of her lust. Mahiru who has found the courage to demand more for the price of her affection. And Mia who in her regret may have found a resolve to face the world upright. Overall I like the themes and relationships of this oneshot. I always find something of worth in Yui_7's work.

O final só foi jogado lá de qualquer jeito, talvez o próprio criador queria resolver as coisas de verdade mas pensou "ah, foda-se, preguiça, vou escrever um final meia boca aqui, com certeza terão idiotas me elogiando e criando teorias sem sentido"

joined Jan 27, 2025

I read it a bit differently -- Yomi is a coward for going along with everyone else's wishes instead of standing up for herself.

According to my reading, Mahiru asked her out and Yomi agreed even though her heart wasn't exactly in it, because it's easier. She complied with Mia's blackmail attempt because it's easier (which is not to say it's her own fault, but she herself seemed to think she could have refused had she tried). She moved away because, well, it "solves" all her problems. Breaking up, for example, is not as difficult when you have an excuse, and she won't see her sister again for a while at least.
The point, therefore, is how constantly giving in doesn't make anyone happy in the long run.

Also, I'd argue drama isn't more realistic than fluff per se. People like to think it is (probably in part because fluff is often extremely optimistic), but really, the world isn't just a pit of infinite darkness. Sometimes good things happen. Sometimes people are happy. You know, fluff.

Concordo com a parte que você fala sobre realismo

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