Forum › A Secret Love Triangle discussion

joined Mar 16, 2018

I know its really really stupid to complain about this in a manga where women have sex and another masturbates to them, but all the panty shots at the beginning were weirdly distracting? I wonder why I notice that so much.

Clearly made by a dude though lol

Oh dude I noticed that same thing and it was bugging me
There's always something just a little perverse about those panty shots

This is like something that's written by a perverted algorithm

last edited at May 1, 2021 1:42AM

joined May 12, 2020

I am fucking sick off Ara Ara Onee-san in manga. When I see them, I don't see a character. I see a plot device. Like at least spare me in yuri.

joined Apr 28, 2020

There should be an unscensored tag here in dynsaty....

joined Oct 31, 2016

I'm curious to know is there's gonna be a sequel to this...

joined Mar 23, 2014

do y'all do nothing but whine about porn dojins

joined Jan 9, 2017

Did they just stop before the Main show

joined Aug 29, 2019

Noice! It bothers me the fact that the skirts are so short! But then I remember that this is a dumb manga and I just compouse myself :)
Thanks for the translations!

joined Mar 26, 2020

ah. my holy eyes

joined Aug 16, 2020

Is this a typical hentai plot where everyone is horny lmao

joined Sep 25, 2020


joined Apr 15, 2017

New yuri artist? Let's gooo!

joined Dec 16, 2014

Where's the secret love triangle. I have been baited
joined Jan 7, 2018

Do lesbians really feel good from scissoring? This question always bothers me. I only see scissoring scenes in hentai manga or if they're written by male authors.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Do lesbians really feel good from scissoring? This question always bothers me. I only see scissoring scenes in hentai manga or if they're written by male authors.

It can be a thing you do for the eroticism of it and to make your engine burn hotter, but as far as actual stimulation goes it's pretty lacking, or so I hear. Grinding on someones leg seems like the better way to go.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I'm reading this one as slightly more complicated than others seem to be. The setup seems to be that Kana is trying, with decreasing levels of subtlety, to seduce her little sister ("Whoops, you overheard me masturbating!" "Here, sis, have an assortment of sex toys!"), while Hana is crushing on Touri, with about the same scale of blatancy. Meanwhile, Touri is seriously checking out Kana as soon as they meet — hence the triangle, which Kana then proceeds to collapse. But Hana seems pretty used to masturbating at her sister's noises, so I'm kind of onboard for the implied eventual threesome.

That said, I'm a little annoyed by the violation of the old storytelling principle of Chekhov's Dildo: if there's a sex toy in the first act, somebody should be getting off on it by the third act

joined Oct 18, 2017

I'm reading this one as slightly more complicated than others seem to be. The setup seems to be that Kana is trying, with decreasing levels of subtlety, to seduce her little sister ("Whoops, you overheard me masturbating!" "Here, sis, have an assortment of sex toys!"), while Hana is crushing on Touri, with about the same scale of blatancy. Meanwhile, Touri is seriously checking out Kana as soon as they meet — hence the triangle, which Kana then proceeds to collapse. But Hana seems pretty used to masturbating at her sister's noises, so I'm kind of onboard for the implied eventual threesome.

That said, I'm a little annoyed by the violation of the old storytelling principle of Chekhov's Dildo: if there's a sex toy in the first act, somebody should be getting off on it by the third act

well, i think the second part's likely supposed to fulfill that part.

joined Apr 15, 2022

There's no part 2? I want more

joined Jan 27, 2025

Cadê a parte 2?

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