lmao i love akko This is cannon now, i don't care
last edited at Dec 14, 2021 8:17PM
Cute teddy bear.
this is one of my favorite images, just bc i can see edelgard's scars. Her story is sad
last edited at Dec 14, 2021 8:22PM
Holy shit I haven't read this in forever
Amesame hot
That andou yui really love ship between Ayumu and shiroriko and he or she have little interest on yuu and Ayumu
Could be worse, could be waka waka waka waka waka
Now THAT is a pairing I wouldn’t ever expect but hey I’m not complaining. Sometimes you don’t need words to get the point across.
Actually I’m remembering there was something…
last edited at Dec 14, 2021 9:23PM
“Me and you baby ain’t nothing but mammals so lets do it like they do it on Discovery Channel.~”
she's definely looking to her panties
^ Eh. Tsundere. Paranoid, murderous psychopath. Same difference, really.
last edited at Dec 14, 2021 9:46PM
1st panel: how's this gonna end up? 2nd: aww cute 3rd: what a wholeso- 4th: AAAAA- yo she's buff as hell
last edited at Dec 14, 2021 9:53PM
Wait... this is a series!?
^something something woman who actually would just kill me
Precious! ~Bless Negom
last edited at Dec 15, 2021 12:24AM
When "roleplay" goes far xD
Amber is getting her "vengeance" on Eula's Baron bunnies >->
Mumei just seems to have the same generic attention-deficit enthusiasm towards horror that she does towards absolutely everything else.
Ey la vida es un riesgo carnal -Tan keke 2021
last edited at Dec 31, 2021 3:15AM
^^ That's going more into yandere territory already.
^^ Damn you for making me imagine that... :D
"Omelette du fromage"
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